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29 Jul 2005
Watch Your RAID!
Awas RAID!

Temanku merasa komputernya bermasalah, antara lain karena startup lambat, sering hang ketika pindah program, gagal shut down, dll. Spesifikasi komputernya antara lain:

Motherboard ASUS P5GD1-VM
Processor Intel Pentium IV 2.8GHz dengan HT
Memory DDR 2x128MB
Hard Disk 40GB
Selebihnya OnBoard.

My friend thought that his computer was troublesome, that's because of slow startup, hang, fail to shut down, etc. His computer specs:

Motherboard ASUS P5GD1-VM
Processor Intel Pentium IV 2.8GHz with HT
Memory DDR 2x128MB
Hard Disk 40GB
The others are OnBoard.

Menurutku, itu adalah spesifikasi yang cukup bagus. Suatu saat, dia melihat komputer teman sekosnya yang menggunakan processor dengan kecepatan yang sama, tapi belum dilengkapi dengan HT. Dia terpana ketika melihat komputer temannya itu mampu memproses lebih cepat dari komputernya, baik ketika startup, membuka program, dll. Saat liburan antar semester, dia tidak mempunyai banyak kegiatan, maka dia memutuskan untuk menginstall ulang sistem operasi komputernya, WINDOWS XP Professional. Aku di sana untuk membantu dia menginstall ulang.

I think that's a good specs. One time, he saw his house friend's computer who uses the same processor speed, but without HT. He impressed when he saw that his friend's computer could do processing faster than his computer, for startup, opening programs, etc. On Mid-semester holiday, he decided to reinstall his operating system, WINDOWS XP Professional. I was there to help him reinstalling.

Kami masukkan CD installer ke DVD-ROM ketika WINDOWS masih bekerja, lalu menginstall ulang. Lalu komputer terrestart dan masuk ke menu install WINDOWS. Karena estimasi waktunya sekitar 50 menit, maka kami tinggal dulu, dan kami pergi sarapan.

We entered installer CD to DVD-ROM when WINDOWS was still running, then reinstalling. Then the computer restarting and enter the WINDOWS install menu. Because the estimate time is around 50 minutes, so we left it and we went for breakfast.

Ketika kembali, ternyata muncul layar biru, di sana tertulis error 0x00* (* berarti ada beberapa angka lagi setelahnya, tapi aku tidak ingat).
Berdasarkan petunjuk, karena layar biru itu baru muncul untuk pertama kalinya, maka kami restart komputer. Tapi setiap kali masuk ke WINDOWS, selalu muncul layar biru itu. Kami mencoba petunjuk-petunjuk lain, seperti mengecek BIOS apakah ada perangkat keras yang rusak dan harus didisable, dll, tapi kami ga tau apa-apa tentang hal itu. Malah sempat kami mengeset kecepatan fan dan membuat suhu processor meningkat. Setelah beberapa lama akhirnya kami gotong komputer tersebut ke bengkel terdekat. Sebelumnya kami coba Linux Knoppix Live, dan itu bisa bekerja dengan baik, aku jadi sedikit khawatir hard disknya bermasalah.

When we back, blue screen had appeared, on the screen written
error: 0x00* (* means there are some other numbers but i didn't remember).
Based on the instruction, because it's the first time blue screen appeared, so we restart the computer. But everytime we restarted it, the result still the same, blue screen and the same error. We tried another instruction, such as checking BIOS for broken components, but we found nothing. We try using Knoppix Live, and it worked well, I was a little afraid his hard disk was troublesome, so we took it to the service center.

Di bengkel itu, kami serahkan komputernya, lalu dia meminta driver motherboardnya. Kami tidak membawanya, maka kami kembali ke tempat kos temanku untuk mengambilnya. Ketika kembali ke bengkel tersebut, ternyata komputer temanku sudah sedang diuji. Teknisi sudah merestart komputer itu beberapa kali, tapi hasilnya tetap selalu muncul layar biru, sama seperti yang kami lakukan. Dia mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan kepada kami. Lalu mulai mencoba mengganti perangkat-perangkat keras yang ada di dalam komputer itu karena dia menduga ada perangkat lunak yang rusak. Karena sebelumnya tidak ada masalah perngkat keras apa-apa, sebenarnya aku menyangsikan perangkat keras bisa rusak karena perangkat lunak. Dia mulai dari Memory, dia ganti memory yang ada dengan memory baru dari toko, tapi layar biru tetap muncul. Begitu juga dengan kartu grafis, hard disk, dan power supply, bahkan modem pun sudah dilepas. Sebelum dia mencoba mengganti processornya, datanglah atasannya. Atasannya memeriksa struktur motherboard dan menemukan kejanggalan-kejanggalan. Dia memperbaikinya, tapi tetap muncul layar biru. Kami sudah semakin panik. Akhirnya, datang bosnya, dia memeriksa motherboard itu, dan melakukan beberapa perbaikan, dan WINDOWS dapat diinstall, bahkan estimasi waktunya lebih singkat daripada saat pertama kali, hanya sekitar 20 menit. Startup juga lebih cepat.

At the service center, we trust them the computer, then they asked for the motherboard driver. We didn't bring it, so we went back to my friend's place to take it. When we back to the service center, they were testing my friend's computer. The technisian had restarted the computer several times, and the result still the same blue screen like us. He asked several questions to us. And then, he started to change the components one by one because he thougtht there were some components broken. Was it possible that software could harm hardwares? I wasn't think so. He started with memory, he change the memory with a new one, but the blue screen still appeared. That was happened with graphic card, hard disk, and power supply, he even had pulled off the modem. Before he changed the processor, came another technician and found some misplaced components, he fixed it, but the blue screen still appeared. We were more panic. Then, their senior came, he checked the motherboard, did some changes, and WINDOWS could continue installing, even the estimated time was shorter than before, just about 20 minutes, startup too.

Ternyata, motherboard ASUS tersebut memiliki fasilitas RAID. Installer WINDOWS mempermasalahkannya karena fasilitas itu belum dikenal. Dan kami tidak terpikir untuk memasukkan CD driver motherboard saat menginstall ulang. Itu yang pertama. Kedua, ternyata kabel harddisk tidak dicolokkan ke tempat yang benar. Ada beberapa dua slot IDE, yang satu terhubung dengan pongontrol RAID, yang lain tidak. Harddisk dipasangkan ke slot yang tidak terhubung dengan kontroller RAID.

When we asked them about the problems, the ASUS motherboard has a RAID facility and WINDOWS could not automatically detect it. We didn't think to insert the motherboard driver CD before installing. That's the first. Second, the hard disk didn't plug into the right slot, the RAID slot, so the computer worked slowly.

Jadi, saat menginstall OS, ingatlah bahwa CD bawaan motherboard itu sakti dan telitilah saat memasang hardware komputer.

So, when you installing operating system, remember that the motherboard driver CD is important.

Written by: adhi

saya ngga ngerti apa2 soal kompie apalagi kalo soal hardware.. Huehehe.. Tapi kykna ini cukup informatif..
emang RAID itu apa sih sebenernya?

sylv [id], 21 Jun 2006, 16:13 reply
RAID : Redundant Array of Inexpensive Drive.......

jabal [us], 28 Feb 2007, 5:23 reply
Informasi kena tuh, bagus...
Fungsi RAID itu sendiri apa ya (aku taunya awal hanya ada di motherboard server)

back77 [id], 21 Jun 2007, 3:44 reply
it's good for a knowledge, especially me.
so go TI go.....!

A. Muzayyin [id], 8 Aug 2007, 8:11 reply
DDR 2x128MB
If it is supported by the mobo, change the RAM to 1x 512 MB PC5300 667 Mhz. I really want to say change it to 2 x 1024 MB though.
Recently, having only 256 MB of RAM can't be suggested as new programs require considerably more RAM.

getsuga [id], 19 Aug 2007, 17:33 reply

gadis [id], 14 Jun 2008, 11:39 reply
HT = Hyper Transport...

HAcker [id], 12 Jul 2010, 11:54 reply