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Make bread using a rice cooker? Of course it's possible, moreover I have tried it and it was successful!
 Membuat roti dengan reskuker (penanak nasi listrik)? Tentu bisa dong, apalagi aku sudah mencobanya dan berhasil!

Cara membuat Japan nomer 2 JA!
How to make Japan number 2 JA!
Membuat roti dengan reskuker (penanak nasi listrik)? Tentu bisa dong, apalagi aku sudah mencobanya dan berhasil! Ide ini berasal dari anime Yakitate Japan dan gambar-gambar di halaman ini diambil dari situsnya. Jadi semua gambar dan naskah kopirait pembuatnya.
Make bread using a rice cooker? Of course it's possible, moreover I have tried it and it was successful! This idea is from an anime called Yakitate Japan and the pictures in this page were taken from its site. So all pictures and recipes are copyright of the makers. |
Bahan ●Terigu 350gram ●Mentega 21gram ●Gula 21gram ●Susu 35cc ●Air 180cc ●Ragi bubuk 5gram ●Garam meja 6.5gram
Ingredients ●Bread flour 350gram ●Butter 21gram ●Sugar 21gram ●Milk 35cc ●Water 180cc ●Dry yeast 5gram ●Table salt 6.5gram |
(1) Yang paling penting saat membuat roti yaitu mengukur bahan2 dengan teliti, karena itu bikinlah dengan mengukurnya benar2 yah!
(1) The most important part in making bread is measuring the ingredients carefully, so please make it by measuring them well, ok?! |

Terigu / Wheat flour

Gula / Sugar |

Garam meja / Table salt

Air / Water |

Susu / Milk

Ragi bubuk yang dilarutkan air / Dry yeast that has been dissolved with water |

Ulet bahan2 / Knead ingredients
(2) Masukkan terigu, gula, garam, air, susu, ragi bubuk yang dilarutkan air ke reskuker JAA dan ulet2 lah JA!
(2) Add flour, sugar, salt, water, milk, dry yeast that has been dissolved in water to a rice cooker JAA and knead it JA! |

Tambahkan mentega / Add butter |
(3) Setelah tak terasa seperti tepung, tambahkan butter, lalu ulet2 dengan serius JA!
(3) When it doesn't feel like flour, add butter, then knead it up seriously JA! |

Bentuklah bulat / Make it round |
(4) Kalo bahannya udah ga lengket, bentuklah bulat JA yo!
(4) When the mix become not sticky anymore, make it round JA yo! |

Fermentasi 1 / 1st fermentation |
(5) Taruh bahan di tempat hangat 60 menit, fermentasi pertama JA! Setelah itu, akan mengembang seperti ini JA yo!
(5) Place it in a warm place for 60 minutes, it's the first fermentation JA! After that, it will expand like this JA yo! |

(6) Selanjutnya, keluarkan GAS yang berlebih JA! Jangan digilas dengan kepalan JA yo! Jatuhkan saja dari ketinggian 50 cm oke JA!
(6) Next, remove excessive GAS JA! Don't punch with your fist JA yo! Just dropping it from 50 cm height is OK JA! |

Fermentasi 2 / 2nd fermentation |
(7) Kalo uda keluarin gasnya, fermentasi ke 2 JA! Lagi2, tarolah bahan di tempat hangat selama 60 menit!
(7) If the gas has been removed, now is the second fermentation JA! Again, place it in a warm place for 60 minutes!

Kukus 1 / 1st firing |
(8) Lalu, nyalakan tombol reskuker, makin terpanggang JA! Kira2 60 menit reskuker (kukus), satu sisi terpanggang.
(8) Then, turn on the rice cooker button, and it is baked more. After about 60 minutes in rice cooker (firing), one side is baked. |

Kukus 2 / 2nd firing |
(9) Lalu putar balik, reskuker lagi 60 menit (kukus).
(9) Then turn it over, and cook in rice cooker again for 60 minutes (firing). |

Kukus 3 / 3rd firing |
(10) Lalu, setelah terpanggang, sekali lagi balik, reskuker lagi 60 menit!
Seluruhnya, 3 kali reskuker selesai! Hanya dengan begini aja, Japan nomer 2 yang hangat bisa dimakan JA yo!
(10) Then, after it's baked, turn it over once more, and cook it in rice cooker for 60 minutes! Overall, with 3 times cooking it's done! By just doing these methods, you can eat a freshly baked Japan number 2 JA yo! |
Kalau suka, campurkan telur atau teh hijau pun enak loh!!
If you like, even mixing in egg or green tea is delicious, you know!! |

Selesai / Finished |
Walau menghabiskan cukup banyak waktu, roti hangat ini enaaak sekaliii, ayo semuanya beranilah coba!!
Even though making this wastes time, this freshly baked bread is very delicious, all of you be brave and try this!! |
Written by: yuku
| How much is CC in mL?

  | Ass,,,Saya Ibu Siti Di Singapore - Saya Mengutarakan Kalau
Saya Menang Togel Lagi,Itu Atas Bantuan NYAI RONGGENG
Terimah Kasih Banyak Yaa NYAI YAng Telah Memberikan Angka
Jitu Nya Kepada Saya Yaitu 9283 Dan Alhamdulillah
Berhasil,Berkat Bantuan NYAI Saya Sudah Bisa Membahagiakan
Kedua Orang Tua Saya,Bahkan Semua Hutang-Hutang Saya Bersama
Hutan Kedua Orang Tua Saya Semuanya Pada Lunas Dan Bahkan
Saya Juga Sudah Bisa Membuka Usaha Kecil-Kecilan,Bagi Anda
Yg Ingin Seperti Saya Silahkan Hub Nomor NYAI RONGGENG Di :
085286344499 Karena Cuma Angka Ghoib NYAI RONGGENG Saja Yg
Memberikan Bukti YAng Lain Maa Cuma Menghabiskan Uang
Saja,Nomor Ritual NYAI RONGGENG Memang Selalu Tepat Dan

Ibu Siti [--], 6 Jul 2018, 18:19 reply
 | Ass,,,Saya Ibu Siti Di Singapore - Saya Mengutarakan Kalau
Saya Menang Togel Lagi,Itu Atas Bantuan NYAI RONGGENG
Terimah Kasih Banyak Yaa NYAI YAng Telah Memberikan Angka
Jitu Nya Kepada Saya Yaitu 9283 Dan Alhamdulillah
Berhasil,Berkat Bantuan NYAI Saya Sudah Bisa Membahagiakan
Kedua Orang Tua Saya,Bahkan Semua Hutang-Hutang Saya Bersama
Hutan Kedua Orang Tua Saya Semuanya Pada Lunas Dan Bahkan
Saya Juga Sudah Bisa Membuka Usaha Kecil-Kecilan,Bagi Anda
Yg Ingin Seperti Saya Silahkan Hub Nomor NYAI RONGGENG Di :
085286344499 <a
DISINI</a> Karena Cuma Angka Ghoib NYAI RONGGENG Saja Yg
Memberikan Bukti YAng Lain Maa Cuma Menghabiskan Uang
Saja,Nomor Ritual NYAI RONGGENG Memang Selalu Tepat Dan

Ibu Siti [--], 6 Jul 2018, 18:18 reply
| 1 cc = 1 ml wah tampaknya enakkk!! ^^ tapi buatnya bisa 3
jam lebih nyo??

| keliatannya enak nih..

adit [id], 3 May 2006, 11:48 reply
| this article is very good

| i love this article!!

| I LOVE Yakitate Japan and I love this Japan number 2! Try it
y'all! - jeni from Philippines

| Good!!

| boleh di coba neh.keliatannya oke he...he...

kenalan [id], 2 Jul 2006, 13:02 reply
| Wow,,i cant believe there's a full info about Japan #2!
Hehe.. I had seen the episode for the 1st time last month (i
think), then they had a replay on a local cable channel..i
couldnt follow or remember the ingredients...so i was hoping
there will be a site about that Japan#2.. my mom said why
dont we try it at home hehe...tnx for the info..;)

| whaaa... i tried this 2 times but still i can't to it
perfectly... its always sticky.. even i knead it harder ang
longer.. maybe i just got wrong in doing it.. :( can someone
help me?

kazuma [ph], 15 Jul 2006, 12:09 reply
| To whom it may concern would you please give to me the
recipe of all the Japan's that Kazuma did? thanks..

SHerry [ph], 21 Jul 2006, 3:28 reply
| look delicious... ^^ wanna try sometime, hehe..

| Azuma:"It's so easy, even the producers of Yakitate Japan
program can do it!" 6-year-old-kid:"then even I can do
it!" tsukino: "but are the producers of the Yakitate
Japan program are that bad???" manager: "yes." LOL!
this program really cracks me up!!! *kapamilya tayo*

| Yakitate japan is the best cartoon series ever here in the
Philippines... but is the story real? Regards to my japanese
friends Moriko and sir Morii!!! -Monica from philippines

| Menarik sekali .....

| do u have japan 44 recipe ? ^^;

fumo [id], 7 Nov 2006, 10:08 reply
| wedew pasti gwa cobain......

chan*** [id], 21 Nov 2006, 12:51 reply
| i love cooking. please send me all the recepies about
making cake/bread

ERNA [id], 24 Nov 2006, 15:00 reply
| you made my officemate very happy! she's been looking for
this recipe coz she wasn't able to write it down while
watching that episode. thanks for this one!

| well, i thank god that i found the recipe for japan #2...
thanks anyway.... now all i have to do is to try this one

| how much egg for a recipee?

Chloe Lumina [nl], 4 Jan 2007, 10:26 reply
| wasting too much time! i'd rather go to a bake shop n pay
few rupiahs

lala [id], 23 Jan 2007, 7:16 reply
| wah, ko bisa ya, patut dicoba........

| Wah!! macam enak!! ada resipi japan lain?
btw, to those who want to know how much cc=ml? just google

Omega(Farhan) [bn], 19 Feb 2007, 12:59 reply
| im so lovely

| Anyone tried Japan #3 (Microwave Pan)? That turned out good
for me as well. ^_^

| seems Oishii nee..!
wanna try at home but that fermentation tools..in jakarta i
think not easy to be found...

| yummi.....mmmmm good idea

| is this bread being sold on, say, supermarket, in japan?

getsuga [id], 19 Aug 2007, 17:22 reply
| WOW it looks pretty good i guess. But is it possible to use
a oven or something because my rice cooker broke. Is it soft
i once made bread and inside and out was really hard. Don't
know why

| i am just curious if this recipe will be cooked in an
ordinary rice cooker? an ordinary rice cooker does not have
a timer... so, what kind of rice cooker shall i use?

| yummy....
jadi laper nih~~~

| If i use instant yeast, do I need only 2.5 grams of it
for the method of using instant yeast, do I just add it into
flour without having to dissolve in water first?

Uzu [sg], 29 Sep 2007, 5:36 reply
| I am'nt believe before trial..i'll try. I would be please if
more recipe u can showing.

| i tried making it and 3 times unsuccesfull :( i dont kno
what i'm doing wrong i measured the ingredients and i added
it and followed the instructions directly first two times
didnt rise third time it did but in the seconf fermentation
didnt rise as much but i still cooked it and it wasnt THAT
soft inside and it was hard outside and i knead it properly
...so...if anyone could give me some advice that'll be much
appreciated :)

mandy [au], 25 Oct 2007, 15:42 reply
| Kelamaan gile JA! Bisa ga di bakar pake oven aja JA?

| it is so easy to do ....

 | Can I put this on my blog? I promise I will place a link to
kejut. =)

| wow! thanx 4 da info. I was looking all over the site but
thank God finally, i found it here. I just saw the yakitate
japan episode, but too fast to write on. So thanx again. I
will try the recipe... YummY~~!!!

| does it taste good?

| Who on earth can make Japan #57 ?!!!

Yakiatejapanbiggestfan [id], 12 Jan 2008, 10:22 reply
| What's JA?!

| Quite good, but adding eggs and more milk will make the
bread even softer than before. If anyone knows how much egg
do we need to add on JaPan #2 please tell me.

| maksudmua ragi dilarutkan dlm air itu apa? Jd ragi 5g
dicampur air 2.5g?

aaa [id], 18 Jan 2008, 8:47 reply
| I tried to make this last night, and it was a total
disaster! Whatever I did, the dough was super sticky! I
added some more flour, but it didn't help... I guess it's
because I'm a newbie.. Please help me! What did I do wrong?
And could someone tell me how much water we should use to
dissolve the yeast?

| What The Heck is JA??? I saw this strange word all over this

The Great Unknown [id], 25 Jan 2008, 11:11 reply
| Wah, awalnya sih bagus, tp waktu proses pemanggangannya jd
aneh. Iy sih, dr atas kelihatannya wangi ama bagus, waktu di
angkat, WADUH. BAWAHNYA JD ITEM!!! Padahal itu cuma wktu
proses 1, cm 45 menit. Jdier, bawahnya item kaya batu.
... Maksudnya ini ap???
Aku bikinnya jd gosong.
Ad yang bisa jawab kenapa??...

aaa [id], 25 Jan 2008, 14:51 reply

| Iya, bawahnya jadi gosong n lengket2 gitu... Kayanya si
karena rice cooker kita bukan kaya teflon gitu bahannya,
jadi lengket... Mungkin kalo rice cooker jepang semuanya
udah teflon kali ya... Anyway, gw dah nyerah bikinnya,
soalnya udah 2x tetap gagal, ga mau ngembang...

kyle_atreides [id], 27 Jan 2008, 13:07 reply
| mana resep pan d'epice gw???

| i know how to make two japan number 2 and 60. number 60
my friend teach me

| Yo anyone got recipe for any number of japan/gopan/lupan pls
e-mail me at ashx2005@yahoo.com
Hey ada yang punya resep japan/gopan/lupan gak klo ada pls
e-mail aku ke ashx2005@yahoo.com

Azuma Kazuma(HEHE) [id], 14 Feb 2008, 9:08 reply
| My rice cooker has a 'cake','cook',and 'poridge' button..!!
which should i use? please reply! Im confused X_X

Baker Jr. [id], 17 Feb 2008, 1:11 reply
| hmm... it looks delicious (and not difficult to make) i'll
try this :) Thanks.

| itu dimasaknya pake "cooking" atau "warming" ?

| wow , roti ini kayaknya enak kalau dibelah dua terus diisi
daging , dan macam macam biar jadi kayak burger..
burger raksasa..!

| itu Roti apa Rote

siJi from sei mesa cabel [id], 21 Apr 2008, 2:04 reply
| im just wondering but can u change the grams into cup, tbsp
or tsp?
and for the yeast. how much water do u put to make is

| the writing is actually in malay but it might be in japanese
but i dont no so watever

| i realy like your recipe but it looks hard

| i would like to cook it buti got know time make it because i
realy need to play basketball (CATCH YA BRA)

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shodiqfm [id], 9 Jun 2008, 4:14 reply
| emmm kayakkk nya enakkkkkk enak banget pengen coba dech ^.^

| wkwkwkwk kukira cuma saya aja yg pengen bikin roti kukus
ternyata ada resepnya asik2

| saya perna coba bikin ini several times.but i always screw
it up..jadi sih jadi tapi dalemnya ga kayak roti..ternyata
perlu fermentasi kedua..i just know it when i read it..lalu
one more thing,emangnya masaknya perlu 30mnt? coz my rice
cooker cook only about 20 minute 1st time,second time 15
minute,3rd time just about 10 minute..hehehhe please help
me..i'm looking forward to your answer.thank you very
kalo bisa reply to my email..^^

| Ini pake rice cooker kapasitas brp ya biar muat?? di rmh
kpstsnya cm 1,5 ltr beras

r-chan [id], 16 Sep 2008, 7:12 reply
| what episode is it ?

| Pertama kali saya nyoba, agak gagal karena adonannya kurang
madet, Kedua saya lagi buat nihh sambil2 nyari artikel
RiceCooker bread japan2, ehh ketemu nih website, yang kedua
ini lagi saya coba, adonan pun tebal, ohhiya saya mau kasih
tau semuanya, bagi yang adonannya masih lengket tambahin
tepungnya,klo kurang tambah lagi, sampe bisa di bentuk bulat
tanpa lengket, abis itu kasih Mentega Wisman / Blueband ,
klo saya Wisman

Hanzo [id], 16 Dec 2008, 5:37 reply
| iyapp baguss Kedua kali masih tetep, dan berbeda, intinya,
kita harus coba, dan mungkin Adonannya haruss benar2 Padett,
dan bulat (jangan sampe ada celah lobang di adonannya),
setelah fermentasi ke-1 harus di teken aja jangan di tinju,
untuk ngurangin gas dari fermentasinya

Hanzo [id], 16 Dec 2008, 10:39 reply
| hmm, ended in total disaster in my non-timer rice coocker.
Just after a few minutes i could smell a distinct smell of
burnt bread, and after 1 hour, about 1 cm in the bottom was
pitch black. Suppose it gets warmer than 120 degrees =(

rubicus [se], 19 Jan 2009, 23:08 reply
| kok bisaaaa ya masak roti di riice cooker

muhamad nur [id], 26 Feb 2009, 14:35 reply
| I think is"t dificullt make a bread in the rice
cooker????it"s easy;;;;...coy

ahmad rifai [id], 26 Feb 2009, 14:41 reply
| Salam kenal. Boleh di coba, tapi kalau lihat RC yang
dipakai, tentunya RC kelas mahal ya... kalau pake RC yang
ada di Indonesia, kira2 berhasil ngak ya?

| enak juga tuh keliatannapengen nYOBA BUAT,eh kalo untu roti
donan dasr pizza kyk gini jg y?2 kali fermentasi?

nissah [--], 3 Mar 2009, 13:18 reply
| The Recipe is also in the manga. Go to
http://www.onemanga.com/Yakitate_Japan/15/30/ for the recipe
and instructions

| ok boleh juga ide nya...thank ya...

| 1. nanya donk, aku mo nyobaa tapi takut gagal n
ricecookernya knapa" . misalnya kalo uda jadi ricecookernya
bisa kotor item dll ga?
2. trus aku ga ngerti bagian yang no6 . maksudnya
mengeluarkan gas kayak gimana? kan jadinya uda bulet gitu,
nah koq yang no6 ada yang masih kayak gitu? trus jadi bulet
lagi? bukannya ditunggu 60 menit trus langsung nyalain ?
tolong jawabannya yahh kalo bisa langsung email aku aja di

| LOL..funny..i'll try it...^^
if anyone have the recipes of any other japan please tell me

.... [id], 17 Jul 2009, 14:44 reply
| oh by the way...can we use something else instead of water
when makin japan 2 ?

cynzzz_piyo [id], 17 Jul 2009, 14:46 reply
| super creative !!
never seen before!!!

| I'm a very big fan of Yakitate!!Japan and I'm very happy to
find this article.
Please write more recipes of other Japan versions. Thx very

| http://www.akiba-station.com/blog/?p=6164
almost every recipe is here^^

misZ.nadya [--], 4 Mar 2010, 8:46 reply
| if you can... can you record your japan 2 when you kneading
i want to see how to knead it right^^

| aq coba besok ah..

movech-san [us], 4 Jan 2011, 10:24 reply
| for this time
bread lovers is ME...hhaha

triana agustina [--], 24 Jan 2011, 9:07 reply
| pagi mas, salam kenal for all by masta

masta [--], 10 Feb 2011, 1:26 reply
| ud ane coba dan hasil ny mantab

| Wah, weenak kayaknya, jd pengen buat nih. salam kenal

| ãŠã„ã—ã„ ãã†ã€€ã

puramoz [--], 7 Mar 2012, 6:36 reply
| I made Japan#3 and Japan #60 :3. Best anime ever!

| Dalam kesempatan kali ini ,, saya hanya ingin berbagi
kebahagian ,, dan mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada
Nyai Ronggeng ,atas segala kerendahan hati beliau iklhas
membantu kepentingan pribadi saya untuk mendapatkan pinjaman
dana gaib sebesar 1 milyar sungguh awalnya saya tidak
percaya dengan semua itu , tentang adanya pesugihan uang
gaib yang bisa datang begitu saja dengan jumlah begitu
banyak , tetapi dengan penuh keyakinan dan kepercayaan
dengan syarat yang beliau sampaikan kepada saya syarat untuk
mendapatkan uang gaib secara instan saya mengikuti syaran
beliua dan menyerahkan sepunuhnya kepada Nyai Ronggeng
sungguh sangat sangat luar biasa kemampuan beliau , dengan
hanya mengirimkan identitas lengkap saya , nama , alamat ,
pekerjaan , no . rekening pribadi beserta mahar 1 jt 750
ribu rupiah , saya bisa terbantu dengan cepat mendapatkan
pinjaman dana gaib 1 milyar Langsung cair tunai di bank Bni
di Kota Bandung setelah beliau mengirim uang tersebut
langsung di no rekening pribadi
Saya ,,dengan bantuan beliau sekarang saya bisa membuka
sebuah usaha 2 toko buku 2 Sekaligus dan bisa mebeli rumah
pribadi dan membayar hutang keluarga sebesar 300 juta dari
pinjaman dari rentenir ,
saya sangat mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas bantuan
Nyai Ronggeng melaui no telpone Pribadi beliau 0852 8634
4499 saya mengucapkan banyak - banyak terima kasih...
Atau Anda Klik Di

Nama Saya Ibu Wulandari [us], 20 Oct 2018, 12:17 reply