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Ketika aku melakukan perjalanan pulang dari kampus, aku mengamati seseorang di angkutan kota . Setelah dia masuk ke dalam angkutan kota, dia duduk, membuka tasnya, mengeluarkan sepasang earphone dan mengenakannya di kedua telinganya. Tak lama setelahnya, dia asik mendengarkan lagu.

When I went back from my campus, I saw someone in public transportation. After she entered the public transportation, she sat down, opened her bag, took out a pair of earphones, and used it in both of her ears. Several second later, she enjoyed music.

Kini, pemutar musik portabel memang banyak digemari. Sehari-hari di jalan, di angkutan umum, di stasiun, dll banyak ditemukan orang-orang menggunakan alat-alat ini, tapi tahukah Anda bahwa alat-alat ini juga belum tentu baik bagi kesehatan kita?

Now, portable music players become popular. Everyday, on the street, in public transportations, stations, etc this gadgets are found used by many people, but do you know that using this gadgets may not good for our healthy?

Signal to Noise ratio (S/N ratio)
Intensitas bunyi
iPod 100dB (Europe)
iRiver H10 90dB (MP3) ±3dB, 60dB (FM Radio)
Creative Zen Micro up to 98dB

Jika menggunakan headphone, bertambah 7-9dB.
Rata-rata pemutar CD portabel mempunyai intensitas bunyi sekitar 91-121dB.

If headphones are used, they add about 7-9dB.
Average portable CD player have S/N ratio about 91-121dB.

OSHA Permissible Noise Exposure

Duration per day (hour)
Durasi per hari (jam)
Sound Level (decibel/dB)
Tingkat suara (desibel/dB)
< 0.25

British Standard

Duration per day (hour)
Durasi per hari (jam)
Sound Level (decibel/dB)
Tingkat suara (desibel/dB)
and so on
dan seterusnya

Menurut Furrer:
50-60dB : pembicaraan rumit mulai terganggu
> 60dB : cukup bising, konsentrasi menurun, kemampuan berhitung menurun, daya reaksi menurun, akibatnya prestasi kerja menurun.
> 70dB : sangat bising

Based on Furrer:
50-60dB: complex conversation is annoyed
> 60dB : quite noisy, concentration down, calculation ability down, body reaction down, so working ability worse.
> 70dB : very noisy

Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID), Inggris, menyatakan 80 desibel merupakan level dimana pendengaran terancam - 20 kurang dari bor pnumatik. Seorang pembicara menyatakan: "RNID peduli untuk beberapa waktu bahwa banyak orang menyetel volume stereo pribadi mereka ke level yang dapat mengakibatkan kehilangan pendengaran dalam jangka waktu yang lama"

The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID), England, regards 80 decibels as the level at which hearing is threatened - 20 less than a pneumatic drill. A spokesman said: "RNID has been concerned for some time that many people are turning up the volume on their personal stereos to levels that could create hearing loss in the long term."

Graham Frost, Ketua British Society of Audiology menyebutkan, resiko kerusakan pendengaran meningkat seiring dengan level kebisingan dan durasi penggunaan pemutar musik portabel. Menurut dia, perlu waktu bulanan atau tahunan hingga efeknya terasa kepada individu.

Graham Frost, chairman of the British Society of Audiology, said the risk of damage increased with noise level and duration of use of personal music systems. He said it could take months or years for that become apparent to the individual.

Kesimpulan, sebaiknya jangan menyetel musik hingga volume suara maksimal dan terlalu lama (beri waktu istirahat untuk telinga).

So, don't listen to music to maximum sound volume and too long (give breaks for your ears).

Written by: adhi

Signal to Noise Ratio should not be considered the same as Signal Strength, although they are represented by same measurement unit (dB).
The higher the SNR, the better the sound quality. This is what is usually appear in the product specs.
However, the other one is depends on how big you set your speaker volume.
Now the question is: Is your computer safe? Of course not if you connect it to a 3000W speaker system and set it to the maximum volume.

pembaca [sg], 13 Oct 2005, 9:15 reply
I'm searching all thing about iPod. Thanks Though for the information.

Ally [id], 25 Dec 2005, 4:35 reply
hontou ni?

getsuga [id], 27 Aug 2007, 15:49 reply
wah saya terkesan membaca ini. sebagai info tambahan, permissible exposure limits (PEL) untuk durasi 8 jam adalah 85dB. dan kalau mau ttp aman dengerin mp3 player, volume diset sampe 60% max volume, dan didengerin selama maksimal 30 menit.

yellow pearl [sg], 3 May 2008, 15:06 reply
Saya biasanya memutar dengan tingkat suara 40%,selama 45 menit :-)

Sigit_Shandi [--], 23 Sep 2012, 16:02 reply