18 Dec 2006 Interesting Thoughts When I Was Small85835 Pikiran Waktu Kecil yang Menarik Sering kali, dalam kegiatan apapun, dalam pikiran apapun, muncul suatu pikiran yang berkata "oh iya, dulu waktu kecil aku pernah lakukan ini" dan setelah itu, "wah iya yah, dulu ko bisa kepikir begitu, menarik juga"... Dan sering kali setelah itu terpikir, tak lama terlupa lagi. Jadi sebelum lupa lagi, beberapa yang masih kuingat kutulis di bawah ah: Often, in any activities, in any thoughts, thoughts emerge saying like "oh I remember, in the past when I was a child I did this" and after that, "oh I remember, yes, in the past I could think it that way, it's so interesting"... And often after those things are remembered, before long they are again forgotten. So before I forget them again, some of them which I still remember will be written below: 子供のときにやったことの話です。 Waktu kecil aku sangat senang ketika mengetahui bahwa satu tambah satu sama dengan jendela, dan mencari kemungkinan bentuk lain yang bisa terjadi, tapi gagal menemukannya. When I was a child I was very happy when I knew that one plus one equals a window, then I tried to find other possibilities, but I failed to find one. Bagi yang masih belom tau bagaimana satu tambah satu jadi jendela (tadinya kukira semua orang tau, ternyata ada juga yang ga tau): For those who still don't know how one plus one could equal a window (I thought everybody knows this, but apparently there are some people who don't): Waktu kecil aku dikasih tau bahwa untuk menghitung perkalian 2 bilangan yang satuannya lima, tinggal kalikan puluhan pertama dengan (puluhan kedua tambah satu) lalu tulis 25 di sebelah kanannya. Contoh: When I was a child I am told that to calculate a multiplication of two numbers whose last digit is five, just multiply the first digit of the first number with (first digit of the second digit plus one) then write 25 on the right of it. Example: 65 × 65 = (6 × (6+1))_(5 × 5) = (6 × 7)_(5 × 5) = 42_25 = 4225 Setelah itu penasaran gimana cara hitung yang satuannya 6. Akhirnya ditemukan cara menghitungnya, tapi akhinya malah lebih susah dari cara normal. After that I was curious how to calculate ones that has 6 as the last digit. Finally I found the method, but it became harder than the normal method. Waktu kecil aku kesal setiap saat datang ke rumah saudara, disuruh berkata "halo" atau "hai" diikuti dengan nama (atau panggilan) tujuan, misalnya "halo tante", padahal aku tidak mau dan merasa tak berguna, toh dia uda tau aku datang. Tapi sekarang aku merasa ingin disapa kalau ada yang datang. When I was a child I often feel annoyed when I visit a relative I was always told to say "hello" or "hi" followed by the name (or title) of the relatives, for example "hello sister", even though I didn't want to and I thought it is not useful, because they knew that I was coming, didn't they? But now I think I want guests to greet me when they come. Waktu kecil aku bertanya pada papa, apa sih arti kata drug? Kata papa artinya hampir sama dengan medicine, tapi biasanya drug digunakan untuk obat terlarang. Sekitar 10 tahun kemudian, di pulau lain, di negara lain, di belahan bumi lain, aku mendengar seorang anak bertanya hal yang sama pada ayahnya. (Ya, beneran!) When I was a child I asked my father, what is the meaning of the word drug? My father said the meaning is similar to medicine, but drug is usually used for forbidden one. About 10 years later, on a different island, on a different country, on a different side of the earth, I heard a child asks the same thing to his father. (Yes, that's true!) 子供のころ、パパにdrugはどういう意味?と聞いた。パパは「medicineと同じような意味だよ。でもdrugはふつう禁じられたという感じで使われてる」と返事。 約10年後、違う島で、違う国で、違う地球の側で、お父さんに同じ質問をする子を聞いた。(そう、本当だ!) Waktu kecil aku pergi ke gereja dan di gereja suka melihat pemandangan cewe2 yang cukup cakep. Lalu lama2 berusaha memperhatikan beberapa yang kurasa perlu diperhatikan. Tapi maksudnya diperhatikan adalah hanya ditatap, karena tak berani berbuat apa2. When I was a child I went to a church and in the church I often looked at a scenery of girls that were quite pretty. Then after some time later I tried to see some that I think need to be paid attention to. But what I mean by paying attention is only staring, because I didn't dare to do anything. Waktu kecil aku menganggap diriku gendut (dan memang gendut) dan ingin mendapat keajaiban agar bisa berlari2 dengan lincah dan berayun2 kaya monyet. Tapi sampai sekarang tetap gendut dan tidak bisa berlari2 dengan lincah apalagi berayun2 :( dan akibatnya kalo lagi dapet mimpi seperti itu rasanya sangat berkesan... When I was a child I considered myself fat (and was really fat) and I wanted to get a magic that make me can run lively and swinging like monkeys. But until now I am still fat and I can't run lively, let alone swinging :( and the result is that when I get a dream similar to that I am very impressed... Waktu kecil kalau liburan ke suatu tempat (luar kota dsb), aku tak senang banyak berfoto. Karena buang waktu dan saat itu belum jamannya kamera digital jadi harus sangat hati2 dan terdiam kaku. Dan cape senyum. Ternyata sayang juga dulu tak mengambil foto cukup banyak. Padahal penasaran dulu ke mana aja. Sekarang aku jadi hobi memotret hal2 aneh dan tempat2 baru. When I was a child in a holiday to a certain place (outside town etc), I don't like to be photographed. Because it wastes time and that time there were not many digital cameras so need to be very careful and stay still freezing. And it's tiring to smile. Now I realize what a pity I didn't take enough photo in the past. Besides I am now curious where I went in the past. I now like to take photos of strange things and new places. 子供のころ、休みにあるところ(違う町とか)へ行ったときに、写真を撮ることがちょっと嫌い。なぜなら時間を無駄にするし、そのときデジカメははやらなかったから、気をつけなければならないし、体を動かさないでカチカチにしなくてはだめ。それに笑うのは疲れる。 今、過去写真を十分撮らなかったことを後悔してる。過去どこへも行ったかを知りたいのに。今変なものや新しい場所の写真を撮るのが好き。 Waktu kecil aku sering dimarahi dan sering ingin minggat (kabur dari rumah). Tapi tentu saja takut, gimana bisa makan dan tinggal kalau tak di rumah. Tapi waktu itu di bank ada tabungan Rp 1,2 juta, dan di kantin sekolah ada jual nasi kuning seharga Rp 400 sebungkus. Kalau dipikir2 sehari makan dua nasi kuning maka bisa bertahan hidup selama 1500 hari. Wah. Tapi itu jelas ga bener, dan memang ga terjadi. When I was a child I was often scolded and wanted to go away from my home. But of course I was afraid, how could I eat and stay if not in the home. But at that time on my bank I have Rp 1.2 million (about 600 USD), and in the school canteen there were a yellow rice set priced Rp 400 (about 0.2 USD). If I think carefully by eating two yellow rice each day I can stay alive for 1500 days. Wow. But it was indeed not true, and it didn't happen. Waktu kecil aku menulis tembok kamar dengan krayon oranye, "1017". (Gambar tidak mengikuti contoh di tembok, tapi mengikuti ingatan otakku saat penulisan artikel ini) Kenapa hayo... karena ku berharap tulisan itu akan berubah jadi 1018 pada menit berikutnya, lalu 1019 pada menit selanjutnya, dst. Tapi ternyata tetap 1017 dan sekarang sudah ditutupi cat tembok baru. When I was a child I write the room wall with a orange crayon, "1017" like the picture above which was drawn not imitating the one on the wall but according to my brain's memory when I write this article. Why I did so, can you think about it? Because I was hoping that the writing will change to 1018 at the next minute, then 1019 at the next minute after, and so on. But it turns out that it stays at 1017 and now it has been covered with a new wall paint. Waktu kecil... aku kecil, dan waktu besar... aku besar. Jadi ga ada nomer 10. Sekarang gantian kamu/anda/engkau tulis pengalamanmu, atau komentarmu di bawah.. Adakah hal-hal indah atau berkesan? When I was a child... I was a child, and when I am not a child... I am not a child. So there is no 10th point. Now is your turn to write your experiences, or your comment below.. Is there any beautiful or impressing event? 子供のころには… 私は子供。大人のころには… 私は大人。だから10番目なんかないのだ。今はあなたの経験やコメントを書く時間です。素敵な、懐かしいことはありますか?
Written by: yuku |