Do you all realize that the exams are drawing near? We are sure that all of NTU students have realized this, except for those who are in IA or whose subjects are all non-examinable. For those who face the exam this semester, let us do your best in preparing the exams! How is your preparation so far? Have you started studying? But, but ... remember that preparing the exams is not only about studying. It is not about hiding and isolating yourself in your room from the rest of the world to study. You should also remember someone else. Exam is a good chance to show your care by praying and blessing other friends who are also having exams.
Sadarkah kalo exam uda deket? Pastinya anak-anak NTU uda pada sadar dong, kecuali yang lagi IA atau yang smua plajarannya gak ada ujian. Buat yang ada exam semester ini, ayo semangat buat persiapan examnya! Gimana persiapannya sejauh ini? Udah mulai belajar? Tapi, tapi... inget yah, persiapan exam bukan blajar doang. Bukan juga bersembunyi dan mengunci diri di kamar dari orang lain buat belajar. Kita juga mesti inget sama orang lain. Exam bisa jadi kesempatan bagus buat nunjukin kepedulian kita dengan berdoa dan memberkati orang lain yang sama-sama exam.
There are many things that you could do to be a blessing for your friends. You could send an encouragement sms, some snacks, toys, stationary, books, or maybe advises to your friends. One of the simplest act of care is to pray for your friends, and even for the people you do not know. Although we cannot see directly the power of praying, but believe that many people's praying can help someone facing his/her difficulties.
Banyak yang bisa dilakukan untuk jadi berkat buat orang lain. Bisa kirim sms buat ngasi semangat, kasi cemilan, mainan, alat tulis, buku, ato mungkin saran. Yang paling simpel yaitu berdoa buat teman-temanmu, bahkan juga buat orang-orang yang ga kamu kenal. Biarpun hasilnya ga bisa diliat langsung, percayalah doa banyak orang bisa membantu orang lain menghadapi kesulitan.
We have provided a place to help all of you praying each other. So, to take part in blessing others and being blessed as well, just register your exams in the forms below. Of course you should pray too, not just register and then forget it. You can check the list here or receive daily mail and pray for yourself and for others anytime and anywhere you want. The last simple step is you must have faith in the power of prayer. Believe that Lord Jesus has the power to help you.
Kita udah bikin tempat buat saling mendoakan di bawah. Ayo2, kalian ikut juga dong dengan daftarin ujianmu di formulir di bawah. Tentunya kalian juga harus mendoakan dong, nggak hanya daftar trs abis gitu lupa. Daftar ujian bisa dilihat di sini tiap hari atau lewat imel harian dan berdoalah kapanpun dan dimanapun kau mau. Percaya pada kekuatan doa adalah hal sederhana trakhir yang harus dipunyai. Percayalah Tuhan Yesus akan membantu.
Those who don't have any exams but want to pray for others also can register to receive email too.
Yang ga ada ujian tapi mau berdoa buat orang laen juga bisa daftar buat menerima imel.
Of course, this is not only for Christians, everyone are welcomed to register. Do promote to your friends too.
Ini tidak hanya terbatas pada umat Kristen saja, semua orang diundang untuk mendaftar. Kasitau temen2 yang lain juga yaa =)
"Exam prayer list ini memang bukan bagian dari program dari NTU-ISCF" kata seorang pejabat ISCF. Ini terbuka baik untuk anggota ISCF maupun bukan.
Place your mouse above incomplete text ("...") to see the full text. Click to filter.
Taruh tikus di teks yang tak lengkap ("...") untuk lihat selengkapnya. Klik untuk filter.
Selasa, 17 Apr 2007, 9:00 |
Henni Djunaidi | BS206 | Principles and methods of biophy... | Hall E |
Kristo | EE2007 | Engineering mathematics II | Hall D |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE2007 | Engineering mathematics II | Hall D |
yosafat tri hanggoro | EE2007 | Engineering mathematics II | Hall D |
Lenny | HP203 | Social psychology | Hall F |
Lenny | HP203 | Social psychology | Hall F |
Arianto Anugerah | SC433 | Programming languages | Hall C |
Selasa, 17 Apr 2007, 13:00 |
Adela Josephine | AA101 | Accounting I | Hall D |
Adhi Kurnianto | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Anthony Wisata | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Cinthya Lie | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Denia Sia | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Edwin Ho | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Emil Sanusi | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall B |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall C |
Irana Pantow | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall C |
Jeremia Dwi Martono | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall... |
Liyenita Widjaja | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Lukas Hari Suryanata | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall C |
Lusiana Saputra | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Maria Regina Hartono | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Marlene Agus | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
MELISSA PRAWIRASATYA | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Melita Sumitro | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall B |
Monica Suryana | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Olivia Wijaya | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Ridwan Kurniawan | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall B |
Stephanus Gunawan | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall A |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | FE1007 | Mathematics 2 | Hall B |
Clement | HE201 | Intermediate microeconomics | Hall C |
Daniel Perdana Simandjuntak | HE201 | Intermediate microeconomics | Hall C |
Aditya Heru Prathama | MP2011 | Engineering graphics and machine... | Hall F |
Gunadi Wihardjo | MP2011 | Engineering graphics and machine... | Hall F |
Hadi Salim Suroso | MP2011 | Engineering graphics and machine... | Hall F |
Louise Lai | MP2011 | Engineering graphics and machine... | Hall F |
Marvin Sugi Hartono | MP2011 | Engineering graphics and machine... | Hall F |
Rivan Rivaldy | MP2011 | Engineering graphics and machine... | Hall F |
Valencia Ang | MP2011 | Engineering graphics and machine... | Hall F |
Yannata Kurniawan | MP2011 | Engineering graphics and machine... | Hall F |
Selasa, 17 Apr 2007, 17:00 |
Hadi Salim Suroso | BS803 | Science or fiction? - biology In... | Hall A |
Maria Regina Hartono | BS803 | Science or fiction? - biology In... | Hall A |
Wahyu Surya | BS803 | Science or fiction? - biology In... | Hall A |
Go Ka Diam | CS100 | Fundamentals of communication st... | Hall E |
TAN DA NENG | HP802 | Working In the 21st century | Hall B |
Mel | IC0102 | Web-based Information systems | Hall E |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | IC0102 | Web-based Information systems | Hall E |
widodo | IC0102 | Web-based Information systems | Hall E |
Adhi Kurnianto | MB101 | Accounting | Hall D |
ADRIAN ISKANDAR | MB101 | Accounting | Hall D |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | MB101 | Accounting | Hall D |
Shilvia Kasdani | MB101 | Accounting | Hall D |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | MB101 | Accounting | Hall D |
Hiew Shu Hui | MPS811 | Defence science | Hall C |
Hiu Lia Andriyani | MPS811 | Defence science | Hall C |
Jefri Sanusi Teguh | MPS811 | Defence science | Hall C |
Rabu, 18 Apr 2007, 9:00 |
Garlia | AB105 | Organisational behaviour & design | Hall B |
Jackline Herman | AB105 | Organisational behaviour & design | Hall B |
Hendro Mario | MS4002 | Quality control | Hall C |
Marlene Patricia | MS4002 | Quality control | Hall C |
Setiawan | MS4002 | Quality control | Hall C |
Arianto Anugerah | SC442 | Advanced data management techniq... | Hall A |
Randy Sugianto | SC442 | Advanced data management techniq... | Hall A |
Rabu, 18 Apr 2007, 13:00 |
Indra Kristanto | BG1007 | Mathematics for engineers b | Hall A |
Melda | BG1007 | Mathematics for engineers b | Hall A |
Go Ka Diam | BS109 | Basic cell biology | Hall L |
Maria Noviani | BS109 | Basic cell biology | Hall L |
Timotius Marvin Suhartono | BS109 | Basic cell biology | Hall L |
Wahyu Surya | BS109 | Basic cell biology | Hall L |
Christina Purnama | BS310 | Pharmacology | Hall L |
Edwin Boaz | CPE184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall D |
Anna Carolina Liong | CSC184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall D |
Chandra Limantara | CSC184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall D |
Evan Yonathan Aryohutomo ... | CSC184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall D | | CSC184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall D |
Maria Myrna Handoko | CSC184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall D |
Sally Alexia Anggoman Ang | CSC184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall D |
Tio Favian Antonius | CSC184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall D |
Luh putu | HE303 | The chinese economy | Hall B |
Hiu Lia Andriyani | MAS313 | Abstract algebra I | Hall D |
Rabu, 18 Apr 2007, 17:00 |
Jefri Sanusi Teguh | CBC951 | Materials chemistry | Hall A |
Indra Kristanto | EE8081 | Biological Intelligence and Insp... | Hall A |
Renald Taurusdi | GV11 | Aesthetic and creative use of th... | Hall A |
Anthony Kho | HC804E | Chinese tradition & society (eng) | Hall A |
Hadi Salim Suroso | HC804E | Chinese tradition & society (eng) | Hall A |
KOE DAVID KURNIAWAN | HC804E | Chinese tradition & society (eng) | Hall A |
Wahyu Surya | HC804E | Chinese tradition & society (eng) | Hall A |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | HC804E | Chinese tradition & society (eng) | Hall A |
Shilvia Kasdani | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall B |
Yulianty Wibawa | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall B |
Melita Sumitro | LS80 | Spanish language level 1 | Hall B |
Jeremia Dwi Martono | MB103 | Principles of marketing | Hall L |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | MB103 | Principles of marketing | Hall L |
Andre Wibisono | SC134 | Principles of economics | Hall B |
Dhani Wiryawan Susilo | SC134 | Principles of economics | Hall B |
Martinus Raditya Putra | SC134 | Principles of economics | Hall B |
Kamis, 19 Apr 2007, 9:00 |
Jasmine Widodo | BG2009 | Biomechanics | Hall K |
Hiew Shu Hui | CBC112 | Principles of modern chemistry w... | Hall E |
Mel | CBC112 | Principles of modern chemistry w... | Hall E |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | CBC112 | Principles of modern chemistry w... | Hall E |
widodo | CBC112 | Principles of modern chemistry w... | Hall E |
Yulianty Wibawa | CBC112 | Principles of modern chemistry w... | Hall E |
Clement | HE208 | Public finance | Hall C |
Aditya Heru Prathama | MP2005 | Fluid mechanics | Hall A |
Gunadi Wihardjo | MP2005 | Fluid mechanics | Hall A |
Louise Lai | MP2005 | Fluid mechanics | Hall A |
Marvin Sugi Hartono | MP2005 | Fluid mechanics | Hall A |
Rivan Rivaldy | MP2005 | Fluid mechanics | Hall A |
Valencia Ang | MP2005 | Fluid mechanics | Hall A |
Yannata Kurniawan | MP2005 | Fluid mechanics | Hall A |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | MP2005 | Fluid mechanics | Hall A |
Marlene Patricia | MS3002 | Microelectronics materials proce... | Hall F |
Dhani Wiryawan Susilo | SC452 | Simulation and modelling | Hall D |
Martinus Raditya Putra | SC452 | Simulation and modelling | Hall D |
Olyvia | SC452 | Simulation and modelling | Hall D |
Yessy | SC452 | Simulation and modelling | Hall D |
Kamis, 19 Apr 2007, 13:00 |
Adela Josephine | AB113 | Information technology | Hall L |
yosafat tri hanggoro | EE3001 | Engineering electromagnetics | Hall D |
Adhi Kurnianto | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
Anthony Wisata | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
Denia Sia | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
Jeremia Dwi Martono | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall... |
Lukas Hari Suryanata | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
Lusiana Saputra | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
Maria Regina Hartono | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
Marlene Agus | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
MELISSA PRAWIRASATYA | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
Monica Suryana | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
Olivia Wijaya | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
Ridwan Kurniawan | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
Woo Weng Foong | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall A |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | HW110 | Effective communication | Hall B |
Yenny | PAP113 | Optics and waves | Hall F |
Kamis, 19 Apr 2007, 17:00 |
Dessy Sudjana | ADM132 | Western art history II | Hall B |
Edwin Boaz | ADM132 | Western art history II | Hall B |
Renald Taurusdi | ADM132 | Western art history II | Hall B |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | CM101 | Java and the Internet | Hall C |
Lusiana Saputra | CM101 | Java and the Internet | Hall C |
Lukas Hari Suryanata | EE8084 | Cyber security | Hall C |
TAN DA NENG | HP801 | Mind over stress | Hall A |
KOE DAVID KURNIAWAN | MB106 | Fundamentals of management | Hall L |
Lo Yondy Sofian Lodyono | MB106 | Fundamentals of management | Hall L |
Stephanus Gunawan | MB106 | Fundamentals of management | Hall L |
Theresia | MB106 | Fundamentals of management | Hall L |
Jumat, 20 Apr 2007, 9:00 |
Indra Kristanto | BG1002 | Bioengineering physics | Hall B |
Melda | BG1002 | Bioengineering physics | Hall B |
Henni Djunaidi | BS207 | Immunology | Hall L |
Ting Chuan Hui | CPE301 | Digital communications | Hall D |
Edwin Ho | FE1001 | Physics I | Hall A |
Emil Sanusi | FE1001 | Physics I | Hall B |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | FE1001 | Physics I | Hall A |
Irana Pantow | FE1001 | Physics I | Hall A |
Liyenita Widjaja | FE1001 | Physics I | Hall A |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | FE1001 | Physics I | Hall B |
Stephanus Gunawan | FE1001 | Physics I | Hall... |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | FE1001 | Physics I | Hall B |
Daniel Perdana Simandjuntak | HE204A | Introductory econometrics | Hall B |
Luh putu | HE322 | Econometric modeling & forecasti... | Hall B |
Dhani Wiryawan Susilo | SC435 | Visualisation | Hall D |
Jumat, 20 Apr 2007, 14:30 |
Garlia | AB112 | Marketing | Hall... |
Livia Suryani Aminah | AB112 | Marketing | Hall D |
Jasmine Widodo | HP101 | Introduction to psychology | Hall F |
Ridwan Kurniawan | HP101 | Introduction to psychology | Hall F |
Hiu Lia Andriyani | MAS212 | Calculus Iv | Hall L |
Woo Weng Foong | MATH1B | Calculus of several variables | Hall L |
Senin, 23 Apr 2007, 9:00 |
Jackline Herman | AA102 | Accounting II | Hall L |
Shilvia Kasdani | CS221 | Broadcast journalism | Hall C |
Adhi Kurnianto | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Anthony Wisata | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Cinthya Lie | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Denia Sia | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Jeremia Dwi Martono | FE1008 | Computing | Hall... |
Lukas Hari Suryanata | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Lusiana Saputra | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Maria Regina Hartono | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Marlene Agus | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
MELISSA PRAWIRASATYA | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Melita Sumitro | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Monica Suryana | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Olivia Wijaya | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Ridwan Kurniawan | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | FE1008 | Computing | Hall B |
Christian Budiman | MP2002 | Kinematics and dynamics of machi... | Hall D |
Louise Lai | MP2002 | Kinematics and dynamics of machi... | Hall D |
Marvin Sugi Hartono | MP2002 | Kinematics and dynamics of machi... | Hall D |
Rivan Rivaldy | MP2002 | Kinematics and dynamics of machi... | Hall D |
Yannata Kurniawan | MP2002 | Kinematics and dynamics of machi... | Hall D |
Ronn Goei | MS4524 | Polymer physics | Hall C |
Setiawan | MS4524 | Polymer physics | Hall C |
Andre Wibisono | SC404 | Digital signal processing | Hall C |
Senin, 23 Apr 2007, 13:00 |
Indra Kristanto | BG1008 | Organic chemistry and spectropho... | Hall L |
Melda | BG1008 | Organic chemistry and spectropho... | Hall L |
Jasmine Widodo | BG2002 | Organic chemistry and spectropho... | Hall L |
Christina Purnama | BS313 | Functional genomics and proteomi... | Hall L |
Kristo | EE2005 | Ac circuits & machines | Hall A |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE2005 | Ac circuits & machines | Hall A |
yosafat tri hanggoro | EE2005 | Ac circuits & machines | Hall A |
Clement | HE211 | Labour economics & labour relati... | Hall F |
Daniel Perdana Simandjuntak | HE211 | Labour economics & labour relati... | Hall F |
Luh putu | HS101 | Person and society | Hall F |
Hiu Lia Andriyani | MAS314 | Numerical analysis I | Hall B |
Senin, 23 Apr 2007, 17:00 |
Timotius Marvin Suhartono | ADM240 | Survey of modern art,1900-1945 | Hall C |
Lenny | EE8086 | Astronomy - stars, galaxies and ... | Hall... |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | EE8086 | Astronomy - stars, galaxies and ... | Hall B |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | HL810 | Remaking cinema | Hall C |
Aditya Heru Prathama | HP803 | Are you okay? mental health In s... | Hall B |
Kristo | HP803 | Are you okay? mental health In s... | Hall B |
TAN DA NENG | HP803 | Are you okay? mental health In s... | Hall B |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | HP803 | Are you okay? mental health In s... | Hall B |
ADRIAN ISKANDAR | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Cinthya Lie | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Edwin Ho | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Henni Djunaidi | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Irana Pantow | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Jefri Sanusi Teguh | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Lusiana Saputra | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Maria Noviani | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
MELISSA PRAWIRASATYA | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Monica Suryana | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Olivia Wijaya | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Wahyu Surya | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Yenny | LC80 | Elementary chinese I | Hall D |
Anthony Wisata | LC81 | Elementary chinese II | Hall D | | LC81 | Elementary chinese II | Hall D |
Maria Myrna Handoko | LC81 | Elementary chinese II | Hall D |
Sonny Budiman Sasaka | LC81 | Elementary chinese II | Hall D |
Tio Favian Antonius | LC81 | Elementary chinese II | Hall D |
Evan Yonathan Aryohutomo ... | MB363 | Management decision tools | Hall D |
Gunadi Wihardjo | MB363 | Management decision tools | Hall D |
Liyenita Widjaja | MB363 | Management decision tools | Hall D |
Louise Lai | MB363 | Management decision tools | Hall D |
Rivan Rivaldy | MB363 | Management decision tools | Hall D |
Setiawan | MB363 | Management decision tools | Hall D |
Theresia | MB363 | Management decision tools | Hall D |
Selasa, 24 Apr 2007, 9:00 |
Henni Djunaidi | BS208 | Virology | Hall D |
Anthony Kho | CPE207 | Software engineering | Hall A |
Edwin Boaz | CPE207 | Software engineering | Hall A |
KOE DAVID KURNIAWAN | CPE207 | Software engineering | Hall A |
Lo Yondy Sofian Lodyono | CPE207 | Software engineering | Hall A |
Paulina konggidinata | CPE207 | Software engineering | Hall A |
Stefanie Desiana Pasaribu | CPE207 | Software engineering | Hall A |
Shilvia Kasdani | CS203 | Newswriting and reporting | Tsn ... |
Kristo | MAS214 | Basic discrete mathemtics & numb... | Hall A |
Marlene Patricia | MS3030 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall B |
Dewi | SC450 | Mobile and personal communicatio... | Hall A |
Martinus Raditya Putra | SC450 | Mobile and personal communicatio... | Hall A |
Theodora Amanda Devi | SC450 | Mobile and personal communicatio... | Hall A |
Selasa, 24 Apr 2007, 13:00 |
Adela Josephine | AB107 | Business law | Hall B |
Livia Suryani Aminah | AC208 | Company law | Hall A |
Edwin Ho | FE1004 | Life sciences | Hall D |
Emil Sanusi | FE1004 | Life sciences | Hall F |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | FE1004 | Life sciences | Hall F |
Irana Pantow | FE1004 | Life sciences | Hall D |
Liyenita Widjaja | FE1004 | Life sciences | Hall D |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | FE1004 | Life sciences | Hall F |
Stephanus Gunawan | FE1004 | Life sciences | Hall D |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | FE1004 | Life sciences | Hall F |
Selasa, 24 Apr 2007, 17:00 |
Sally Alexia Anggoman Ang | ADM280 | Art In the age of colonialism | Hall C |
Jackline Herman | CBC801 | Impact of chemistry on society | Hall C |
Stephanus Gunawan | CBC801 | Impact of chemistry on society | Hall C |
Yulianty Wibawa | CBC801 | Impact of chemistry on society | Hall C |
Jefri Sanusi Teguh | HL811 | Imagining singapore | Hall A |
Ridwan Kurniawan | HL811 | Imagining singapore | Hall A |
Jeremia Dwi Martono | HP804 | Coping with culture transition | Hall A |
Livia Suryani Aminah | HP804 | Coping with culture transition | Hall A |
TAN DA NENG | HP804 | Coping with culture transition | Hall A |
Jasmine Widodo | LF80 | French language level 1 | Hall D |
Liyenita Widjaja | LF80 | French language level 1 | Hall D |
Lukas Hari Suryanata | LF80 | French language level 1 | Hall D |
denny ardhiyanto go | MB107 | Fundamentals of business law | Hall E |
Melita Sumitro | PAP802 | Physics of sports | Hall B |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | PAP802 | Physics of sports | Hall B |
Rabu, 25 Apr 2007, 9:00 |
Christina Purnama | CV4202 | Human resources management and e... | Hall L |
Kristo | EE2003 | Semiconductor fundamentals | Hall D |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE2003 | Semiconductor fundamentals | Hall D |
yosafat tri hanggoro | EE2003 | Semiconductor fundamentals | Hall D |
Jeremia Dwi Martono | FE1002 | Physics II | Hall A |
Lukas Hari Suryanata | FE1002 | Physics II | Hall A |
Melita Sumitro | FE1002 | Physics II | Hall A |
denny ardhiyanto go | MP3003 | Heat transfer | Hall B |
Setiawan | MS4522 | Nanomaterials | Hall E |
Rabu, 25 Apr 2007, 13:00 |
Garlia | AB106 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
Jackline Herman | AB106 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
Jasmine Widodo | BG2008 | Thermodynamics | Hall B |
Woo Weng Foong | CH2008 | Thermodynamics | Hall B |
Ting Chuan Hui | CPE302 | Computer networks | Hall D |
Daniel Perdana Simandjuntak | HE212 | Economic thought | Hall E |
Lenny | HP202 | Developmental psychology | Hall A |
Hiu Lia Andriyani | MAS315 | Probability & statistics II | Hall E |
Rabu, 25 Apr 2007, 17:00 |
Emil Sanusi | CM102 | How computers work | Hall F |
Gunadi Wihardjo | CM102 | How computers work | Hall F |
Rivan Rivaldy | CM102 | How computers work | Hall F |
Yannata Kurniawan | CM102 | How computers work | Hall F |
Lusiana Saputra | EE8087 | Living with mathematics | Hall E |
Adela Josephine | HP805 | Introduction to human resource m... | Hall D |
Mel | HP805 | Introduction to human resource m... | Hall D |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | HP805 | Introduction to human resource m... | Hall D |
TAN DA NENG | HP805 | Introduction to human resource m... | Hall D |
widodo | HP805 | Introduction to human resource m... | Hall D |
ADRIAN ISKANDAR | HS810 | Food In culture and society | Hall D |
Anna Carolina Liong | HS810 | Food In culture and society | Hall D |
Anthony Kho | HS810 | Food In culture and society | Hall D |
Hiu Lia Andriyani | HS810 | Food In culture and society | Hall D |
Marvin Sugi Hartono | HS810 | Food In culture and society | Hall D |
Valencia Ang | HS810 | Food In culture and society | Hall D |
denny ardhiyanto go | LJ80 | Japanese language level 1 | Hall A |
Dessy Sudjana | LJ80 | Japanese language level 1 | Hall A |
Woo Weng Foong | LJ80 | Japanese language level 1 | Hall A |
Louise Lai | LJ82 | Japanese language level 3 | Hall B |
Christian Budiman | MB102 | Business finance | Hall F |
Clement | MB102 | Business finance | Hall F |
Denia Sia | MB102 | Business finance | Hall F |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | MB102 | Business finance | Hall F |
Marlene Agus | MB102 | Business finance | Hall F |
Sonny Budiman Sasaka | MP8085 | History of great Inventions | Hall D |
Kamis, 26 Apr 2007, 9:00 |
Henni Djunaidi | BS209 | Advanced biochemistry | Hall C |
Hiew Shu Hui | CBC122 | Biological chemistry 2 | Hall E |
Mel | CBC122 | Biological chemistry 2 | Hall E |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | CBC122 | Biological chemistry 2 | Hall E |
widodo | CBC122 | Biological chemistry 2 | Hall E |
Yulianty Wibawa | CBC122 | Biological chemistry 2 | Hall E |
Shilvia Kasdani | CS225 | Information technology for media... | Hall F |
Edwin Lesmana | CSC183 | Engineers and society | Hall F |
Clement | HE104B | Introduction to probability and ... | Hall A |
Christian Budiman | MP2007 | Mathematics 4 | Hall B |
Louise Lai | MP2007 | Mathematics 4 | Hall B |
Marvin Sugi Hartono | MP2007 | Mathematics 4 | Hall B |
Yannata Kurniawan | MP2007 | Mathematics 4 | Hall B |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | MP2007 | Mathematics 4 | Hall B |
Marlene Patricia | MS3001 | Metallic & ceramic materials | Hall F |
Andre Wibisono | SC437 | Computer vision & Image processi... | Hall F |
Olyvia | SC437 | Computer vision & Image processi... | Hall F |
Yessy | SC437 | Computer vision & Image processi... | Hall F |
Kamis, 26 Apr 2007, 13:00 |
Go Ka Diam | BS106 | Biochemistry II - metabolism | Hall B |
Maria Noviani | BS106 | Biochemistry II - metabolism | Hall B |
Timotius Marvin Suhartono | BS106 | Biochemistry II - metabolism | Hall B |
Wahyu Surya | BS106 | Biochemistry II - metabolism | Hall B |
ADRIAN ISKANDAR | CPE106 | Mathematics II | Hall F |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | CPE106 | Mathematics II | Hall F |
Edwin Ho | FE1005 | Materials science | Hall A |
Emil Sanusi | FE1005 | Materials science | Hall A |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | FE1005 | Materials science | Hall A |
Irana Pantow | FE1005 | Materials science | Hall A |
Liyenita Widjaja | FE1005 | Materials science | Hall A |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | FE1005 | Materials science | Hall A |
Stephanus Gunawan | FE1005 | Materials science | Hall A |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | FE1005 | Materials science | Hall A |
Luh putu | HE307 | Financial economics | Hall C |
Yenny | MAS183 | Linear algebra and multivariable... | Hall F |
Kamis, 26 Apr 2007, 17:00 |
Edwin Lesmana | CV8801 | Spatial Information science | Hall B |
Aditya Heru Prathama | EE8061 | Innovation and technology manage... | Hall A |
Go Ka Diam | EE8061 | Innovation and technology manage... | Hall A |
Lukas Hari Suryanata | EE8061 | Innovation and technology manage... | Hall A |
Melda | EE8061 | Innovation and technology manage... | Hall A |
Lo Yondy Sofian Lodyono | HP806 | Psychology of crisis stress mana... | Hall A |
TAN DA NENG | HP806 | Psychology of crisis stress mana... | Hall A |
Theodora Amanda Devi | LG82 | German language level 3 | Hall B |
Jumat, 27 Apr 2007, 9:00 |
Livia Suryani Aminah | AA205 | Control and risk management | Hall A |
Garlia | AB103 | Statistical & quantitative metho... | Hall L |
Jackline Herman | AB103 | Statistical & quantitative metho... | Hall A |
Cinthya Lie | FE1003 | Chemistry | Hall B |
Jeremia Dwi Martono | FE1003 | Chemistry | Hall... |
Lusiana Saputra | FE1003 | Chemistry | Hall B |
Maria Regina Hartono | FE1003 | Chemistry | Hall B |
MELISSA PRAWIRASATYA | FE1003 | Chemistry | Hall B |
Melita Sumitro | FE1003 | Chemistry | Hall B |
Monica Suryana | FE1003 | Chemistry | Hall B |
Olivia Wijaya | FE1003 | Chemistry | Hall B |
denny ardhiyanto go | MP3011 | Engineering design | Hall F |
Hendro Mario | MS4555 | Nanostructure of functional mate... | Hall F |
Dhani Wiryawan Susilo | SC405 | Compiler techniques | Hall D |
Randy Sugianto | SC405 | Compiler techniques | Hall D |
Jumat, 27 Apr 2007, 14:30 |
Indra Kristanto | BG1005 | Materials science | Hall D |
Melda | BG1005 | Materials science | Hall D |
Jefri Sanusi Teguh | CBC211 | Analytical and bioanalytical che... | Hall B |
Sonny Budiman Sasaka | CSC106 | Discrete mathematics | Hall A |
Kristo | EE2002 | Analog electronics | Hall A |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE2002 | Analog electronics | Hall A |
yosafat tri hanggoro | EE2002 | Analog electronics | Hall A |
Aditya Heru Prathama | MP2006 | Mathematics 3 | Hall D |
Gunadi Wihardjo | MP2006 | Mathematics 3 | Hall D |
Hadi Salim Suroso | MP2006 | Mathematics 3 | Hall D |
Rivan Rivaldy | MP2006 | Mathematics 3 | Hall D |
Valencia Ang | MP2006 | Mathematics 3 | Hall D |
Senin, 30 Apr 2007, 9:00 |
Adela Josephine | AB102 | Financial management | Hall A |
Indra Kristanto | BG1009 | Anatomy & physiology | Hall E |
Melda | BG1009 | Anatomy & physiology | Hall E |
yosafat tri hanggoro | EE3012 | Communication principles | Hall B |
Lenny | HP200 | Research design and data analysi... | Hall D |
Hadi Salim Suroso | MP2003 | Thermodynamics | Hall D |
Christian Budiman | MP2013 | Mechatronics system Interfacing | Hall F |
Gunadi Wihardjo | MP2013 | Mechatronics system Interfacing | Hall F |
Marvin Sugi Hartono | MP2013 | Mechatronics system Interfacing | Hall F |
Rivan Rivaldy | MP2013 | Mechatronics system Interfacing | Hall F |
Yannata Kurniawan | MP2013 | Mechatronics system Interfacing | Hall F |
Senin, 30 Apr 2007, 13:00 |
Go Ka Diam | BS107 | Principles of genetics | Hall E |
Maria Noviani | BS107 | Principles of genetics | Hall E |
Timotius Marvin Suhartono | BS107 | Principles of genetics | Hall E |
Wahyu Surya | BS107 | Principles of genetics | Hall E |
Christina Purnama | BS412 | Drug discovery and development b... | Hall C |
herry martadinata | BS412 | Drug discovery and development b... | Hall C |
Hiew Shu Hui | MAS182 | Calculus for the sciences II | Hall F |
Mel | MAS182 | Calculus for the sciences II | Hall F |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | MAS182 | Calculus for the sciences II | Hall F |
widodo | MAS182 | Calculus for the sciences II | Hall F |
Yenny | MAS182 | Calculus for the sciences II | Hall F |
Yulianty Wibawa | MAS182 | Calculus for the sciences II | Hall F |
denny ardhiyanto go | MP3002 | Mechanics of deformable solids | Hall B |
Adhi Kurnianto | MS2005 | Mechanics of materials | Hall D |
Senin, 30 Apr 2007, 17:00 |
Emil Sanusi | EE8085 | Electricity for modern society | Hall A |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | EE8085 | Electricity for modern society | Hall A |
Yannata Kurniawan | HS811 | Whose rules? Issues In crime and... | Hall A |
Chandra Limantara | HW801 | Language puzzle:the study of hum... | Hall A |
Rabu, 2 May 2007, 9:00 |
Jasmine Widodo | BG2011 | Computational methods In biomedi... | Hall B |
Henni Djunaidi | BS210 | Bioinformatics | Hall A |
Kristo | EE3002 | Microprocessors | Hall D |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE3002 | Microprocessors | Hall D |
Aditya Heru Prathama | MP2008 | Electrical and electronics: circ... | Hall C |
Hadi Salim Suroso | MP2008 | Electrical and electronics: circ... | Hall C |
Valencia Ang | MP2008 | Electrical and electronics: circ... | Hall C |
Hendro Mario | MS4503 | Microelectronics process Integra... | Hall F |
Yenny | PAP112 | Fields and oscillations | Hall A |
Hiew Shu Hui | PAP182 | Foundations of physics II | Hall A |
Mel | PAP182 | Foundations of physics II | Hall A |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | PAP182 | Foundations of physics II | Hall A |
widodo | PAP182 | Foundations of physics II | Hall A |
Yulianty Wibawa | PAP182 | Foundations of physics II | Hall A |
Woo Weng Foong | PHYS1B | Electromagnetism and relativity | Hall A |
Dewi | SC445 | Digital video coding and compres... | Hall F |
Rabu, 2 May 2007, 13:00 |
Christina Purnama | BS303 | Principles and methods of struct... | Hall B |
Anthony Kho | CPE205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Edwin Boaz | CPE205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
KOE DAVID KURNIAWAN | CPE205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Lo Yondy Sofian Lodyono | CPE205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Paulina konggidinata | CPE205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Stefanie Desiana Pasaribu | CPE205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Ting Chuan Hui | CPE205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Anna Carolina Liong | CSC205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Chandra Limantara | CSC205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Edwin Lesmana | CSC205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Evan Yonathan Aryohutomo ... | CSC205 | Operating systems | Hall C | | CSC205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Maria Myrna Handoko | CSC205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Sally Alexia Anggoman Ang | CSC205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Theresia | CSC205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Tio Favian Antonius | CSC205 | Operating systems | Hall C |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | EE2008 | Data structures & algorithms | Hall A |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE2008 | Data structures & algorithms | Hall A |
Rabu, 2 May 2007, 17:00 |
Jefri Sanusi Teguh | CBC931 | Industrial chemistry | Hall E |
Kamis, 3 May 2007, 9:00 |
Anthony Kho | CPE206 | Microcontroller systems design | Hall A |
Edwin Boaz | CPE206 | Microcontroller systems design | Hall A |
KOE DAVID KURNIAWAN | CPE206 | Microcontroller systems design | Hall A |
Lo Yondy Sofian Lodyono | CPE206 | Microcontroller systems design | Hall A |
Paulina konggidinata | CPE206 | Microcontroller systems design | Hall A |
Stefanie Desiana Pasaribu | CPE206 | Microcontroller systems design | Hall A |
Ting Chuan Hui | CPE206 | Microcontroller systems design | Hall A |
Anna Carolina Liong | CSC207 | Software engineering I | Hall A |
Chandra Limantara | CSC207 | Software engineering I | Hall A |
Edwin Lesmana | CSC207 | Software engineering I | Hall A |
Evan Yonathan Aryohutomo ... | CSC207 | Software engineering I | Hall A | | CSC207 | Software engineering I | Hall A |
Maria Myrna Handoko | CSC207 | Software engineering I | Hall A |
Sally Alexia Anggoman Ang | CSC207 | Software engineering I | Hall A |
Theresia | CSC207 | Software engineering I | Hall A |
Tio Favian Antonius | CSC207 | Software engineering I | Hall A |
Marlene Patricia | MS3003 | Materials failure | Hall B |
Arianto Anugerah | SC432 | Distributed systems | Hall A |
Randy Sugianto | SC432 | Distributed systems | Hall A |
Kamis, 3 May 2007, 13:00 |
ADRIAN ISKANDAR | CPE104 | Logic design | Hall D |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | CPE104 | Logic design | Hall D |
Sonny Budiman Sasaka | CSC104 | Logic design | Hall D |
Adhi Kurnianto | MS1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
Anthony Wisata | MS1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
Cinthya Lie | MS1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
Denia Sia | MS1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
Lusiana Saputra | MS1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
Maria Regina Hartono | MS1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
Marlene Agus | MS1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
MELISSA PRAWIRASATYA | MS1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
Monica Suryana | MS1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
Olivia Wijaya | MS1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
Ridwan Kurniawan | MS1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
Kamis, 3 May 2007, 17:00 |
Edwin Ho | EM107 | Environmental health and safety | Hall E |
Irana Pantow | EM107 | Environmental health and safety | Hall E |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | EM107 | Environmental health and safety | Hall E |
Jumat, 4 May 2007, 9:00 |
Jasmine Widodo | BG2010 | Bioelectricity | Hall B |
Anthony Kho | CPE208 | Instrumentation and data acquisi... | Hall A |
Edwin Boaz | CPE208 | Instrumentation and data acquisi... | Hall A |
KOE DAVID KURNIAWAN | CPE208 | Instrumentation and data acquisi... | Hall A |
Lo Yondy Sofian Lodyono | CPE208 | Instrumentation and data acquisi... | Hall A |
Paulina konggidinata | CPE208 | Instrumentation and data acquisi... | Hall A |
Stefanie Desiana Pasaribu | CPE208 | Instrumentation and data acquisi... | Hall A |
Melita Sumitro | MP2001 | Mechanics of materials | Hall B |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | MP2001 | Mechanics of materials | Hall B |
Andre Wibisono | SC438 | Robotics | Hall A |
Dewi | SC438 | Robotics | Hall A |
Martinus Raditya Putra | SC438 | Robotics | Hall A |
Olyvia | SC438 | Robotics | Hall A |
Theodora Amanda Devi | SC438 | Robotics | Hall A |
Yessy | SC438 | Robotics | Hall A |
Jumat, 4 May 2007, 14:30 |
Go Ka Diam | BS108 | Molecular biology | Hall B |
Maria Noviani | BS108 | Molecular biology | Hall B |
Timotius Marvin Suhartono | BS108 | Molecular biology | Hall B |
Wahyu Surya | BS108 | Molecular biology | Hall B |
Jefri Sanusi Teguh | CBC214 | Physical and biophysical chemist... | Hall C |
ADRIAN ISKANDAR | CPE105 | Data structures and object-orien... | Hall A |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | CPE105 | Data structures and object-orien... | Hall A |
Sonny Budiman Sasaka | CSC105 | Data structures and object-orien... | Hall A |
Anna Carolina Liong | CSC206 | Database systems | Hall C |
Chandra Limantara | CSC206 | Database systems | Hall C |
Edwin Lesmana | CSC206 | Database systems | Hall C |
Evan Yonathan Aryohutomo ... | CSC206 | Database systems | Hall C | | CSC206 | Database systems | Hall C |
hardi nofitra | CSC206 | Database systems | Hall C |
Maria Myrna Handoko | CSC206 | Database systems | Hall C |
Sally Alexia Anggoman Ang | CSC206 | Database systems | Hall C |
Theresia | CSC206 | Database systems | Hall C |
Tio Favian Antonius | CSC206 | Database systems | Hall C |
Arianto Anugerah | SC133 | Principles of law | Hall A |
Sabtu, 9 Jun 2007, 23:59 |
Andri Setiawan | IA | Industrial attachment | Kantor |
Edmond Gunarso | IA | Industrial attachment | Kantor |
Imam Kartasasmita | IA | Industrial attachment | Kantor |
Rizky Medzseva | IA | Industrial attachment | Kantor |
Venny Karlina Gunawan | IA | Industrial attachment | Kantor |
Verawati | IA | Industrial attachment | Kantor |
Vida Junita | IA | Industrial attachment | Kantor |
Tampilkan smua Show all |