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![]() 24 Oct 2007 The Law of Attraction (not Physics)![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hukum Daya Tarik (bukan Fisika) Hukum Daya Tarik (catatan redaksi ) Law of Attraction (editor note ) Ayo bayangkanlah beberapa tahun lagi kamu akan menjadi kolumnis tetap, yakinlah we are a yellow jacket akan terwujud di depanmu, teruslah katakan aku akan kuliah di UI, kita akan naik limousine, kita akan ke Paris!! Imagine that in the next several years you will become a regular columnist, be sure "we are a yellow jacket" (guess what is that) will become true before you, and continue to say that you will enter a famous university, we will be riding a limousine, and we will go to Paris!! Seketika itu aku seperti tersengat listrik, neuron-neuron mengantarkan pesan itu dengan cepat, mataku terbelalak, jantungku meletup-letup, aku gemetar. Sebuah sms yang menikam kesadaranku itu kubaca berulang-ulang. Aku merenung mengapa untuk bermimpi saja aku selalu takut? At that time I felt like I have been electrocuted, my neurons sent that message very quickly, my eyes opened widely, my heart was throbbing, and I was vibrating. I read that one text message that assasinated my consciousness repeatedly. I thought deeply what it was so scary to just dream? Coba bayangkan! Dulu, berkali-kali aku ngirim artikel ke berbagai media, tapi tak kunjung dimuat. Sejak SMP ikutan eskul jurnalis, mengejar nara sumber adalah hal tersulit bagiku, apalagi mencari sudut saat memotret butuh kesabaran yang tinggi. Apa yang terjadi? Kadang-kadang semua jerih payah itu sia-sia, artikelku tidak dimuat. Lalu aku memutuskan untuk berhenti menulis, ternyata kelelahan menghinggapiku untuk menjadi jurnalis. Imagine this! In the past, for many times I sent articles to various media, but they were not getting published. Since secondary school I joined the journalist club, looking for news sources was the most difficult thing for me, moreover looking for a good angle when taking photograph needed a high-level patience. What happened then? Sometimes all the hardworks were in vain, my articles were not published. Then I decided to stop writing, I realized that this tiredness has landed on me that wanted to become a journalist. Bulan berikutnya saat mencoba menorehkan pena kembali, aku tak bisa, sungguh otakku tumpul, aku tak punya inspirasi lagi. Kata-kata yang biasa menari diatas kertas kini tiada semua akibat keputusasaanku. Hal sama terjadi pada sekolahku, sejak SMP aku tak yakin bisa memecahkan soal matematika, saat membuka buku matematika, melihat angka-angka saja sudah mual, aku putus asa karena aku tidak pernah mencicipi nilai 8 di rapotku selalu saja 6 atau 7 untuk matematika. Apalagi kalo ikut lomba gitu, liat orang berkacamata minus tebal, liat badge SMA favorit, kaos tim yang bagus membuatku minder duluan. The next month, when I tried to scratch my pen once more, I could not, my brain was really dull, I didn't have inspiration anymore. All the words that usually danced on this paper were not there because of my loss of spirit. The same thing happened to my school, since secondary school I was not sure that I can solve mathematical problems, when I open the mathematics book, only seeing the numbers made me want to vomit, I lost my spirit because I never tasted the mark of 8 in my report card, it was always 6 or 7 for mathematics (out of 10). Especially when I joined a competition, when I see people with thick negative glasses, badge of favourite highschools, nice team t-shirts, made me lost my confidence. Heeh semua itu terletak pada keoptimisan dan keyakinan. Yups, bukankah Amerika Serikat pada awalnya dihuni oleh orang-orang yang optimis. Waktu itu paruh abad ke-19 dimana masa keemasan untuk reformasi sosial, dimana kaum pendatang yang miskin ternyata bisa hidup dengan makmur. Mereka malah membebaskan budak-budak memperjuangkan kaum wanita. Bukankah Thomas Alva Edison mengalami kegagalan ratusan kali saat menciptakan bola lampu listrik. Lalu kisah Andrea Hirata penulis best seller yang tertuang dalam novel tetralogi Laskar Pelangi yang mengajarkanku untuk bermimpi, menggoda marabahaya, menerjang puncak tantangan. Yes, they all depend on optimism and conviction. Yups, the United States was occupied by optimist people, wasn't it? That time when it was in the middle of the 19th century, when it was the golden days for social reform, when the poor community that comes could live in prosperity. They even released slaves and struggled to help female group. Thomas Alva Edison experienced repeated failures for more than hundred times when tried to create electronic lamp, didn't he? And also the story of Andrea Hirata, a best-seller writer that is shown in the tetralogy novel Rainbow Knight, taught me to dream, to tease danger, and to attack the top of a challange. Orientasi pada proses bukan hasil. Pikiran dan keinginan kita adalah gelombang yang bisa terpancar ke alam. Ketik setiap kita menginginkan sesuatu maka kita sedang melepaskan energi vibrasi ke alam. Lalu signal-signal energi ini akan dibaca oleh alam yang secara otomatis akan bekerja mewujudkannya. Itulah hukum daya tarik.. Maka kalo kita bilang kita bodoh maka alam bawah sadar akan menuju ke arah sana. Kalo kita bilang kita pintar alam bawah sadar akan bekerja membenarkannya. Jadi pilih mana? The orientation is on the process not the result. Our mind and wants are the waves that can be emitted to the nature. When any of us desire something, we are releasing a vibration energy to the nature. Then this energy signals will be read by the nature that will automatically works to bring them into reality. That is what law of attraction is.. So if we say that we are stupid, the under-consciousness world will go to that direction. When we say that we are smart, the under-consciousness world will agree too. Which one do you choose? Lalu mengapa kita selalu pesimis? Bagaimana menepis keraguan itu? Ternyata diperlukan titik optimum dalam usaha dan berdoa di mana pun kita berdiri. Mungkin sebenarnya ada bakat untuk optimis tapi potensi kita jarang diasah, usaha kita pas-pasan sehingga kita selalu ragu dalam bermimpi dan menerjang tantangan yang akan menghantarkanmu menuju kesuksesan. So why are we always pessimist? How to prevent that doubt? It was found that a optimum point was needed in every work and need to pray everywhere we stand. Maybe in reality we have the tendency to be optimist but that potential is not ground, our works are only as much as we think we need, so that we are always in doubt to have a dream and kick the challanges that may bring you to success. Jadi bermimpilah karena mimpi-mimpimu akan dipeluk!!~~~ So have a dream because your dreams will be embraced!!~~~
Written by: fitranty adirestuty ![]() ![]() |