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RatHoles: Are you bored?
Have you ever tought that you are too skinnya or have you ever feel
that so many people pays attention to you because you are too skinny
or worser you even dumped by girls because you are too skinny?
Actually, there are many ways you can do to solve this problem, but
let me suggest you this way: be fatter. How? Eat properly!
 Pernahkah kamu merasa diri kamu terlalu kurus atau pernahkah kamu merasa bahwa semua orang memperhatikan kamu karena kamu terlalu kurus atau jangan-jangan banyak cewe yang menolak kamu karena kamu terlalu kurus?
Sebenarnya, salah satu cara untuk mengatasi masalah kurusnya badan
adalah dengan cara menggemukkannya. Salah satu cara untuk
menggemukkannya adalah dengan mengatur menu makanan harian agar
mencukupi kebutuhan tubuh.
Let me start this article with a very short story. Once upon a time in a rich but poor country, there is a university's student. His name is Villiam. He is tall, skinny, and cheerful. He has many friends and many of them are girls, but he hasn't had a girlfriends. Many girls want to have a nice hair, Villiam has it. Many girls want to have a slim body, Villiam also has it, but he is not a girl. His height is more than 170 cm and his weight less than 50 kg. You can even see his heart beat if you look at him closely. The problem that encounter him is his difficulties to find fit clothes. Someday, two of his best girl friend told him, "So, Villiam, you shouldn't be too skinny, so we can buy clothes together." That's inspiring Villiam to gain weight.
Ijinkan saya untuk memulainya dengan sebuah cerita singkat. Alkisah di suatu negara yang kaya tapi miskin, hiduplah seorang mahasiswa. Namanya adalah Villiam, Dia tinggi, kurus, dan ceria. Dia mempunyai banyak teman dan sebagian besar teman-temannya adalah gadis-gadis muda. Banyak perempuan punya rambut yang indah, Villiam juga. Banyak perempuan ingin mempunyai tubuh yang langsing singset, Villiam punya, tapi dia bukan perempuan. Tingginya lebih dari 170 cm dan beratnya kurang dari 50 kg. Anda bahkan bisa melihat jantungnya berdenyut ketika kamu memperhatikannya secara teliti. Masalah yang mengguncang hatinya adalah kesulitan untuk mencari pakaian yang pas. Suatu hari, dua dari teman perempuan terdekatnya berkata, "Makanya Villiam, jangan kurus-kurus amat, nanti kita cari baju bareng-bareng." Hal itulah yang membuat Villiam terinspirasi untuk menambah berat badan.
When we talk about gaining weight, many people may ask, Why... and why..., the answer is not a must, it's only a suggestion. That is because it may be better for you. You should think some reasons why you should gain weight or why you shoudn't be too skinny, for example
Ketika kita bercakap-cakap tentang menanbah berat badan, banyak orang mungkin bertanya, Mengapa... dan mengapa..., jawabannya bukanlah keharusan, tapi hanya sebuah saran. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena mungkin itu lebih baik untuk kamu. Kamu sebaiknya memikirkan alasan-alasan kenapa kamu sebaiknya menambah berat badan, seperti mungkin untuk kesehatan kamu sendiri, mungkin untuk memikat wanita (Aku adalah lelaki yang tak kenal lelah mencari wanita... Samsons - Naluri Lelaki), mungkin untuk meningkatkan performansi kamu, dll.
Breakfast |
morning |
a glass of milk (not non-fat) [additional] + a bowl of cereal
sandwich with bacon/worst/ham, butter/craft
a must: one boiled/fried egg |
Snack |
anytime |
chocolate / sandwitch |
Lunch |
12:00 |
a plateful of rice / fried potatoes / pasta
100-125 gr of meat / 150-175 gr of chick / 70-100 gr of pork
a glass of any kind of juice (BERRI JUICE is recommended) |
Tea Time |
16:00 |
sweety / milky fruit
a glass of sweet soft drinks (sweet tea or others) |
Dinner |
20:00 |
a plateful of rice / fried potatoes / pasta
100-125 gr of meat / 150-175 gr of chick / 70-100 gr of pork
a bowl of non vegetable salad with not non-fat mayo + worst and ham
a glass of any kind of juice (BERRI JUICE is recommended) / a glass of fatty milk |
- a good and fixed scheduled rest at night is very supporting the program.
- a glass of milk (not non-fat) before sleep is very suggested.
- an hour rest after lunch also good for the program
- exercise after breakfast that is suggested (prioritically): swimming, althetics, and running. Not recommended: games
- after gain 10 kg, contact a doctor!
- This menu may not suit you. Please watch over your body by yourself because you know yourself more than anyone. If any symptoms occured, pelase contact a doctor immediately. We take no responsibility about anything happened to you.
Sarapan |
pagi |
segelas susu (bukan non-fat) [tambahan] + semangkok sereal
roti isi dengan dengan bacon/worst/ham, butter/craft
keharusan: satu telur rebus/goreng |
Ringan |
pun |
coklat / roti isi |
Siang |
12:00 |
sepiring penuh nasi / kentang goreng / pasta
100-125 gr daging / 150-175 gr ayam / 70-100 gr daging babi
segelas jus apapun (BERRI JUICE direkomendasikan) |
nge-teh |
16:00 |
buah manis / ber-susu
segelas minuman ringan manis (teh manis atau lainnya) |
Malam |
20:00 |
sepiring penuh nasi / kentang goreng / pasta
100-125 gr daging / 150-175 gr ayam / 70-100 gr daging babi
semangkok salad bukan sayur dengan non-fat mayo + worst dan ham
segelas jus apapun (BERRI JUICE direcommendasikan) / segelas susu fat |
- jadwal tidur yang baik dan tetap sangat mendukung program.
- segelas susu (bukan non-fat) sebelum tidur sangat disarankan.
- sejam istirahat setelah makan siang juga baik untuk program.
- latihan setelah sarapan yang disarankan (diprioritaskan): berenang, atletik, and lari. Tidak disarankan: gem
- setelah mencapai 10 kg, hubungi dokter!
- Resep ini mungkin tidak cocok untuk Anda, harap perhatikan baik-baik batasan-batasan tubuh Anda, jika muncul gejala-gejala, segeralah hubungi dokter. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas semua hal buruk yang menimpa Anda. Sekian dan terima kasih.
Written by: adhi
| wow,i have been so long time to finding a way to make my
body become more better.i am a girl and my tall is 158-160
cm.my weight is only 38 kg.very thin.i also a flat-chested
girl and do not have the right person to talk about my

| I'm 155/39. I think the key of gaining weight is "eat a
lot". The problem is, I dont like to eat. Its such a
struggle, I only do it to surfive

| aku pengen mencoba he2.........^_^

| this is very good for lunch

| I don't think it really work.I have try that all stuff...but
I still maintain my weight.I'm 154 cm height & 40kg weight.
I've been eat a lot even I cannot control it.But still I get
the same result.

| Hi I have fond a very interesting and useful file search
engine http://newfileengine.com. This search engine gives
you opportunity to find all things you need, such as games,
movies or soft.

gadis-gadis [ru], 11 Sep 2008, 14:51 reply
| nothing special

| i will try that...

RIO [id], 17 Dec 2008, 10:41 reply
| Im 167 cm / 48 Kg. Im eating a lot of foods, but no result.
oh suckz...

Awan [id], 15 Apr 2009, 16:51 reply
| aq berat 52 tp aq nk kurus ag bb xcomel aq

| benci betul aq r jalu berat bdn bertambah
he3................bb2 aq nk kurus smpai berat 49 @48

| makan daging babi malah bukan gemuk malah penyakitan

wul [id], 8 Oct 2009, 7:28 reply
| hai......pa habaq u kat indon.? mesti ye makan
babi..masalahnya babi angak halal ko...babi ye cute
ko..ngapain mau pisahin mum & baby babi? kn angak
elok..nanti pupus terpaksa ternak balik....angak pa2 mybe
banyak zoo....

bencinta [--], 8 Oct 2009, 13:44 reply
| halow..wass up!!!!!..h0h0,,kr0h3!!!ind0n sne best???.n0
k0men..id0p babi,..

mereng [--], 8 Oct 2009, 13:57 reply
| jgn mkn babi!! kasihanilah anak2 babi!!..ingatlah org yg
tersayang!!!.jgn lupa pakai topi

anak babi [--], 8 Oct 2009, 14:17 reply
| i am not so sure about the tips...coz i have been eating a
lots along my life but i am still underweight...i am
170cm,48kg....i will try the tips for a month...if nthgs
happen i just 'redha'...it's my fate

| kite org islam di larang memakan daging babi dong..nnti

| BABI enaaaak... makan babi terus .. pasti gemuk..
enaaaaaaaaaaaaak.. babi babi.. enaaak

jainudin [id], 13 Apr 2010, 16:36 reply
| haha....tension btul...dgn brt bdn skunk....

| the article was good, but the comments made me puke.

| Nice suggestions but not agree with drinking milk. Milk
triggers my pimples..

anis [my], 31 Oct 2012, 12:17 reply