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Halo anak-anak NTU,

Hi NTU guys and gals,

Sudah saatnya exam lagi. Apakah yang kamu pikirkan? Rekaman lecture dan soal-soal tutorial yang masih menumpuk? Atau ketakutan karena banyak pelajaran yang ketinggalan? Atau merasa sudah bisa dan ga perlu belajar lagi?

Exam comes again, what is it in your mind? Is it a long-list of unfinished lecture recording and tutorial questions? Or is it an anxious mind because of the modules? Or do you feel very confident with the exams?

Apapun alasannya, waktu ujian sudah di depan mata. Ujian bukan hanya menguji kemampuan kita secara akademis, tetapi juga menguji ketekunan kita ketika melewati saat-saat susah, kesetiaan dan niat ketika belajar hal-hal yang tidak menyenangkan. Intinya selain ujian secara akademis, juga ujian karakter kita.

Whatever the reason is, exam is coming. Exam does not only test your academic capability, but also test our perseverance through difficult times and our willingness to study uninterested lessons. Exam tests not only our mind, but also our character.

Kejut.com kembali dibuka dengan Exam Kejut yang ke-16. Bagi yang belum tahu apa itu Exam Kejut, ini adalah website di mana kamu bisa mengisi jadwal exam kamu dan memilih untuk didoakan sebelum kamu masuk ke ruangan exam. Tentu saja selain didoakan orang lain, kamu bisa mendoakan orang lain juga. Dengan ini, kita berharap supaya teman-teman yang stress ketika hendak ujian bisa menghadapi ujian dengan lebih tenang dan tidak kuatir, tapi bergantung kepada Tuhan.

Kejut.com is now open with 16th Exam Kejut. For those who do not know what Exam Kejut is, this is a website where you can fill up your exam schedule and choose to pray together before entering the examination hall. Of course, apart from being prayed by others, you can also pray for the others having exams. We hope that our friends who are stressful before doing their exam can be calmed down and be more dependent on God.

Untuk mendaftar, caranya sangat gampang. Tinggal isi saja formulir di bawah, tulis dengan lengkap data diri kamu, juga kode pelajaran kamu sesuai dengan petunjuk yang tertera di bawah. Di Exam Kejut juga disediakan kotak jeritan yang bisa diisi dengan jeritan kamu dan bisa diubah-ubah selama exam. Nantinya, daftar exam dari semua pendaftar Exam Kejut bisa dilihat di website ini kapan saja dan bisa juga dikirim ke email kamu setiap hari examnya. Bagi yang lagi IA juga bisa ngisi loh.

To register, simply fill in the form below with your biodata and your subject’s code according to the instruction below. Exam Kejut also has a feature called shout box that you can fill with your shouting and also can be changed during the exam. Later on, the exam lists of Exam Kejut’s participants can be viewed in this website anytime and the lists will be emailed to your every exam day. For IA students, you also can fill this.

Satu lagi, ajaklah teman-teman kamu yang mau didoakan bersama sebelum exam untuk mengisi Exam Kejut ini, karena Exam Kejut tidak dikuasai oleh satu oknum tertentu, tetapi terbuka bagi siapa saja yang berminat. Maka, ajaklah temanmu sebanyak-banyaknya!

So, in Exam Kejut, you can list down your exam schedule so that your friends can see and pray for you. You can also fill ini a shout box, similar to updating status on Facebook. :-D Later on, the exams lists can be viewed from this website anytime and will be sent to your email every exam day. Btw, for IA students, you can also fill in ^.^

Satu lagi, ajaklah teman-teman kamu yang mau didoakan bersama sebelum exam untuk mengisi Exam Kejut ini, karena Exam Kejut tidak dikuasai oleh satu oknum tertentu, tetapi terbuka bagi siapa saja yang berminat. Maka, ajaklah temanmu sebanyak-banyaknya!

One last thing, ask your friends who want to pray together before the exams to fill in Exam Kejut also, because Exam Kejut is not possessed by certain group of people, but open to every NTU student who are interested to join. So, ask as many friends as you can!

Selamat mengisi dan mendoakan. Tuhan memberkati.

"Okay, that's so simple. Btw, if I want to invite my friend to fill in this form, is it okay?" Please, please. Exam Kejut is not only for a certain group of people, but open to every NTU student. We believe that if we pray, God will help us in His wisdom. God is not possessed by a group of people only. So, invite as many friends as you can to pray and to be prayed here.

"Aduh, biasanya aku sebelum masuk ke ruang exam rasanya serem banget. Suka gemetaran, sakit perut, muntah-muntah. Bisa tolong doain di tempat exam ga yah?" Kita juga ada doa bersama di luar tempat exam pada hari exam. Bagi yang mau ikutan boleh beritahu juga di formulir yang kamu isi.

"Ugh, I am usually very nervous before entering the exam hall. My whole hands are shaking, my head is aching, and even I can vomit! Could you please pray for me also in the exam hall?" Some of the Exam Kejut participants will come to your exam hall to pray for you and your friends outside the exam hall. If you are willing to join, please note also in the form.

Selamat mengisi dan mendoakan. Semoga Tuhan memberkati.

Happy filling and praying. May God bless you.

Kalau ada pertanyaan, salah isi, subjeknya ga ada, atau kuliah S2, S3, NIE, dsb, harap SMS atau telpon Indra Kurniawan 85224737

If there are any queries, mistakes in filling in, the subject code is not found, or studying Masters/PhD, please SMS or call Indra Kurniawan 85224737


Nama Lengkap
Full Name
Imel (perlu isi)
E-mail (compulsory)

Isi subjekmu di kotak-kotak di bawah ini. 1 subjek 1 kotak.
Please fill in your subject codes on the boxes below. One box for one subject.

  • Contoh benar: Correct examples:
    • CH3001
    • FE1007
    • IA
  • Contoh salah: Wrong examples:
    • semua!
    • HA101 - HA104
    • HW210 (jangan tulis yang gada exam) (don't write those subjects without exams)
    • CSC205/CPE205 (tulis salah satu aja) (please write one of them only)
    • ' or 1=1; drop table EXAM; --
No. Subjek dan Tempat
Subject and Location

Mau ikut doa bersama sebelum exam dimulai (ga harus)
I want to join the prayer gathering before exam starts (optional)

Kotak jeritan atau status atau ucapan atau bahan doa atau pesan-pesan. (Nanti BISA DIGANTI LHO! (Liat link yang dikirim lewat imel))
Shout box, you can say anything that you want to be prayed and/or your messages for other people (CAN BE MODIFIED LATER)
(Klik sini buat daftar. Mohon periksa dulu sebelumnya.)
(Click below to submit. Please check and recheck and rerecheck before submitting.)


Taro tikus di teks yang tak lengkap ("...") untuk lihat selengkapnya. Klik untuk filter.
Place your mouse on the shortened text ("...") to see them in full. Click to filter.

Jumlah terdaftar: Total participants: 71

Jumat, 6 May 2011, 9:00
Randy LasmanaBM305Services marketingHall L
Indra KurniawanCH3001Chemical and biomedical process control and ...Hall C
Gabriella KhoestadiCPE416Distributed systemsHall F
joannes marvinCV2002Computational methodsHall L
Astrid AmeliaEE4504Design of clean energy systemsHall F
Shilton Jonatan SalindehoMTH115Linear algebra IIHall A
Theo AriandiMTH115Linear algebra IIHall A
Jumat, 6 May 2011, 14:30
Marcella GiovanniCBC426Chemical kinetics and dynamicsHall D
Ezra AndhikaCSC207Software engineering IHall F
Kurniawan Prasetya PiethCV4000Engineer & societyHall A
fransisca kusnadyFE1008ComputingHall B
Indra Wiguna ChandraFE1008ComputingHall B
Maria YulindaFE1008ComputingHall B
David GiovanniMAS183Linear algebra and multivariable calculusHall D
Raymond ChristopherMAS423Partial differential equationsHall D
Hendrik Santoso SugiartoPAP321Statistical mechanics IHall C
Sabtu, 7 May 2011, 9:00
Christian WirajaBG2009BiomechanicsHall D
jeanny putri halimanBG2009BiomechanicsHall D
Daniel WongBS412Drug discovery and development biotechnologyHall D
Adhitya Mangala Putra MoeljadiCBC214Physical and biophysical chemistry 1Hall L
AGUS HOCKYCBC214Physical and biophysical chemistry 1Hall L
ElbertCBC214Physical and biophysical chemistry 1Hall L
Gianniki AndreanCH2004Heat and mass transfer In chemical and biolo...Hall F
Shani Aprilisa LinartaCH2004Heat and mass transfer In chemical and biolo...Hall F
Terry NasaparaCH2004Heat and mass transfer In chemical and biolo...Hall F
Winston MailoaCH2004Heat and mass transfer In chemical and biolo...Hall F
Gabriella KhoestadiCPE428Simulation and modellingHall C
Annesha ShonataHP348Managing organisational behaviorHall E
Pricilia Purwito PekHP348Managing organisational behaviorHall E
Yondy ThongMAS317Data analysis with computerHall C
Stefanus SetiadiMS4003Nanomaterials & biomaterialsHall C
Sabtu, 7 May 2011, 13:00
Indra KurniawanCH4243Advanced reaction engineeringHall L
Ezra AndhikaCSC206Database systemsHall E
Luki SugiartoEE2007Engineering mathematics IIHall C
Monica LesmanaHP203Social psychologyHall F
Anne KiganMAS212Calculus IvHall D
Yondy ThongMAS212Calculus IvHall D
FILIPUS FERDIAN TRIYONOPUTROMATH1BCalculus of several variablesHall D
Aston PranantoMP2011Engineering graphics and machine componentsHall A / H...
Ricky Jonathan TuloloMP2011Engineering graphics and machine componentsHall A
Julianto JohanesMS2008Electronics & magnetic properties of materialsHall D
Senin, 9 May 2011, 9:00
Indra KurniawanCH3041Chemical engineering unit operations IIHall A
Ezra AndhikaCSC304Ai and Intelligent systemsHall E
Luki SugiartoEE3003Integrated electronicsHall F
Albert LowisFE1007Mathematics 2Hall A
Ardi FirmansyahFE1007Mathematics 2Hall A
Hendra SetiawanFE1007Mathematics 2Hall A
Shilton Jonatan SalindehoHE102Macroeconomic principlesHall 8
Anne KiganMAS314Numerical analysis IHall F
stifenMP4F03Quality assurance and managementHall L
Senin, 9 May 2011, 13:00
jeanny putri halimanBG1008Organic chemistry and spectrophotometryHall A
AGUS HOCKYCBC312Organometallic chemistryHall L
Marcella GiovanniCBC312Organometallic chemistryHall L
joannes marvinCV2003Civil engineering materialsHall A
Albert LowisHY801Perennial questions of philosophy: east and ...Hall L
Ardi FirmansyahHY801Perennial questions of philosophy: east and ...Hall L
Hendra SetiawanHY801Perennial questions of philosophy: east and ...Hall L
Ricky Jonathan TuloloMP2013Mechatronics system InterfacingHall C
Julianto JohanesMS2010Polymers & compositesHall E
Senin, 9 May 2011, 17:00
Agnes MarcellaHMJ1Japanese language level 1Hall F
novitasari tanuwijayaHMJ1Japanese language level 1Hall F
Pricilia Purwito PekHMJ1Japanese language level 1Hall F
Jason DonavanMB106Fundamentals of managementHall C
Yonas Stephen MB106Fundamentals of managementHall C
Yondy ThongMB106Fundamentals of managementHall C
Selasa, 10 May 2011, 9:00
Christian WirajaBG2010BioelectricityHall L
jeanny putri halimanBG2010BioelectricityHall L
Gianniki AndreanCH3002Chemical reaction engineeringHall F
Shani Aprilisa LinartaCH3002Chemical reaction engineeringHall F
Terry NasaparaCH3002Chemical reaction engineeringHall F
Winston MailoaCH3002Chemical reaction engineeringHall F
Gabriella KhoestadiCPE403Advanced data management techniquesHall A
Anne KiganHE204BPrinciples of econometricsHall C
Vivin ValentineHE410Singapore economy In a globalized worldHall D
David GiovanniMAS182Calculus for the sciences IIHall B
Stefanus SetiadiMS4526Photovoltaics devices and energy storageHall A
Shilton Jonatan SalindehoMTH113Calculus IIHall B
Theo AriandiMTH113Calculus IIHall B
Selasa, 10 May 2011, 13:00
Marcia CalistaBG4214Biomedical opticsHall D
Ng ChristineBG4214Biomedical opticsHall D
Stephen Nathaniel GunawanBG4214Biomedical opticsHall D
Theresia Indahayu KBG4214Biomedical opticsHall D
Randy LasmanaBM214Integrated marketing communicationsHall F
Albert LowisFE1001Physics IHall A
Ardi FirmansyahFE1001Physics IHall A
Hendra SetiawanFE1001Physics IHall A
Ramon MitraFE1001Physics IHall A / H...
Irving Paul GirsangMP4J03Marine engineering systems and controlHall E
Agnes MarcellaMS2030Human resource management & entrepreneurshipHall F
Jason DonavanMS2030Human resource management & entrepreneurshipHall F
Novandi Tri Putra WijayaMS2030Human resource management & entrepreneurshipHall F
novitasari tanuwijayaMS2030Human resource management & entrepreneurshipHall F
Victor ViryapiratamaMS2030Human resource management & entrepreneurshipHall F
Vincent SebastianMS2030Human resource management & entrepreneurshipHall F
Selasa, 10 May 2011, 17:00
Monica LesmanaBS803Science or fiction? - biology In popular mediaHall B
Adhitya Mangala Putra MoeljadiCBC933Green chemistryHall L
Stephen Nathaniel GunawanEE8085Electricity for modern societyHall D
Gianniki AndreanHMG1German language level 1Hall D
Ezra AndhikaHMK1Korean language level 1Hall F
Julianto JohanesHMK1Korean language level 1Hall F
Albert LowisMB102Business financeHall A
Ardi FirmansyahMB102Business financeHall A
Hendra SetiawanMB102Business financeHall A
Shilton Jonatan SalindehoMB102Business financeHall L
Maria YulindaMB363Management decision toolsHall C
Rabu, 11 May 2011, 9:00
Indra KurniawanCH1032Biochemical engineeringHall F
Indra Wiguna ChandraFE1002Physics IIHall F
Aston PranantoMP2007Mathematics 4Hall B
fransisca kusnadyMS1002Physics IIHall D
Maria YulindaMS1002Physics IIHall D
Rabu, 11 May 2011, 13:00
AGUS HOCKYCBC313Organic reaction mechanisms and synthesisHall F
Marcella GiovanniCBC313Organic reaction mechanisms and synthesisHall F
Novandi Tri Putra WijayaCPE104Logic designHall F
Victor ViryapiratamaCPE104Logic designHall F
Vincent SebastianCPE104Logic designHall F
Yonas Stephen CPE104Logic designHall F
Yondy ThongCPE104Logic designHall F
Christian WirajaCSC104Logic designHall F
Claudio ThadeusCSC104Logic designHall F
joannes marvinCV2102Structures IHall A
Astrid AmeliaEE4534Modern distribution systems with renewable r...Hall C
Annesha ShonataHP314BTopic In applied psychological science: pers...Hall B
Pricilia Purwito PekHP314BTopic In applied psychological science: pers...Hall B
Ramon MitraMP2006Mathematics 3Hall B
Ricky Jonathan TuloloMP2006Mathematics 3Hall B
Rabu, 11 May 2011, 17:00
Ayrine Natalie ChiuCBC428Advanced bioorganic chemistryHall A
Kurniawan Prasetya PiethCV4353Ground engineeringHall F
Shilton Jonatan SalindehoHE201Intermediate microeconomicsHall F
ISABELA CLARISSAHMF1French language level 1Hall D
Ng ChristineHMF1French language level 1Hall D
Raymond ChristopherHMF1French language level 1Hall D
Shani Aprilisa LinartaHMF2French language level 2Hall D
ElbertHMF3French language level 3Hall D
Astrid AmeliaHMS2Spanish language level 2Hall E
FILIPUS FERDIAN TRIYONOPUTROHP804Coping with culture transitionHall L
Novandi Tri Putra WijayaHP804Coping with culture transitionHall L
Yonas Stephen HP804Coping with culture transitionHall L
Jason DonavanHP806Psychology of crisis stress managementHall B
Terry NasaparaHP806Psychology of crisis stress managementHall B
Kamis, 12 May 2011, 9:00
Adhitya Mangala Putra MoeljadiCBC211Analytical and bioanalytical chemistryHall B
AGUS HOCKYCBC211Analytical and bioanalytical chemistryHall B
ElbertCBC211Analytical and bioanalytical chemistryHall B
Kurniawan Prasetya PiethCV4202Human resources management and entrepreneurs...Hall D
Luki SugiartoEE3002MicroprocessorsHall B
ISABELA CLARISSAHP310Positive psychologyHall C
Monica LesmanaHP310Positive psychologyHall C
Stefanus SetiadiMS4510Advanced biomaterialsHall A
Theo AriandiMTH116Discrete mathematicsHall E
Hendrik Santoso SugiartoPAP453Quantum theoryHall F
Kamis, 12 May 2011, 13:00
Daniel WongBS303Membrane structural biologyHall E
Yonas Stephen CPE105Data structures and object-oriented programm...Hall F
Claudio ThadeusCSC105Data structures and object-oriented programm...Hall F
Albert LowisFE1005Materials scienceHall A
Ardi FirmansyahFE1005Materials scienceHall A
Hendra SetiawanFE1005Materials scienceHall A
Ramon MitraFE1005Materials scienceHall A
Vivin ValentineHE215Macroeconomic Issues and policies In contemp...Hall L
Darwin KusumaMP4D06Clean technology and the environmentHall C
Julianto JohanesMS2005Mechanics of materialsHall D
Novandi Tri Putra WijayaMS2005Mechanics of materialsHall D
Vincent SebastianMS2005Mechanics of materialsHall D
David GiovanniPAP212ElectromagnetismHall C
Kamis, 12 May 2011, 17:00
Indra Wiguna ChandraEE8087Living with mathematicsHall E
ElbertGV17Magic of voice In the world of a singerHall D
Stephen Nathaniel GunawanGV17Magic of voice In the world of a singerHall D
David GiovanniHE191Principles of economicsHall F
Christian WirajaHP801Mind over stressHall L
fransisca kusnadyHP802Working In the 21st centuryHall D
Victor ViryapiratamaHP802Working In the 21st centuryHall D
Theo AriandiHS818Our bodies, our selvesHall A
Jumat, 13 May 2011, 9:00
Christian WirajaBG2042Biological thermodynamicsHall F
jeanny putri halimanBG2042Biological thermodynamicsHall F
Gianniki AndreanCH2040Chemical engineering unit operations IHall F
Shani Aprilisa LinartaCH2040Chemical engineering unit operations IHall F
Terry NasaparaCH2040Chemical engineering unit operations IHall F
Winston MailoaCH2040Chemical engineering unit operations IHall F
Ezra AndhikaCSC205Operating systemsHall A
Annesha ShonataHP324Human motivationHall L
ISABELA CLARISSAHP324Human motivationHall L
Aston PranantoMP3003Heat transferHall L
Agnes MarcellaMS2004Materials structure & mechanical behaviourHall A
Jason DonavanMS2004Materials structure & mechanical behaviourHall A
novitasari tanuwijayaMS2004Materials structure & mechanical behaviourHall A
Victor ViryapiratamaMS2004Materials structure & mechanical behaviourHall A
Hendrik Santoso SugiartoPAP441Quantum mechanics IIiHall E
Jumat, 13 May 2011, 14:30
Daniel WongBS314PharmacologyHall C
Marcella GiovanniCBC951Materials chemistryHall E
Claudio ThadeusCSC106Discrete mathematicsHall A
Yonas Stephen CSC106Discrete mathematicsHall A
joannes marvinCV2602Water resources engineeringHall C
Ricky Jonathan TuloloMP2002Kinematics and dynamics of machineryHall F
FILIPUS FERDIAN TRIYONOPUTROPHYS1BElectromagnetism and relativityHall B
Senin, 16 May 2011, 9:00
Marcia CalistaBG4901Engineers and societyHall F
Ng ChristineBG4901Engineers and societyHall F
Stephen Nathaniel GunawanBG4901Engineers and societyHall F
Theresia Indahayu KBG4901Engineers and societyHall F
Indra KurniawanCH4901Engineers and societyHall F
Luki SugiartoEE3001Engineering electromagneticsHall A
fransisca kusnadyFE1003ChemistryHall C
Indra Wiguna ChandraFE1003ChemistryHall C
Maria YulindaFE1003ChemistryHall C
Annesha ShonataHP207Abnormal psychologyHall D
ISABELA CLARISSAHP207Abnormal psychologyHall D
Monica LesmanaHP207Abnormal psychologyHall D
Pricilia Purwito PekHP207Abnormal psychologyHall D
David GiovanniPAP231Physical opticsHall B
Senin, 16 May 2011, 13:00
Daniel WongBS4202Human resource managementHall L
Adhitya Mangala Putra MoeljadiCBC216Chemistry and biological chemistry laborator...Hall C
AGUS HOCKYCBC216Chemistry and biological chemistry laborator...Hall C
ElbertCBC216Chemistry and biological chemistry laborator...Hall C
Anne KiganMAS315Probability & statistics IIHall E
Yondy ThongMAS315Probability & statistics IIHall E
stifenMP4F04Integrated supply chainsHall D
Senin, 16 May 2011, 17:00
Indra Wiguna ChandraHL814Sympathy for the devil:on reading, literatur...Hall B
Theo AriandiHMC1Chinese language level 1Hall B
joannes marvinMB101Accounting: a user perspectiveHall D
Rabu, 18 May 2011, 9:00
Christian WirajaBG2011Computational methods In biomedical engineer...Hall C
jeanny putri halimanBG2011Computational methods In biomedical engineer...Hall C
Albert LowisBS1004Life sciencesHall A
Ardi FirmansyahBS1004Life sciencesHall A
Hendra SetiawanBS1004Life sciencesHall A
Ramon MitraBS1004Life sciencesHall A
Kurniawan Prasetya PiethCV4752Offshore engineeringHall K
Luki SugiartoEE3014Digital signal processingHall F
Darwin KusumaMP4010Mechatronics systems design and analysisHall F
Irving Paul GirsangMP4010Mechatronics systems design and analysisHall F
Rabu, 18 May 2011, 13:00
Joseph KurniawanCH4902Human resource managementHall A
joannes marvinCV2302Geotechnical engineeringHall C
Astrid AmeliaEE4530Power system analysis and controlHall A
Aston PranantoMP2305Fluid mechanicsHall D / H...
Ricky Jonathan TuloloMP2305Fluid mechanicsHall D
Irving Paul GirsangMP4G06Artificial Intelligence and machinesHall E
Agnes MarcellaMS2006Thermodynamics & kinetics of materialsHall B
Jason DonavanMS2006Thermodynamics & kinetics of materialsHall B
Novandi Tri Putra WijayaMS2006Thermodynamics & kinetics of materialsHall B
novitasari tanuwijayaMS2006Thermodynamics & kinetics of materialsHall B
Victor ViryapiratamaMS2006Thermodynamics & kinetics of materialsHall B
Vincent SebastianMS2006Thermodynamics & kinetics of materialsHall B
Rabu, 18 May 2011, 17:00
Ayrine Natalie ChiuCBC430Metal mediated reactionsHall A
Claudio ThadeusEE8064Intellectual property for electronics engine...Hall A
Kamis, 19 May 2011, 9:00
Yonas Stephen CPE202Microprocessor programmingHall D
Claudio ThadeusCSC201Microprocessor programmingHall D
Annesha ShonataHP206Cognitive psychologyHall B
ISABELA CLARISSAHP206Cognitive psychologyHall B
Monica LesmanaHP206Cognitive psychologyHall B
Pricilia Purwito PekHP206Cognitive psychologyHall B
Julianto JohanesMS2002Introduction to manufacturing processesHall D
Stefanus SetiadiMS4500Microelectronics packagingHall C
Kamis, 19 May 2011, 13:00
Ho Li WenBG4237Fundamentals of gene therapyHall C
Marcia CalistaBG4237Fundamentals of gene therapyHall C
Ng ChristineBG4237Fundamentals of gene therapyHall C
Theresia Indahayu KBG4237Fundamentals of gene therapyHall C
Joseph KurniawanCH4222Industrial chemical processesHall D
Shani Aprilisa LinartaCH4222Industrial chemical processesHall D
Terry NasaparaCH4222Industrial chemical processesHall D
Winston MailoaCH4222Industrial chemical processesHall D
Luki SugiartoEE3011Modelling and controlHall D
Aston PranantoMB107Fundamentals of business lawHall A
Ramon MitraMB107Fundamentals of business lawHall A
Ricky Jonathan TuloloMB107Fundamentals of business lawHall A
Agnes MarcellaMS3007Analysis of materialsHall D
Jason DonavanMS3007Analysis of materialsHall D
Julianto JohanesMS3007Analysis of materialsHall D
novitasari tanuwijayaMS3007Analysis of materialsHall D
Victor ViryapiratamaMS3007Analysis of materialsHall D
Vincent SebastianMS3007Analysis of materialsHall D
Kamis, 19 May 2011, 17:00
Adhitya Mangala Putra MoeljadiMPS811Defence scienceHall B
AGUS HOCKYMPS811Defence scienceHall B
Anne KiganMPS811Defence scienceHall B
David GiovanniMPS811Defence scienceHall B
ElbertMPS811Defence scienceHall B
Shilton Jonatan SalindehoMPS811Defence scienceHall B
Theo AriandiMPS811Defence scienceHall B
Yondy ThongMPS811Defence scienceHall B
Jumat, 20 May 2011, 9:00
Ayrine Natalie ChiuCBC421Advanced analytical and bioanalytical techni...Hall B
Vivin ValentineHE404Behavioral economicsHall E
Agnes MarcellaMS2003Applied chemistryHall A
fransisca kusnadyMS2003Applied chemistryHall A
Maria YulindaMS2003Applied chemistryHall A
Novandi Tri Putra WijayaMS2003Applied chemistryHall A
novitasari tanuwijayaMS2003Applied chemistryHall A
Victor ViryapiratamaMS2003Applied chemistryHall A
Vincent SebastianMS2003Applied chemistryHall A
Jumat, 20 May 2011, 14:30
Daniel WongBS311Current topics In stem cell and developmenta...Hall A
Vivin ValentineHE402Advanced macroeconomicsHall A
Jason DonavanMS4030Engineers and societyHall D
Rabu, 22 Jun 2011, 23:59
Etlana Yusari DhaniardiIAIndustrial attachment
Handiyadi TantionoIAIndustrial attachment
Meriska SudarmadjiIAIndustrial attachment
Nicholas Reynaldo ParmonanganIAIndustrial attachment
Rendi Ein Janvier YohanesIAIndustrial attachment

Written by: exam_team