"Beep!" School's bell rang. Several minutes later high school students spread out of their classes. Three male students who had after-class-duty for today are still in the class. Felix was left alone in the room, then Elisha came and helped Felix did the after-class-duty. Felix and Elisha had dreams and plans for their future. Everything seems to be fine, but then problems appeared. Felix lost his wallet, Elisha disappeared, Feilx's future vanished. Felix want to commit suicide. What would happen? "Beep!" Bel sekolah berbunyi. Beberapa saat kemudian murid-murid SMU (Sekolah Menengah Umum) berhamburan ke luar kelas. Tiga murid laki-laki yang mendapat tugas piket hari itu masih berada di dalam kelasnya. Felix tertinggal sendirian di dalam ruangan itu, lalu Elisha datang dan membantu Felix melakukan tugas piket. Felix dan Elisha punya mimpi dan rencana untuk masa depan mereka. Semua tampak baik-baik, tapi kemudian masalah bermunculan. Dompet Felix hilang, Elisha hilang, masa depan Felix hilang. Felix ingin bunuh diri. Bagaimana nasib Felix?
"Beep!" Bel sekolah berbunyi. Beberapa saat kemudian murid-murid SMU (Sekolah Menengah Umum) berhamburan ke luar kelas. Tiga murid laki-laki yang mendapat tugas piket hari itu masih berada di dalam kelasnya.
"Beep!" School's bell rang. Several minutes later high school students spread out of their classes. Three male students who had after-class-duty for today are still in the class.
Murid1: "Gimana kalau kita undi siapa yang piket hari ini, lainnya boleh pulang?"
Murid2: "Aku suka itu. Gimana kalau kita undi berdasarkan jumlah lembaran dalam dompet kita? Siapa yang paling banyak, tinggal."
Murid1: "Setuju."
Murid1 segera mengeluarkan dompetnya, lalu menunjukkan isinya.
Murid1: "Empat uang kertas dan satu uang logam. Jadi, empat lembar."
Murid2 mengeluarkan dompetnya dengan penuh semangat, lalu memperlihatkan isinya.
Murid2: "Tiga uang kertas dan dua uang logam. Jadi, tiga lembar. Aku lebih sedikit."
Murid3 mengeluarkan dompetnya, mengintip isinya, lalu membukanya lebar-lebar di hadapan kedua temannya.
Murid3: "Dua uang kertas dan tiga uang logam. Jadi, dua lembar. Aku paling sedikit. Aku pulang, dong?"
Murid1: "Eits, tunggu dulu! Lihat, itu ada dua lembar struk dan satu lembar foto. Semuanya LIMA lembar. Jadiii…, Kami pulang dulu yaaa..."
Murid2: "Felix, jangan lupa yaaa…"
Felix: "Apa?"
Murid2: "Jendela masih terbuka, lantai masih kering, tanaman kehausan…"
Murid3/Felix: "Heh?"
Murid1 dan Murid2 berlari keluar dari kelas.
Student1: "How if we cast lots to determine who does after-class-duty for today? Then the others can go home."
Student2: "I like that! How if we do that by using pieces of sheets in our wallet? Who has the most number of paper sheets, stays."
Student1: "Deal."
Student1 quickly took out his wallet and showed its contents.
Student1: "Four banknotes and one coin. So, four sheets."
Student2 took out his wallet enthusiastically then showed its contents.
Student2: "Three banknotes and three coins. So, three sheets."
Student3 took out his wallet, took a peep, then opened it widely in front of his friends.
Student3: "Two banknotes and three coins. So, two sheets. I have the fewest. So I'm going home!"
Student1: "Eits, Wait! See, there are two restaurant bills and one picture. All is five sheets. So, you are staying here."
Student2: "Bye Felix, and don't forget about..."
Felix: "What?"
Student2: "Windows... are still open (please shut down), the floor is still dry, plants are thirsty…"
Student3/Felix: "What?"
Student1 and Student2 escaped from the class.
Felix tertinggal sendirian di dalam ruangan itu. Papan tulis dipenuhi tulisan, susunan meja-kursi berantakan, lantai kotor, dan beberapa hal lainnya yang masih harus dibereskan. Felix melakukan tugas piket sendirian. Tas dan dompetnya ditinggal begitu saja di atas salah satu meja. Ketika Felix sedang bekerja, sebuah suara mengejutkannya.
Felix was left alone in the room. The whiteboard was full of handwritings, desks and chairs were messed up, the floor was dirty, and other things still needed to be cleaned up. So Felix did the after-class-duty by himself. His bag and his wallet were left on one of the desks. When Felix was working, a crunchy voice surprised him.
"Eh. Hai, Sha!"
"Sudah kuduga, kamu masih di sini. Piket sendirian lagi nih?"
"Aku juga sudah menduga kalau sepulang sekolah aku akan piket bersama seorang gadis cantik."
"Gadis cantik piket sama Ketua Kelas, apa kata dunia?"
"Dunia ga bisa bilang apa-apa, tapi dunia akan menjadi saksi kisah antara kamu dan aku."
"Aku cinta kamu."
"Aku juga, lebih dari apapun."
"Eh. Hi, Sha!"
"Just like I expected, you are still here. So, 'you did it again', huh?"
"I also expected that after school I would do after-class-duty with a pretty girl."
"A pretty girl doing after-class-duties with Class Representative. What will The World say?"
"The World will not say anything, but The World will witness the love stories between you and I.
"I love you."
"I do too, more than anything."
Elisha tersenyum. Elisha membantu Felix melakukan tugas piket. Elisha membersihkan papan tulis dan merapikan meja-kursi, sedangkan Felix mengerjakan lainnya. Setelah itu mereka berjalan menyusuri koridor-koridor sekolah sambil mengenang kisah-kisah tentang mereka berdua dan memimpikan kisah mereka selajutnya.
Elisha smiled. Elisha helped Felix did the after-class-duty. Elisha cleaned up the whiteboard and tidy up desks and chairs, while Felix did other works. After that they walked along the school corridors, talking about their own stories in the past and their dreams of the future.
Felix dan Elisha berencana untuk melanjutkan studi ke Universitas K. Walaupun Felix mendapat kesempatan untuk menempuh studi di perguruan tinggi terbaik, yaitu Universitas L, keinginan orangtuanya membuat dia menetap di Kota M, tempat dia dibesarkan. Felix memandang in sebagai kesempatan untuk berbakti pada orangtuanya dan membina hubungannya dengan Elisha.
Felix and Elisha planned to continue their study to Kestrel University. Although Felix got an opportunity to study in Leopard University which is touted as The Best School, his parents want him to stay in the Monarchy, the city where Felix was raised. Felix looked this as a chance to give back his parents and maintain his relationship with Elisha.
Matahari sudah hampir terbenam ketika mereka berdua keluar dari sekolah. Mereka menunggu matahari menghilang di balik bangunan sekolah sebelum mereka membuat janji untuk bertemu pada keesokan hari, lalu mereka pulang. Felix dan Elisha berpisah di halaman rumah Elisha.
Sun had already set when both of them come out from the school area. They waited the sun to hide behind the school building before they made a promise to meet on the day after. Felix and Elisha splitted up at Elisha's house.
Pagi harinya Felix bangun dengan sangat antusias. Hari itu adalah hari kelulusan dia, Elisha, dan teman-temannya. Ketika Felix mempersiapkan keperluannya untuk acara wisuda pada sore hari nanti, Felix menyadari bahwa dompetnya tidak ada. Felix tidak pergi ke luar rumah sejak dia pulang dari sekolah, maka dia mencarinya di dalam rumah, tapi dompet itu tidak ditemukan. Felix pergi ke sekolah untuk mencari dompet itu. Felix hanya tidak ingin foto yang ada dalam dompet itu hilang, foto Elisha yang ditukar dengan foto dia pada awal hubungan mereka. Felix mendapat ijin dari penjaga sekolah untuk masuk dan mencari dompetnya. Dia mencari di ruangan kelas dan koridor-koridor yang dilewati, dia juga bertanya kepada staf-staf sekolah, tapi dompet itu tetap tidak ditemukan.
The next morning Felix woke up enthusiastically. That day was Elisha's, his friends's, and his graduation day. When Felix was doing his preparation for the graduation ceremony at the later evening, Felix realized that his wallet was not there. Felix didn't go out of his house since he got back from the school, so he looked it in his house, but the wallet was not found. Felix went to school to look for his wallet. Actually Felix was just afraid of losing Elisha's picture, which he exchanged it with his in the beginning of their relationship. Felix got permission from school guards to get in and look for his wallet. He looked in class rooms and corridors that he had passed, he also asked school staff, but he still didn't find the wallet.
Waktu ketika Felix harus menjemput Elisha sudah dekat. Felix pulang dengan tangan hampa. Felix menenangkan diri dengan berpikir bahwa Elisha mungkin menyimpan dompetnya. Ketika Felix tiba di depan rumah Elisha, rumah itu sepi dan gelap. Felix membunyikan bel, tetapi tidak seorangpun keluar untuk menemuinya. Felix menghubungi Elisha, tetapi nomernya tidak aktif. Pintu dan jendela rumah Elisha juga terkunci. Felix menunggu.
Time when Felix had to pick up Elisha had come. Felix returned with bare hands. Felix tried to calm himself by thinking that Elisha might have kept his wallet. When Felix arrived in front of Elisha's house, it was quiet and dark. Felix rang the house's bell, but no one came out to greet him. Felix tried to contact Elisha, but her phone was not active. All doors and windows were locked. Felix waited.
Waktu menunjukkan acara wisuda sudah dimulai, sedangkan Felix masih di halaman rumah Elisha dan Elisha tidak ada di sana. Felix meninggalkan rumah Elisha dan pergi ke acara wisuda sendirian. Hari itu Felix lulus dan mendapat penghargaan sebagai siswa terbaik. Hari itu dapat menjadi hari paling membahagiakan bagi Felix, tetapi hal itu tidak terjadi, karena Elisha tidak ada di sana.
Time showed that graduation event had begun, while Felix was still in front of Elisha's house and Elisha was not there. Felix left Elisha's house and went to graduation event alone. Not unexpectedly, that day Felix graduated and achieved the "Best Student" award. Felix knew he was supposed to be happy to receive that prestiguous award, as his friends from the same class felt proud of him, but Felix could not cover his uneasiness and doubt, since Elisha was not there.
Setelah acara wisuda selesai, Felix menghampiri Mia, sahabat Elisha.
After the graduation ceremony had finished, Felix talked to Mia, Elisha's best friend.
"Mia, Elisha di mana?"
"Maaf, Lix. Aku ga tau. Siang ini Dia nelpon aku. Dia bilang Papanya dipindahtugaskan ke luar. Dia dan keluarganya ikut pindah, tapi dia ga bilang ke mana."
"Kenapa dia ga bilang apa-apa sama aku?"
"Kenapa yah? Mungkin, untuk Elisha, hanya aku yang
penting. Bercanda. Lix, kamu tau bunga anggrek yang di pekarangan rumahnya
ga? Elisha mau itu dirawat sama kamu. Selamat berkebun." :p
"Bunga anggrek yang dalam pot itu?"
"Mia, where is Elisha?"
"I am sorry. I have no idea. This afternoon she called me. She said that her father was relocated. She and her family need to come along, but she did not say where she would go. She seemed to be rushing as if there is no time to explain anything. But I'm sure she will call us back when she has arrived there."
"Why didn't she tell me anything about it?"
"I don't know why. May be, for Elisha, I am the
only important person. Just kidding. Lix, do you know about orchids in
Elisha's backyard? She wants you to take care of them. Have a nice
gardening." :p
"The orchids in the vase?"
Mia mengangkat kedua pundaknya pertanda tidak tahu.
Mia raised both of her shoulder (she had no clue).
Anggrek adalah bunga kesukaan Elisha. Sepulang dari acara wisuda, Felix pergi ke rumah Elisha. Dia melompati pagar dan mengambil satu pot bunga anggrek yang ditinggal Elisha di pekarangan rumahnya. Bunga itu diletakkan Felix di dekat jendela kamarnya.
Orchids are Elisha's favourite. After returned from graduation event, Felix went to Elisha's house. He jumped over the hedge and took the orchids. Felix put the orchids in his windows.
Felix menghadiri Universitas K seperti rencana. Felix tidak ingin mengecewakan orangtuanya, dia menjalani kuliahnya dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Kadang-kadang Felix berharap suatu hari dia dapat bertemu Elisha di ruang kuliah, tapi hal itu tidak pernah terjadi. Pada tahun ke-2 Felix memutuskan untuk memutus hubungan dengan masa lalunya, dia mengganti nomernya. Walaupun anggrek itu sudah layu, tetapi Felix masih tetap menyimpannya.
Felix attended Kestrel University as planned. Felix did not want to disappoint his parents, he did his study seriously. Once in a while Felix hoped that one day he would be able to unexpectedly meet Elisha in his lectures, but it had never happened. In second year, Felix decided to terminate his relationship with his past, he changed his phone numbers. Although the orchids had been died, but Felix was still keeping them.
Setelah lulus dari Universitas K, IPK yang sangat memuaskan membantu Felix untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan di perusahaan N yang terletak beberapa jam dari Kota M. Perusahaan N adalah perusahaan asing yang padat modal. Walaupun begitu, kondisi ekonomi dunia yang terus memburuk membuat perusahaan tersebut mengalami penurunan pesanan. Walaupun Felix mau bertahan di perusahaan itu, tetapi perusahaan itu memutuskan untuk menghentikan kegiatan operasionalnya. Felix tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa dan sejak saat itu dia termasuk salah seorang pengangguran.
Felix graduated from Kestrel University with very satisfactory results. Felix got a job in Norman, a company which was located just several hours from Monarchy City. Although Norman was a multinational company, global economic crisis made it also had a difficult time. Their orders drastically dropped more and more. Felix wanted to stay there, but the company decided to stop its operational activities. Felix could not do anything and since then he joined with hundreds of other people who sought employments.
Felix kembali ke rumah orangtuanya dan berusaha mencari pekerjaan lagi. Dalam kondisi seperti itu banyak perusahaan lebih memilih untuk mengeluarkan daripada menerima pegawai. Pasar tenaga kerja sepi.
Felix returned to his parent's house and tried to look for another job. In this situation most of the companies preferred laying off to hiring new employees.
Beberapa bulan berlalu dan Felix terus mencari pekerjaan. Felix menjalani banyak wawancara untuk berbagai posisi, bahkan posisi yang dulu tidak pernah dibayangkan, tapi Felix masih belum mendapatkan pekerjaan. Felix sudah sering mendengar ungkapan, "Kamu bukan lulusan Universitas L", "Kamu tidak mempunyai pengalaman yang sesuai", "Kamu tidak memiliki kemampuan yang dibutuhkan", "Kamu bukan orang yang kami cari", dan lain-lain. Orangtuanya pun berkata, "Felix, hidup kamu adalah hak kamu, jadi lakukan saja apa yang kamu mau." Felix merasa kesulitan.
Several months had passed and Felix was still looking for a job. Felix did a lot of interviews but not even one succeed. Several HR (Human Resource) people interviewed Felix just to make themselves look good to their boss by doing useless interviews. Felix received various comments from the HR departments, such as "You are not suitable for this company because you don't have more enough experience", "Are you teasing me by using a typical answer for interview questions?", "You are a boy, what we need is a girl.". His parents, in their hearts, didn't really want Felix to work in a company, because they can enjoy Felix in their old ages longer.
Felix menganggap bahwa dia memulai dengan baik. Dia mempunyai beberapa pencapaian seperti saat SMU dia terpilih sebagai Ketua Kelas dan Siswa Terbaik, saat perguruan tinggi dia terpilih sebagai asisten dosen dan lulus dengan IPK sangat memuaskan, serta dia pernah bekerja di sebuah perusahaan asing. Dengan pencapaian seperti itu Felix merasa dia bisa berhasil. Walaupun begitu, dia terbukti tidak berhasil mendapatkan pekerjaan seperti banyak orang lain. Felix terus bertanya kepada dirinya sendiri kenapa ini terjadi dan apa yang harus dia lakukan. Felix tidak sanggup lagi membayangkan masa depannya. Felix semakin tertekan.
Felix thought that he started well. He had some achievements in academic and professionalism. With all that achievements Felix thought that he should have been success and happy, but he did not. He wondered why people were talking about being a successful person, and what being successful meant. He failed to get an employment like many others and now he felt that he was useless. Felix kept asking himself why had this happened and what he should have done? Felix couldn't even imagine his future. He was depressed and disoriented.
Dalam kondisi seperti ini Felix merasa dia tidak punya harapan. Felix tidak ingin dia seperti ini, tetapi semua usahanya mengarah pada kegagalan. Dunia tidak menginginkannya. Orangtuanya tidak mengacuhkannya. Satu-satunya gadis yang dicintainya menghilang dan dia tidak bisa menemukannya. Felix berpikir bahwa dia tidak punya alasan lagi untuk hidup. Felix ingin mengakhiri semua ini. Dia ingin bunuh diri.
In this state Felix felt that he did not have any hope. Felix tried not to be like this, but all of his efforts led to failures. The world did not want him. His parents did not really give attention to him. Felix thought that he did not have any reason to life. Felix wanted to end all this. He wanted to commit suicide.
Felix membuka jendela kamarnya. Awan gelap memenuhi langit dan petir menyambar. Dunia sudah tidak bersahabat lagi kepada Felix. Felix menjejakkan salah satu kakinya pada dasar jendela. Kaki Felix bersinggungan dengan pot anggrek. Pot itu terjatuh ke luar rumahnya dan pecah berkeping-keping. Felix melihat ke bawah. Tanah dan anggrek berserakan, tapi ada sesuatu yang lain. Felix turun dan keluar dari rumahnya. Dia menemukan sebuah bungkusan. Ketika dia membukanya, dia menemukan dompetnya yang hilang sesaat sebelum Elisha meninggalkan dia. Felix membuka isi dompet itu dan isinya tetap sama; dua uang kertas, tiga uang logam, dua lembar struk, dan satu lembar foto Elisha. Secarik kertas terselip di antara lipatan dompet.
Felix opened his window. Dark cloud filled the sky and thunders stroke. World became an unfriendly place for Felix. Felix stepped one of his leg on the window. Felix's leg pushed the orchid's vase. The vase fell down outside his house and broke into pieces. Felix looked to the ground. Soil and orchids scattered around there, but there was something else. Felix went down and got out of his house. He found a package. When he opened it, he found his lost wallet, one that was lost back then just before Elisha left him. Felix opened it. Its contents still seemed the same: two banknotes, three coins, two restaurant bills and a piece of Elisha's photograph. A sheet of paper slipped between the wallet fold.
Kamu adalah peri kertas dan sekarang kamu bisa menentukan apa tulisan di kertas itu untuk mengubah jalan cerita. Klik salah satu tombol di bawah untuk menentukan tulisan di kertas itu.
You are a paper fairy and now you can determine what the writings on the paper are to alter the storyline. Click one of the buttons below to determine the writing on the paper.
Kertas itu bertuliskan, "Felix, aku sudah diterima di universitas L, kebetulan ayahku dipindahkan ke kota yang sama dan kami sekeluarga memutuskan untuk pindah ke sana. Kini, kamu tidak perlu menemaniku kuliah di universitas K seperti yang kita rencanakan sebelumnya karena kamu bisa menemaniku kuliah di universitas L. Mungkin ini rencana yang terbaik untuk kita. Ini alamat rumahku yang baru. Hubungi aku kalau kamu sudah tiba yah."
On the paper, it is written, "Felix, I have been accepted at Leopard University. My father is going to be relocated to the same city, my family and I decided to move there. Now, you don't need to go together with me to Kestrel University like we have planned before because we can now go to Leopard University together! Maybe this is the best strategy for us. This is my new home address. Contact me when you have reached here, OK?"
Felix membaca berkali-kali kertas itu, semakin lama membaca maka semakin bingung dan semakin skeptislah Felix. Mengapa jika Elisha ingin Felix menyusulnya, tetapi malah meletakkan secarik kertas itu terselip di antara banyak kertas di dalam dompetnya, dan terlebih-lebih lagi dompet tersebut disembunyikan di dalam pot anggrek, suatu tempat yang nyaris tidak terlihat dan tak mungkin ia bongkar karena akan membuat anggrek kesukaan Elisha layu. Bertahun-tahun sudah berlalu dan Elisha tidak pernah sekalipun berusaha untuk menghubungi Felix padahal teknologi jaman sekarang sudah sedemikian majunya, Elisha bisa saja mencari Felix melalui situs jejaring pertemanan Bukuwajah. Felix juga meninggalkan nomer ponsel dan alamat emailnya di sana, walaupun ia sadar akan banyak spammer dan agen asuransi yang menghubunginya, namun tak apalah karena semuanya itu demi Elisha.
Felix read the paper over and over, the more he read it he became more confused and more skeptic. Why, if Elisha wanted Felix to come over to her place, would she put the piece of paper in between many pieces of paper inside his wallet, and moreover, the wallet was hid inside an orchid's vase, a place that is almost unseen by him and it was very unlikely that he disassembled the vase because the orchids that Elisha like would wither. Several years had passed and Elisha had never once tried to contact Felix although the current technology was so advanced, that Elisha could have searched Felix through a social networking site Facebones. Felix had also leave his mobile phone number and his email address there, although he realized there would be a lot of spammers and insurance agents that were ready to contact him, but he thought it was OK since all of this were for the sake of Elisha.
Namun kini, Felix menganggap semuanya sudah terlambat, ia tidak melihat ada secercah harapan atau kebahagiaan di masa depan. Walaupun ia bertemu kembali dengan Elisha, mungkin Elisha sudah menikah dengan pria lain, atau mungkin Elisha sudah menjadi orang sukses dan terkenal, yang tentunya akan malu jika harus bertemu dengan seorang pengangguran yang tidak punya masa depan. Namun siapa yang tau apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Tiada kebenaran di bumi ini, kebenaran cuma ada di langit dan Felix ingin mencari kebenaran yang hangat dan mesra itu, namun begitu murung. Akhirnya Felix kembali ke loteng rumahnya, dan menjatuhkan dirinya sesuai rencana yang sudah dipikirkan masak-masak sebelumnya. Ia bahagia bisa mati muda, karena semakin panjang hidup ini, semakin banyak juga penderitaan. Maut disambutnya dengan senyum.
But now, Felix thought that everything had been already late, he did not see even a smallest shade of hope in the future. Even though he had met again with Elisha, it was possible that Elisha had married with another man, or maybe Elisha had been a successful and popular person, that Elisha would feel ashamed to meet a jobless guy that had not a future. But who knew what would happen. No truth is on the earth, truth is only in the heavens, and Felix wanted to seek for that warm and affectionate truth, but he was so in grief. In the end, Felix went back to his room's window and he threw himself out of the window as what he had planned throughly beforehand. He was happy he could die young, because the longer life is, the more are sufferings. Death was welcomed by him with a smile.
- Tamat -
- The End -
Dalam kertas itu tercantum sederet angka, sebuah kata "Maaf", dan tanda tangan Elisha. Felix menduga bahwa deretan angka itu adalah nomer telepon. Felix menghubungi nomer tersebut.
On the paper, there are a series of numbers, a word "Sorry", and Elisha's signature. Felix guessed that those were a phone number. Felix tried to contact it.
"Maaf saat ini saya sedang tidak membutuhkan asuransi, produk bank, atau produk MLM."
"Kalau kamu menutup telepon ini, kamu akan kehilangan orang yang berharga."
"Siapa kamu? Jangan main-main!"
"Saya tau kamu dan saya punya foto-foto kamu. Saat ini saya memiliki orang yang berharga."
"Ini Felix?"
"I am sorry, right now I am not in the mood to talk about insurances, bank products, or MLM products."
"If you hang up this phone, you will lose someone precious."
"Who are you? Don't play dumb!"
"I know you and I have your photo. Now, I have someone precious."
"Felix, is that you?"
Elisha akan kembali ke Kota M dua hari kemudian karena Ayahnya dipindahtugaskan kembali. Felix menunda pembunuhan dirinya selama dua hari. Felix dan Elisha berencana untuk bertemu di Kafe P segera setelah Elisha sampai.
Elisha would be back to Monarchy in two days because her father was moved back again. Felix postponed his suicide plan for two days. Felix and Elisha had a plan to meet in Potable Café as soon as Elisha got there.
Dua hari kemudian, ketika Felix masuk ke Kafe P, seorang gadis cantik dengan rambut terurai melambaikan tangan kepada dia. Felix mendekati gadis itiu.
Two days later, when Felix entered Potable Café, a girl with sparkling hair waved her hand towards him. Felix moved to the girl's location.
"Ya, ini aku." Gadis itu tersenyum saja.
"Kenapa kamu senyum-senyum kayak gitu sich? Kayaknya aku bakal dapet sesuatu, nih."
"Hahaha.. Ini buat kamu." Felix memberikan sepasang bunga anggrek kepada Elisha.
"Iih… apaan nih?"
"Itu anggrek yang kamu kasih buat aku."
"Loh, kok layu dan rontok gini sich?"
"Ya, sama kayak kenangan tentang kamu dalam pikiranku."
"Kalau aku memang sudah ga berarti apa-apa buat kamu, buat apa aku masih di sini?"
"Aku yakin bahwa aku layak dapat penjelasan."
"Apakah penjelasan itu masih perlu?"
"Kamu tinggalin aku di hari paling bahagiaku. Kita ga jadi kuliah bareng. Aku harus mengurus bunga itu sendiri. Ke mana kamu ketika aku butuh kamu?"
"Aku ga punya pilihan. Orangtuaku jarang di rumah, adikku masih kecil, dia perlu aku. Aku ga bisa ninggalin dia. Jadi, aku putusin untuk ikut pindah."
"Pilihan itu selalu ada dan kamu pilih untuk pergi tanpa kabar dan ga pernah berkunjung sedangkan aku tunggu kamu di sini. Aku coba menghubungi nomermu tapi selalu dibilang tidak aktif atau berada di luar jangkauan."
"Tentu saja, kan aku sudah di luar kota. Jangan kira 5 tahun lalu sama dengan sekarang bisa roaming sesukanya."
"Tapi kamu kan masih bisa menghubungi aku lewat telepon baru yang nomernya kamu tulis di dalam pot anggrek?"
"Kamu pikir kenapa aku tulis nomer telepon baru untuk kamu kalau bukan supaya kamu yang hubungi aku?"
"...", Felix merasa gubrak.
"Tapi tahun kedua aku bosan dengan teman-teman kuliahku, mereka mengkhianatiku, aku merasa kesepian dan mencoba menghubungimu. Tapi..."
"Gimana aku bisa tau kamu kasih nomer dalam pot? Kalau bukan aku mau bunuh diri dan ga sengaja mecahin pot itu, aku ga akan pernah tau."
"Gimana bunga anggrek bisa hidup bebas kalau dia terkurung dalam pot?"
"Seharusnya aku sadar akan hal itu. Berapa lama kamu akan tinggal di sini kali ini?"
"Entahlah, Ayahku ga jadi dipindahtugaskan kembali ke sini. Keluargaku yang lain juga masih di sana."
"Lalu, kenapa kamu ada di sini?"
"Adikku sudah bisa mandiri. Aku yakin kamu ingin penjelasan. Aku akan kasih penjelasan, aku hanya mau kamu tahu bahwa aku sudah punya seseorang dalam hatiku."
"dan orang itu adalah?"
"Orang yang dengan ceroboh lupa akan dompetnya sendiri dan berani memberikan sepasang bunga anggrek layu kepada gadis yang dia curi hatinya."
"Yes, it's me." The girl only smiles slightly, not able to express herself more surprisingly.
"Why are you smiling like that? I don't look like a ghost, do I? It seems that I will get something from you."
"Hahaha… it's just like you, here is yours."
"Euuh… what is this?"
"Those are the orchids that you entrusted me in the ancient times."
"Why all of them have wilted?"
"No wonder, it's just like my memories about you."
"If I am really nothing to you anymore, why should I be here?"
"I am sure that I deserve an explanation."
"You don't need any explanation!"
"You left me in my happiest day. We did not go to college together. I had to take care of those flowers alone. Where have you been?"
"I did not have other choices. My parents were rarely home, my sister was still just a kid, she needed me. I couldn't leave her. So, I decided to leave Monarchy."
"Choices are always there and you chose to go without telling me and never visited me, while I was always waiting for you here. I tried to contact your mobile but I have always gotten the message that your mobile was not active or outside service area."
"Of course, since I was already in another city. You don't expect having roaming function 5 years ago, do you?"
"But, you could always contact me by using the new phone whose number you have written inside the orchid's vase?"
"Why should I have written the new phone number for you, if not to make you call me?"
"...", Felix felt as if the world or his body had turned upside-down.
"But, in the second year, I got bored with my friends in college, they betrayed me, I felt lonely and tried to contact you. But..."
"How could I know that you gave me the number inside the vase? If I did not plan to commit suicide I would never know that number until now."
"How can orchids live freely if they are locked up in a vase?"
"I should have realized that. How long will you stay here this time?"
"I don't know, my father's re-re-location was cancelled. My families are also still there."
"Then, why are you here?"
"My sister has matured. I am sure that you want an explanation. I will give you my explanation, I just want you to know that I have already had someone in my heart."
"and he is?"
"He is someone who carelessly forgot his own wallet and dared to give a pair of dead flower to a girl whose heart is stolen by him."
Felix mendekap Elisha dan dia mengetahui bahwa seperti Elisha, dia juga masih mencintai Elisha. Dalam perjalanan menuju rumahnya Felix menyesal dia lupa kalau setiap saat dalam hidupnya, orang-orang yang membutuhkan dia itu selalu ada. Jadi dia berjanji untuk tidak pernah lagi menyerah dengan hidupnya. Masalah
tetap ada, tapi Felix berpikir, masalah akan selalu berpasangan dengan solusi.
Masalah datang sewaktu-waktu, begitu juga dengan solusi. Felix akan bersabar dan
mengambil tindakan ketika kesempatan tiba seperti masalah dengan Elisha.
Felix embraced Elisha and he knew that just like Elisha, he was still in love with Elisha.
On the way to his home Felix regretted that he forgot that every single time in
his life, people who need him are always there. So he promised himself to not
give up ever again with his life. Problems would always show up, but Felix
thought that problems would always be paired with solution. Problems showed up
at an unpredictable time, and so did solutions. Felix would be patient and take
actions when the time came just like his problem with Elisha.
lucu ^^
terinspirasi kisah david widjaja kah
kok ada bunuh dirinya
sylv [sg], 23 Apr 2009, 17:15 reply
david belum tentu bunuh diri.. tolong ikuti perkembangan
berita terbaru!
manusia [sg], 24 Apr 2009, 1:14 reply
david diputuskan bunuh diri.. tolong ikuti perkembangan
berita terbaru!
manusia lain [sg], 13 Aug 2009, 11:11 reply
Ass,,,Saya Ibu Siti Di Singapore - Saya Mengutarakan Kalau
Saya Menang Togel Lagi,Itu Atas Bantuan NYAI RONGGENG
Terimah Kasih Banyak Yaa NYAI YAng Telah Memberikan Angka
Jitu Nya Kepada Saya Yaitu 9283 Dan Alhamdulillah
Berhasil,Berkat Bantuan NYAI Saya Sudah Bisa Membahagiakan
Kedua Orang Tua Saya,Bahkan Semua Hutang-Hutang Saya Bersama
Hutan Kedua Orang Tua Saya Semuanya Pada Lunas Dan Bahkan
Saya Juga Sudah Bisa Membuka Usaha Kecil-Kecilan,Bagi Anda
Yg Ingin Seperti Saya Silahkan Hub Nomor NYAI RONGGENG Di :
085286344499 <a
DISINI</a> Karena Cuma Angka Ghoib NYAI RONGGENG Saja Yg
Memberikan Bukti YAng Lain Maa Cuma Menghabiskan Uang
Saja,Nomor Ritual NYAI RONGGENG Memang Selalu Tepat Dan
Ibu Siti [--], 6 Jul 2018, 16:53 reply
Selamat yah Author ke-3, tempat CUT-nya pas banget...
siplah. Maju terus, semoga Kejut semakin ramai karena banyak
artikel-artikel yang mengejutkan.
Pemimpi [--], 24 Apr 2009, 10:59 reply
Kestrel, Leopard, Monarchy city, Norman company jadi K, L,
M, N?
Ini maksudnya apa ya: "Tapi kamu kan masih bisa menghubungi
aku lewat telepon baru yang nomernya *kamu* tulis di dalam
pot anggrek?" -> Mgkn harusnya *aku* ya?
Kok ada facebones sih?
!peH [sg], 25 Apr 2009, 5:31 reply
Betul *kamu* dong, karena yang menulis nomor telepon di
kertas di dalam dompet di dalam pot anggrek berbeda dengan
sang pembicara.
Facebones adalah ...!
Responder 2 [sg], 28 Apr 2009, 17:04 reply
ceritanya sangat jelek dan membosankan!!!!!
anonymous [id], 11 May 2009, 5:37 reply
Saya yang buat,
maaf ya... ceritanya ga bagus...
btw, terima kasih atas kritiknya... lain kali kualitasnya
akan meningkat. Jangan bosen-bosen berkunjung, yah!
The Author [--], 27 May 2009, 10:36 reply
aku suka... lucu juga ya, jadi teringat masa kecil waktu
masih baca buku cerita "STOP" ...
imel [id], 29 May 2009, 5:32 reply
Imel, terima kasih atas dukungannya. Terus dukung Kejut.com
yah! We will always delight you...^^;
The Author [--], 29 May 2009, 10:27 reply
ini sih cerita aneh. tapi aku ga suka yang endingnya bunuh
diri kayak ngajarin orang lain gampang berputus asa.
i think this is a strange story. but i do not like when the
end of one of stories to commit suicide, it will learn
people easier being cast down.
wul [id], 22 Jun 2009, 7:45 reply
Wul, endingnya ada dua, kalau pilih jalur yang berbeda,
endingnya juga akan berbeda, loh.
The Author [au], 22 Jul 2009, 3:21 reply
ceritany msa kea cerita mistery harta karun dirumah
mgkin blum pernah denger ya critanya...
aldhiaaaa [id], 15 Jun 2010, 14:07 reply
Wow, this is good story, but had long time story, where
is the new?, thanks
Tio [--], 25 Jul 2010, 11:27 reply
lumayan juga ceritanya..
cukup menarik..
tapi kenapa endingnya pake 2 versi segala?
danu [id], 8 Oct 2010, 7:32 reply
lumayan bagus dari pada enggak sama sekali
giri [id], 6 Jan 2011, 5:13 reply
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