3 Aug 2005 Trash Article102610 Artikel Sampah Hari itu, aku sengaja mencari temanku di tempat kosnya. Sebenarnya aku hanya bermaksud mengambil CD-ku yang tertinggal di sana kemarin, tapi setibanya di sana, dia malah mengajakku sarapan. Maka pergilah kami berdua sarapan di "Rumah Mie Si Boss'. That day, I purposely looked for my friend at his rented room. Actually, I just wanted to take my CD which I had left there yesterday, but after I arrived there, he asked me to joint him breakfast. So then, both of us went for breakfast in 'Rumah Mie Sie Boss'. Seusai memesan menu makanan, kami berbincang-bincang, sambil menghabiskan waktu. Temanku bercerita banyak tentang masa lalunya, dimulai dari betapa susahnya masuk jurusan IPA di sekolahnya. Lalu, dia mendapat nilai terendah sesekolah di bidang Biologi, aku menanggapinya dengan memuji nilai Kimianya, semula kupikir nilai kimianya bagus, tapi ternyata salah...^^, nilai rata-rata kimia sekolahnya yang tergolong sangat baik, bukan nilainya. Tapi lalu dia mulai membanggakan nilai-nilainya, katanya dari duabelas laki-laki di jurusannya, dialah yang nilainya paling bagus. Walaupun pada akhirnya dia mengakui juga bahwa ada gadis yang nilainya lebih baik darinya, katanya, 'harus gua akui, cewe yang satu itu memang susah.' Nah, INI dia yang kutunggu-tunggu, tokoh wanita. After ordered some foods, we talked each other while waiting for our orders. My friend talked a lot about his previous life, it began with how difficult to get chance to take Science Discipline in his high school. Then, he got worst mark on Biology in his school, I tried to react with praising his chemistry mark. At first I thought that his Chemistry mark was good, but apparetly that was false...^^, his school's average Chemistry mark was good, not him. But then he started to be proud of his marks, he said that his grades was better than all of other twelve men in the discipline. Even at last he admitted that there was a girl who had a better grades than him, he said, "I have to admit that the girl was difficult to defeat." That's what I was waiting for, a girl. Cerita berlanjut , pada malam pelepasan siswa/i dibagikan penghargaan untuk siswa/i dengan nilai terbaik, siswa/i dengan prestasi akademik terbaik, siswa/i berprestasi non-akademik terbaik. Kategori pertama, nama gadis tersebut dipanggil, dia bangkit dari tempat duduknya lalu maju ke depan, teman-teman sekolahnya memberi tepuk tangan, lalu dia kembali ke tempat duduknya. Itu akhir untuk kategori pertama. Kategori kedua, u namanya tak disangka dipanggil lagi, dia maju lagi ke panggung untuk menerima penghargaan. Ups, begitu juga ketika diumumkan penerima penghargaan untuk kategori ketiga. Akhirnya, temanku malah ga kebagian (aku menyangsikan apakah dia layak mendapatkan salah satunya). Selain itu, katanya gadis itu juga mendapat beasiswa untuk mengenyam pendidikan di universitas favorit di negri seberang. The story continued , at MPS night, the school gave appreciations for best grade student, best academic achievement student, and best non-academic achievement student. First cathegory, her name was called, she stood up then walked to the stage gently, her school mate gave applause then went back to her seat. That was the end of the first cathegory. Second cathegory, unpredictedly her name called again, she again walk to the stage to receive the achievement. Oops, That's also happened for the third cathegory. On the end, my friend didn't get even one of the appreciation (I wondered if he really fitted to receive one), and other students too. Besides that, she also got scholarship to study abroad, my friend said that. 'What a smart girl', that's what i thought. Karena aku bukan orang yang pandai, maka mungkin orang seperti ini pantas menjadi idola. Because I am not a smart guy, may be this girl is suitable to be my idol. Bagaimana ketika mengetahui bahwa gadis tersebut ternyata tidak tinggi? Sepertinya masih juga mengidolakan, karena aku juga tidak tinggi, he255 (supaya capek bacanya, jadi ga komentar apa2 ^^). Then my friend told me that the girl was not tall, how if you know that? I'm not tall too, so it's not a problem. She even more become my idol, he255 (so you will tired reading 255x "he", then you won't comment anything about this ^^). Semakin mengidolakan dia ketika kutahu bahwa kulit gadis itu sangat putih. Sebenarnya itu menjadi nilai positif dan negatif. Positifnya, biasanya orang yang kulitnya putih gampang pilih pakaian, pakai pakaian warna apa saja tampak cocok. Kekurangannya, lagi-lagi dari segi fisik, matanya minus cukup banyak. Dia mengenakan kacamata dengan frame warna gelap. Aku berkomentar, dia kan bisa saja pakai lensa kontak. Komentar temanku, justru karena wajahnya yang putih itu, dengan menggunakan kacamata, jadi ada sedikit warna di wajahnya sehingga tampak cantik. Tanpa kacamata itu, wajahnya akan tampak pucat. I become more like her when my friend told me that the girl's skin was white. Actually, it's positive and negative things. The positive thing, usually it is easier for people with white skin to choose dress, so whatever dress color she choose, usually it fits on her. Oh, for your information, the negative thing, again physically, her eyes minus a lot. I commented to my friend that she could use contact lenses. My friend's comment, because of her white face, so when she used glasses she looked prettier. By using glasses, there are some color on her face, otherwise she looked pale. Artikel ini sebenarnya saya maksudkan untuk menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada manusia yang sempurna. Tapi akhirnya, aku pikir ulasanku tidak cukup bagus, malah dengan artikel ini mungkin bisa memberi tips-tips untuk pemilik kulit putih. This article, actually I made to show you that nobody was perfect. But, at the end, I didn't think my review was good enough, so I think may be this article could give some tips to white skined girl. Akhir kata, kayaknya masih tetep jadi idola. (Artikel ini benar-benar sampah yah?) End word, I still like her and she is still my idol. (This article is really trash, isn't it?)
Written by: adhi |