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Hello everybody!

Halo semuanya!

Do you all realize that the exams are drawing near? We are sure that all of NTU students have realized this, except for those who are in IA or whose subjects are all non-examinable. For those who face the exam this semester, let us do your best in preparing the exams! How is your preparation so far? Have you started studying? But, but ... remember that preparing the exams is not only about studying. It is not about hiding and isolating yourself in your room from the rest of the world to study. You should also remember someone else. Exam is a good chance to show your care by praying and blessing other friends who are also having exams.

Sadarkah kalo exam uda deket? Pastinya anak-anak NTU uda pada sadar dong, kecuali yang lagi IA atau yang smua plajarannya gak ada ujian. Buat yang ada exam semester ini, ayo semangat buat persiapan examnya! Gimana persiapannya sejauh ini? Udah mulai belajar? Tapi, tapi... inget yah, persiapan exam bukan blajar doang. Bukan juga bersembunyi dan mengunci diri di kamar dari orang lain buat belajar. Kita juga mesti inget sama orang lain. Exam bisa jadi kesempatan bagus buat nunjukin kepedulian kita dengan berdoa dan memberkati orang lain yang sama-sama exam.

There are many things that you could do to be a blessing for your friends. You could send an encouragement sms, some snacks, toys, stationary, books, or maybe advises to your friends. One of the simplest act of care is to pray for your friends, and even for the people you do not know. Although we cannot see directly the power of praying, but believe that many people's praying can help someone facing his/her difficulties.

Banyak yang bisa dilakukan untuk jadi berkat buat orang lain. Bisa kirim sms buat ngasi semangat, kasi cemilan, mainan, alat tulis, buku, ato mungkin saran. Yang paling simpel yaitu berdoa buat teman-temanmu, bahkan juga buat orang-orang yang ga kamu kenal. Biarpun hasilnya ga bisa diliat langsung, percayalah doa banyak orang bisa membantu orang lain menghadapi kesulitan.

dan para pendoa yang lain

We have provided a place to help all of you praying each other. So, to take part in blessing others and being blessed as well, just register your exams in the forms below. Of course you should pray too, not just register and then forget it. You can check the list here or receive daily mail and pray for yourself and for others anytime and anywhere you want. The last simple step is you must have faith in the power of prayer. Believe that Lord Jesus has the power to help you.

Kita udah bikin tempat buat saling mendoakan di bawah. Ayo2, kalian ikut juga dong dengan daftarin ujianmu di formulir di bawah. Tentunya kalian juga harus mendoakan dong, nggak hanya daftar trs abis gitu lupa. Daftar ujian bisa dilihat di sini tiap hari atau lewat imel harian dan berdoalah kapanpun dan dimanapun kau mau. Percaya pada kekuatan doa adalah hal sederhana trakhir yang harus dipunyai. Percayalah Tuhan Yesus akan membantu.

Those who don't have any exams but want to pray for others also can register to receive email too.

Yang ga ada ujian tapi mau berdoa buat orang laen juga bisa daftar buat menerima imel.

Of course, this is not only for Christians, everyone are welcomed to register. Do promote to your friends too.

Ini tidak hanya terbatas pada umat Kristen saja, semua orang diundang untuk mendaftar. Kasitau temen2 yang lain juga yaa =)

"Exam prayer list ini memang bukan bagian dari program dari NTU-ISCF" kata seorang pejabat ISCF. Ini terbuka baik untuk anggota ISCF maupun bukan.

Nama Lengkap

(isi nama sesuai matric card)
(fill as written in matric card)

ga wajib diisi, isi kalo mau trima imel harian siapa ajah yang ujian besoknya
not compulsory, fill if you want to receive daily mail about who is having exam the following day

Isi subjekmu di kotak-kotak di bawah ini. 1 subjek 1 kotak.
Fill in your subject in the boxes below. 1 subject for 1 box.

  • Contoh benar: Correct examples:
    • CSC206
    • FE1007
  • Contoh salah: Incorrect examples:
    • smua subjekku semester ini
    • CSC201 - CSC207
    • HW210 (ga bole tulis yg gada exam) (don't write unexaminable subject)
    • CSC205/CPE205 (tulis 1 ajah) (just write one)
No. Subjek dan Tempat Subject and Place
Kenapa kamu daftar disini? (hasil poling ini ga akan disebar) :
Why do you register here? (the result of this polling won't be disclosed) :
  biar tau jadwal exam orang
    to know others' exam schedule
biar didoain orang
    so that others pray for me
buat doain orang
    to pray for others
Kotak jeritan (boleh tulis apapun)
Scream box (write anything you want)
(Klik sini buat daftar. Cuman bisa daftar sekali, priksa yang bener.)
(Click here to register. You can register only once, check carefully.)

Terdaftar Registered

Place your mouse above incomplete text ("...") to see the full text. Click to filter.

Taruh tikus di teks yang tak lengkap ("...") untuk lihat selengkapnya. Klik untuk filter.

Jumlah terdaftar : Number of registrant : 1689

Selasa, 17 Apr 2007, 9:00
Henni DjunaidiBS206Principles and methods of biophy...Hall E
KristoEE2007Engineering mathematics II Hall D
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE2007Engineering mathematics II Hall D
yosafat tri hanggoroEE2007Engineering mathematics II Hall D
LennyHP203Social psychology Hall F
LennyHP203Social psychology Hall F
Arianto AnugerahSC433Programming languages Hall C
Selasa, 17 Apr 2007, 13:00
Adela JosephineAA101Accounting I Hall D
Adhi KurniantoFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Anthony WisataFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Cinthya LieFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Denia SiaFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Edwin HoFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Emil SanusiFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall B
Hadi Widjaya TjioeFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall C
Irana PantowFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall C
Jeremia Dwi MartonoFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall...
Liyenita WidjajaFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Lukas Hari SuryanataFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall C
Lusiana SaputraFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Maria Regina HartonoFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Marlene AgusFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Melita SumitroFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall B
Monica SuryanaFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Olivia WijayaFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Ridwan KurniawanFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Stefanus TedjaseputroFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall B
Stephanus GunawanFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall A
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiFE1007Mathematics 2 Hall B
ClementHE201Intermediate microeconomics Hall C
Daniel Perdana SimandjuntakHE201Intermediate microeconomics Hall C
Aditya Heru PrathamaMP2011Engineering graphics and machine...Hall F
Gunadi WihardjoMP2011Engineering graphics and machine...Hall F
Hadi Salim SurosoMP2011Engineering graphics and machine...Hall F
Louise LaiMP2011Engineering graphics and machine...Hall F
Marvin Sugi HartonoMP2011Engineering graphics and machine...Hall F
Rivan RivaldyMP2011Engineering graphics and machine...Hall F
Valencia AngMP2011Engineering graphics and machine...Hall F
Yannata KurniawanMP2011Engineering graphics and machine...Hall F
Selasa, 17 Apr 2007, 17:00
Hadi Salim SurosoBS803Science or fiction? - biology In...Hall A
Maria Regina HartonoBS803Science or fiction? - biology In...Hall A
Wahyu SuryaBS803Science or fiction? - biology In...Hall A
Go Ka DiamCS100Fundamentals of communication st...Hall E
TAN DA NENGHP802Working In the 21st century Hall B
MelIC0102Web-based Information systems Hall E
Ricksen Surya WinardhiIC0102Web-based Information systems Hall E
widodoIC0102Web-based Information systems Hall E
Adhi KurniantoMB101Accounting Hall D
Hezron Freddy ManurungMB101Accounting Hall D
Shilvia KasdaniMB101Accounting Hall D
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoMB101Accounting Hall D
Hiew Shu HuiMPS811Defence science Hall C
Hiu Lia AndriyaniMPS811Defence science Hall C
Jefri Sanusi TeguhMPS811Defence science Hall C
Rabu, 18 Apr 2007, 9:00
GarliaAB105Organisational behaviour & design Hall B
Jackline HermanAB105Organisational behaviour & design Hall B
Hendro MarioMS4002Quality control Hall C
Marlene PatriciaMS4002Quality control Hall C
SetiawanMS4002Quality control Hall C
Arianto AnugerahSC442Advanced data management techniq...Hall A
Randy SugiantoSC442Advanced data management techniq...Hall A
Rabu, 18 Apr 2007, 13:00
Indra KristantoBG1007Mathematics for engineers b Hall A
MeldaBG1007Mathematics for engineers b Hall A
Go Ka DiamBS109Basic cell biology Hall L
Maria NovianiBS109Basic cell biology Hall L
Timotius Marvin SuhartonoBS109Basic cell biology Hall L
Wahyu SuryaBS109Basic cell biology Hall L
Christina PurnamaBS310Pharmacology Hall L
Edwin BoazCPE184Human resource management & entr...Hall D
Anna Carolina LiongCSC184Human resource management & entr...Hall D
Chandra LimantaraCSC184Human resource management & entr...Hall D
Evan Yonathan Aryohutomo ...CSC184Human resource management & entr...Hall D
freddy_kusnadi@hotmail.comCSC184Human resource management & entr...Hall D
Maria Myrna HandokoCSC184Human resource management & entr...Hall D
Sally Alexia Anggoman AngCSC184Human resource management & entr...Hall D
Tio Favian AntoniusCSC184Human resource management & entr...Hall D
Luh putuHE303The chinese economy Hall B
Hiu Lia AndriyaniMAS313Abstract algebra I Hall D
Rabu, 18 Apr 2007, 17:00
Jefri Sanusi TeguhCBC951Materials chemistry Hall A
Indra KristantoEE8081Biological Intelligence and Insp...Hall A
Renald TaurusdiGV11Aesthetic and creative use of th...Hall A
Anthony KhoHC804EChinese tradition & society (eng) Hall A
Hadi Salim SurosoHC804EChinese tradition & society (eng) Hall A
KOE DAVID KURNIAWANHC804EChinese tradition & society (eng) Hall A
Wahyu SuryaHC804EChinese tradition & society (eng) Hall A
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaHC804EChinese tradition & society (eng) Hall A
Shilvia KasdaniHE191Principles of economics Hall B
Yulianty WibawaHE191Principles of economics Hall B
Melita SumitroLS80Spanish language level 1 Hall B
Jeremia Dwi MartonoMB103Principles of marketing Hall L
Stefanus TedjaseputroMB103Principles of marketing Hall L
Andre WibisonoSC134Principles of economics Hall B
Dhani Wiryawan SusiloSC134Principles of economics Hall B
Martinus Raditya PutraSC134Principles of economics Hall B
Kamis, 19 Apr 2007, 9:00
Jasmine WidodoBG2009Biomechanics Hall K
Hiew Shu HuiCBC112Principles of modern chemistry w...Hall E
MelCBC112Principles of modern chemistry w...Hall E
Ricksen Surya WinardhiCBC112Principles of modern chemistry w...Hall E
widodoCBC112Principles of modern chemistry w...Hall E
Yulianty WibawaCBC112Principles of modern chemistry w...Hall E
ClementHE208Public finance Hall C
Aditya Heru PrathamaMP2005Fluid mechanics Hall A
Gunadi WihardjoMP2005Fluid mechanics Hall A
Louise LaiMP2005Fluid mechanics Hall A
Marvin Sugi HartonoMP2005Fluid mechanics Hall A
Rivan RivaldyMP2005Fluid mechanics Hall A
Valencia AngMP2005Fluid mechanics Hall A
Yannata KurniawanMP2005Fluid mechanics Hall A
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoMP2005Fluid mechanics Hall A
Marlene PatriciaMS3002Microelectronics materials proce...Hall F
Dhani Wiryawan SusiloSC452Simulation and modelling Hall D
Martinus Raditya PutraSC452Simulation and modelling Hall D
OlyviaSC452Simulation and modelling Hall D
YessySC452Simulation and modelling Hall D
Kamis, 19 Apr 2007, 13:00
Adela JosephineAB113Information technology Hall L
yosafat tri hanggoroEE3001Engineering electromagnetics Hall D
Adhi KurniantoHW110Effective communication Hall B
Anthony WisataHW110Effective communication Hall B
Denia SiaHW110Effective communication Hall B
Jeremia Dwi MartonoHW110Effective communication Hall...
Lukas Hari SuryanataHW110Effective communication Hall B
Lusiana SaputraHW110Effective communication Hall B
Maria Regina HartonoHW110Effective communication Hall B
Marlene AgusHW110Effective communication Hall B
MELISSA PRAWIRASATYAHW110Effective communication Hall B
Monica SuryanaHW110Effective communication Hall B
Olivia WijayaHW110Effective communication Hall B
Ridwan KurniawanHW110Effective communication Hall B
Woo Weng FoongHW110Effective communication Hall A
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoHW110Effective communication Hall B
YennyPAP113Optics and waves Hall F
Kamis, 19 Apr 2007, 17:00
Dessy SudjanaADM132Western art history II Hall B
Edwin BoazADM132Western art history II Hall B
Renald TaurusdiADM132Western art history II Hall B
Hadi Widjaya TjioeCM101Java and the Internet Hall C
Lusiana SaputraCM101Java and the Internet Hall C
Lukas Hari SuryanataEE8084Cyber security Hall C
TAN DA NENGHP801Mind over stress Hall A
KOE DAVID KURNIAWANMB106Fundamentals of management Hall L
Lo Yondy Sofian LodyonoMB106Fundamentals of management Hall L
Stephanus GunawanMB106Fundamentals of management Hall L
TheresiaMB106Fundamentals of management Hall L
Jumat, 20 Apr 2007, 9:00
Indra KristantoBG1002Bioengineering physics Hall B
MeldaBG1002Bioengineering physics Hall B
Henni DjunaidiBS207Immunology Hall L
Ting Chuan HuiCPE301Digital communications Hall D
Edwin HoFE1001Physics I Hall A
Emil SanusiFE1001Physics I Hall B
Hadi Widjaya TjioeFE1001Physics I Hall A
Irana PantowFE1001Physics I Hall A
Liyenita WidjajaFE1001Physics I Hall A
Stefanus TedjaseputroFE1001Physics I Hall B
Stephanus GunawanFE1001Physics I Hall...
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiFE1001Physics I Hall B
Daniel Perdana SimandjuntakHE204AIntroductory econometrics Hall B
Luh putuHE322Econometric modeling & forecasti...Hall B
Dhani Wiryawan SusiloSC435Visualisation Hall D
Jumat, 20 Apr 2007, 14:30
GarliaAB112Marketing Hall...
Livia Suryani AminahAB112Marketing Hall D
Jasmine WidodoHP101Introduction to psychology Hall F
Ridwan KurniawanHP101Introduction to psychology Hall F
Hiu Lia AndriyaniMAS212Calculus Iv Hall L
Woo Weng FoongMATH1BCalculus of several variables Hall L
Senin, 23 Apr 2007, 9:00
Jackline HermanAA102Accounting II Hall L
Shilvia KasdaniCS221Broadcast journalism Hall C
Adhi KurniantoFE1008Computing Hall B
Anthony WisataFE1008Computing Hall B
Cinthya LieFE1008Computing Hall B
Denia SiaFE1008Computing Hall B
Jeremia Dwi MartonoFE1008Computing Hall...
Lukas Hari SuryanataFE1008Computing Hall B
Lusiana SaputraFE1008Computing Hall B
Maria Regina HartonoFE1008Computing Hall B
Marlene AgusFE1008Computing Hall B
Melita SumitroFE1008Computing Hall B
Monica SuryanaFE1008Computing Hall B
Olivia WijayaFE1008Computing Hall B
Ridwan KurniawanFE1008Computing Hall B
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoFE1008Computing Hall B
Christian BudimanMP2002Kinematics and dynamics of machi...Hall D
Louise LaiMP2002Kinematics and dynamics of machi...Hall D
Marvin Sugi HartonoMP2002Kinematics and dynamics of machi...Hall D
Rivan RivaldyMP2002Kinematics and dynamics of machi...Hall D
Yannata KurniawanMP2002Kinematics and dynamics of machi...Hall D
Ronn GoeiMS4524Polymer physics Hall C
SetiawanMS4524Polymer physics Hall C
Andre WibisonoSC404Digital signal processing Hall C
Senin, 23 Apr 2007, 13:00
Indra KristantoBG1008Organic chemistry and spectropho...Hall L
MeldaBG1008Organic chemistry and spectropho...Hall L
Jasmine WidodoBG2002Organic chemistry and spectropho...Hall L
Christina PurnamaBS313Functional genomics and proteomi...Hall L
KristoEE2005Ac circuits & machines Hall A
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE2005Ac circuits & machines Hall A
yosafat tri hanggoroEE2005Ac circuits & machines Hall A
ClementHE211Labour economics & labour relati...Hall F
Daniel Perdana SimandjuntakHE211Labour economics & labour relati...Hall F
Luh putuHS101Person and society Hall F
Hiu Lia AndriyaniMAS314Numerical analysis I Hall B
Senin, 23 Apr 2007, 17:00
Timotius Marvin SuhartonoADM240Survey of modern art,1900-1945 Hall C
LennyEE8086Astronomy - stars, galaxies and ...Hall...
Stefanus TedjaseputroEE8086Astronomy - stars, galaxies and ...Hall B
Hezron Freddy ManurungHL810Remaking cinema Hall C
Aditya Heru PrathamaHP803Are you okay? mental health In s...Hall B
KristoHP803Are you okay? mental health In s...Hall B
TAN DA NENGHP803Are you okay? mental health In s...Hall B
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaHP803Are you okay? mental health In s...Hall B
ADRIAN ISKANDARLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Cinthya LieLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Edwin HoLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Hadi Widjaya TjioeLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Henni DjunaidiLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Irana PantowLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Jefri Sanusi TeguhLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Lusiana SaputraLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Maria NovianiLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
MELISSA PRAWIRASATYALC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Monica SuryanaLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Olivia WijayaLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Ricksen Surya WinardhiLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Wahyu SuryaLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
YennyLC80Elementary chinese I Hall D
Anthony WisataLC81Elementary chinese II Hall D
freddy_kusnadi@hotmail.comLC81Elementary chinese II Hall D
Maria Myrna HandokoLC81Elementary chinese II Hall D
Sonny Budiman SasakaLC81Elementary chinese II Hall D
Tio Favian AntoniusLC81Elementary chinese II Hall D
Evan Yonathan Aryohutomo ...MB363Management decision tools Hall D
Gunadi WihardjoMB363Management decision tools Hall D
Liyenita WidjajaMB363Management decision tools Hall D
Louise LaiMB363Management decision tools Hall D
Rivan RivaldyMB363Management decision tools Hall D
SetiawanMB363Management decision tools Hall D
TheresiaMB363Management decision tools Hall D
Selasa, 24 Apr 2007, 9:00
Henni DjunaidiBS208Virology Hall D
Anthony KhoCPE207Software engineering Hall A
Edwin BoazCPE207Software engineering Hall A
KOE DAVID KURNIAWANCPE207Software engineering Hall A
Lo Yondy Sofian LodyonoCPE207Software engineering Hall A
Paulina konggidinataCPE207Software engineering Hall A
Stefanie Desiana PasaribuCPE207Software engineering Hall A
Shilvia KasdaniCS203Newswriting and reporting Tsn ...
KristoMAS214Basic discrete mathemtics & numb...Hall A
Marlene PatriciaMS3030Human resource management & entr...Hall B
DewiSC450Mobile and personal communicatio...Hall A
Martinus Raditya PutraSC450Mobile and personal communicatio...Hall A
Theodora Amanda DeviSC450Mobile and personal communicatio...Hall A
Selasa, 24 Apr 2007, 13:00
Adela JosephineAB107Business law Hall B
Livia Suryani AminahAC208Company law Hall A
Edwin HoFE1004Life sciences Hall D
Emil SanusiFE1004Life sciences Hall F
Hadi Widjaya TjioeFE1004Life sciences Hall F
Irana PantowFE1004Life sciences Hall D
Liyenita WidjajaFE1004Life sciences Hall D
Stefanus TedjaseputroFE1004Life sciences Hall F
Stephanus GunawanFE1004Life sciences Hall D
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiFE1004Life sciences Hall F
Selasa, 24 Apr 2007, 17:00
Sally Alexia Anggoman AngADM280Art In the age of colonialism Hall C
Jackline HermanCBC801Impact of chemistry on society Hall C
Stephanus GunawanCBC801Impact of chemistry on society Hall C
Yulianty WibawaCBC801Impact of chemistry on society Hall C
Jefri Sanusi TeguhHL811Imagining singapore Hall A
Ridwan KurniawanHL811Imagining singapore Hall A
Jeremia Dwi MartonoHP804Coping with culture transition Hall A
Livia Suryani AminahHP804Coping with culture transition Hall A
TAN DA NENGHP804Coping with culture transition Hall A
Jasmine WidodoLF80French language level 1 Hall D
Liyenita WidjajaLF80French language level 1 Hall D
Lukas Hari SuryanataLF80French language level 1 Hall D
denny ardhiyanto goMB107Fundamentals of business law Hall E
Melita SumitroPAP802Physics of sports Hall B
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoPAP802Physics of sports Hall B
Rabu, 25 Apr 2007, 9:00
Christina PurnamaCV4202Human resources management and e...Hall L
KristoEE2003Semiconductor fundamentals Hall D
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE2003Semiconductor fundamentals Hall D
yosafat tri hanggoroEE2003Semiconductor fundamentals Hall D
Jeremia Dwi MartonoFE1002Physics II Hall A
Lukas Hari SuryanataFE1002Physics II Hall A
Melita SumitroFE1002Physics II Hall A
denny ardhiyanto goMP3003Heat transfer Hall B
SetiawanMS4522Nanomaterials Hall E
Rabu, 25 Apr 2007, 13:00
GarliaAB106Principles of economics Hall A
Jackline HermanAB106Principles of economics Hall A
Jasmine WidodoBG2008Thermodynamics Hall B
Woo Weng FoongCH2008Thermodynamics Hall B
Ting Chuan HuiCPE302Computer networks Hall D
Daniel Perdana SimandjuntakHE212Economic thought Hall E
LennyHP202Developmental psychology Hall A
Hiu Lia AndriyaniMAS315Probability & statistics II Hall E
Rabu, 25 Apr 2007, 17:00
Emil SanusiCM102How computers work Hall F
Gunadi WihardjoCM102How computers work Hall F
Rivan RivaldyCM102How computers work Hall F
Yannata KurniawanCM102How computers work Hall F
Lusiana SaputraEE8087Living with mathematics Hall E
Adela JosephineHP805Introduction to human resource m...Hall D
MelHP805Introduction to human resource m...Hall D
Ricksen Surya WinardhiHP805Introduction to human resource m...Hall D
TAN DA NENGHP805Introduction to human resource m...Hall D
widodoHP805Introduction to human resource m...Hall D
ADRIAN ISKANDARHS810Food In culture and society Hall D
Anna Carolina LiongHS810Food In culture and society Hall D
Anthony KhoHS810Food In culture and society Hall D
Hiu Lia AndriyaniHS810Food In culture and society Hall D
Marvin Sugi HartonoHS810Food In culture and society Hall D
Valencia AngHS810Food In culture and society Hall D
denny ardhiyanto goLJ80Japanese language level 1 Hall A
Dessy SudjanaLJ80Japanese language level 1 Hall A
Woo Weng FoongLJ80Japanese language level 1 Hall A
Louise LaiLJ82Japanese language level 3 Hall B
Christian BudimanMB102Business finance Hall F
ClementMB102Business finance Hall F
Denia SiaMB102Business finance Hall F
Hezron Freddy ManurungMB102Business finance Hall F
Marlene AgusMB102Business finance Hall F
Sonny Budiman SasakaMP8085History of great Inventions Hall D
Kamis, 26 Apr 2007, 9:00
Henni DjunaidiBS209Advanced biochemistry Hall C
Hiew Shu HuiCBC122Biological chemistry 2 Hall E
MelCBC122Biological chemistry 2 Hall E
Ricksen Surya WinardhiCBC122Biological chemistry 2 Hall E
widodoCBC122Biological chemistry 2 Hall E
Yulianty WibawaCBC122Biological chemistry 2 Hall E
Shilvia KasdaniCS225Information technology for media...Hall F
Edwin LesmanaCSC183Engineers and society Hall F
ClementHE104BIntroduction to probability and ...Hall A
Christian BudimanMP2007Mathematics 4 Hall B
Louise LaiMP2007Mathematics 4 Hall B
Marvin Sugi HartonoMP2007Mathematics 4 Hall B
Yannata KurniawanMP2007Mathematics 4 Hall B
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoMP2007Mathematics 4 Hall B
Marlene PatriciaMS3001Metallic & ceramic materials Hall F
Andre WibisonoSC437Computer vision & Image processi...Hall F
OlyviaSC437Computer vision & Image processi...Hall F
YessySC437Computer vision & Image processi...Hall F
Kamis, 26 Apr 2007, 13:00
Go Ka DiamBS106Biochemistry II - metabolism Hall B
Maria NovianiBS106Biochemistry II - metabolism Hall B
Timotius Marvin SuhartonoBS106Biochemistry II - metabolism Hall B
Wahyu SuryaBS106Biochemistry II - metabolism Hall B
Hezron Freddy ManurungCPE106Mathematics II Hall F
Edwin HoFE1005Materials science Hall A
Emil SanusiFE1005Materials science Hall A
Hadi Widjaya TjioeFE1005Materials science Hall A
Irana PantowFE1005Materials science Hall A
Liyenita WidjajaFE1005Materials science Hall A
Stefanus TedjaseputroFE1005Materials science Hall A
Stephanus GunawanFE1005Materials science Hall A
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiFE1005Materials science Hall A
Luh putuHE307Financial economics Hall C
YennyMAS183Linear algebra and multivariable...Hall F
Kamis, 26 Apr 2007, 17:00
Edwin LesmanaCV8801Spatial Information science Hall B
Aditya Heru PrathamaEE8061Innovation and technology manage...Hall A
Go Ka DiamEE8061Innovation and technology manage...Hall A
Lukas Hari SuryanataEE8061Innovation and technology manage...Hall A
MeldaEE8061Innovation and technology manage...Hall A
Lo Yondy Sofian LodyonoHP806Psychology of crisis stress mana...Hall A
TAN DA NENGHP806Psychology of crisis stress mana...Hall A
Theodora Amanda DeviLG82German language level 3 Hall B
Jumat, 27 Apr 2007, 9:00
Livia Suryani AminahAA205Control and risk management Hall A
GarliaAB103Statistical & quantitative metho...Hall L
Jackline HermanAB103Statistical & quantitative metho...Hall A
Cinthya LieFE1003Chemistry Hall B
Jeremia Dwi MartonoFE1003Chemistry Hall...
Lusiana SaputraFE1003Chemistry Hall B
Maria Regina HartonoFE1003Chemistry Hall B
Melita SumitroFE1003Chemistry Hall B
Monica SuryanaFE1003Chemistry Hall B
Olivia WijayaFE1003Chemistry Hall B
denny ardhiyanto goMP3011Engineering design Hall F
Hendro MarioMS4555Nanostructure of functional mate...Hall F
Dhani Wiryawan SusiloSC405Compiler techniques Hall D
Randy SugiantoSC405Compiler techniques Hall D
Jumat, 27 Apr 2007, 14:30
Indra KristantoBG1005Materials science Hall D
MeldaBG1005Materials science Hall D
Jefri Sanusi TeguhCBC211Analytical and bioanalytical che...Hall B
Sonny Budiman SasakaCSC106Discrete mathematics Hall A
KristoEE2002Analog electronics Hall A
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE2002Analog electronics Hall A
yosafat tri hanggoroEE2002Analog electronics Hall A
Aditya Heru PrathamaMP2006Mathematics 3 Hall D
Gunadi WihardjoMP2006Mathematics 3 Hall D
Hadi Salim SurosoMP2006Mathematics 3 Hall D
Rivan RivaldyMP2006Mathematics 3 Hall D
Valencia AngMP2006Mathematics 3 Hall D
Senin, 30 Apr 2007, 9:00
Adela JosephineAB102Financial management Hall A
Indra KristantoBG1009Anatomy & physiology Hall E
MeldaBG1009Anatomy & physiology Hall E
yosafat tri hanggoroEE3012Communication principles Hall B
LennyHP200Research design and data analysi...Hall D
Hadi Salim SurosoMP2003Thermodynamics Hall D
Christian BudimanMP2013Mechatronics system Interfacing Hall F
Gunadi WihardjoMP2013Mechatronics system Interfacing Hall F
Marvin Sugi HartonoMP2013Mechatronics system Interfacing Hall F
Rivan RivaldyMP2013Mechatronics system Interfacing Hall F
Yannata KurniawanMP2013Mechatronics system Interfacing Hall F
Senin, 30 Apr 2007, 13:00
Go Ka DiamBS107Principles of genetics Hall E
Maria NovianiBS107Principles of genetics Hall E
Timotius Marvin SuhartonoBS107Principles of genetics Hall E
Wahyu SuryaBS107Principles of genetics Hall E
Christina PurnamaBS412Drug discovery and development b...Hall C
herry martadinataBS412Drug discovery and development b...Hall C
Hiew Shu HuiMAS182Calculus for the sciences II Hall F
MelMAS182Calculus for the sciences II Hall F
Ricksen Surya WinardhiMAS182Calculus for the sciences II Hall F
widodoMAS182Calculus for the sciences II Hall F
YennyMAS182Calculus for the sciences II Hall F
Yulianty WibawaMAS182Calculus for the sciences II Hall F
denny ardhiyanto goMP3002Mechanics of deformable solids Hall B
Adhi KurniantoMS2005Mechanics of materials Hall D
Senin, 30 Apr 2007, 17:00
Emil SanusiEE8085Electricity for modern society Hall A
Hadi Widjaya TjioeEE8085Electricity for modern society Hall A
Yannata KurniawanHS811Whose rules? Issues In crime and...Hall A
Chandra LimantaraHW801Language puzzle:the study of hum...Hall A
Rabu, 2 May 2007, 9:00
Jasmine WidodoBG2011Computational methods In biomedi...Hall B
Henni DjunaidiBS210Bioinformatics Hall A
KristoEE3002Microprocessors Hall D
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE3002Microprocessors Hall D
Aditya Heru PrathamaMP2008Electrical and electronics: circ...Hall C
Hadi Salim SurosoMP2008Electrical and electronics: circ...Hall C
Valencia AngMP2008Electrical and electronics: circ...Hall C
Hendro MarioMS4503Microelectronics process Integra...Hall F
YennyPAP112Fields and oscillations Hall A
Hiew Shu HuiPAP182Foundations of physics II Hall A
MelPAP182Foundations of physics II Hall A
Ricksen Surya WinardhiPAP182Foundations of physics II Hall A
widodoPAP182Foundations of physics II Hall A
Yulianty WibawaPAP182Foundations of physics II Hall A
Woo Weng FoongPHYS1BElectromagnetism and relativity Hall A
DewiSC445Digital video coding and compres...Hall F
Rabu, 2 May 2007, 13:00
Christina PurnamaBS303Principles and methods of struct...Hall B
Anthony KhoCPE205Operating systems Hall C
Edwin BoazCPE205Operating systems Hall C
KOE DAVID KURNIAWANCPE205Operating systems Hall C
Lo Yondy Sofian LodyonoCPE205Operating systems Hall C
Paulina konggidinataCPE205Operating systems Hall C
Stefanie Desiana PasaribuCPE205Operating systems Hall C
Ting Chuan HuiCPE205Operating systems Hall C
Anna Carolina LiongCSC205Operating systems Hall C
Chandra LimantaraCSC205Operating systems Hall C
Edwin LesmanaCSC205Operating systems Hall C
Evan Yonathan Aryohutomo ...CSC205Operating systems Hall C
freddy_kusnadi@hotmail.comCSC205Operating systems Hall C
Maria Myrna HandokoCSC205Operating systems Hall C
Sally Alexia Anggoman AngCSC205Operating systems Hall C
TheresiaCSC205Operating systems Hall C
Tio Favian AntoniusCSC205Operating systems Hall C
Stefanus TedjaseputroEE2008Data structures & algorithms Hall A
Yonathan Widya AdipradanaEE2008Data structures & algorithms Hall A
Rabu, 2 May 2007, 17:00
Jefri Sanusi TeguhCBC931Industrial chemistry Hall E
Kamis, 3 May 2007, 9:00
Anthony KhoCPE206Microcontroller systems design Hall A
Edwin BoazCPE206Microcontroller systems design Hall A
KOE DAVID KURNIAWANCPE206Microcontroller systems design Hall A
Lo Yondy Sofian LodyonoCPE206Microcontroller systems design Hall A
Paulina konggidinataCPE206Microcontroller systems design Hall A
Stefanie Desiana PasaribuCPE206Microcontroller systems design Hall A
Ting Chuan HuiCPE206Microcontroller systems design Hall A
Anna Carolina LiongCSC207Software engineering I Hall A
Chandra LimantaraCSC207Software engineering I Hall A
Edwin LesmanaCSC207Software engineering I Hall A
Evan Yonathan Aryohutomo ...CSC207Software engineering I Hall A
freddy_kusnadi@hotmail.comCSC207Software engineering I Hall A
Maria Myrna HandokoCSC207Software engineering I Hall A
Sally Alexia Anggoman AngCSC207Software engineering I Hall A
TheresiaCSC207Software engineering I Hall A
Tio Favian AntoniusCSC207Software engineering I Hall A
Marlene PatriciaMS3003Materials failure Hall B
Arianto AnugerahSC432Distributed systems Hall A
Randy SugiantoSC432Distributed systems Hall A
Kamis, 3 May 2007, 13:00
ADRIAN ISKANDARCPE104Logic design Hall D
Hezron Freddy ManurungCPE104Logic design Hall D
Sonny Budiman SasakaCSC104Logic design Hall D
Adhi KurniantoMS1002Physics II Hall D
Anthony WisataMS1002Physics II Hall D
Cinthya LieMS1002Physics II Hall D
Denia SiaMS1002Physics II Hall D
Lusiana SaputraMS1002Physics II Hall D
Maria Regina HartonoMS1002Physics II Hall D
Marlene AgusMS1002Physics II Hall D
Monica SuryanaMS1002Physics II Hall D
Olivia WijayaMS1002Physics II Hall D
Ridwan KurniawanMS1002Physics II Hall D
Kamis, 3 May 2007, 17:00
Edwin HoEM107Environmental health and safety Hall E
Irana PantowEM107Environmental health and safety Hall E
Trieska Yokhebed WahyudiEM107Environmental health and safety Hall E
Jumat, 4 May 2007, 9:00
Jasmine WidodoBG2010Bioelectricity Hall B
Anthony KhoCPE208Instrumentation and data acquisi...Hall A
Edwin BoazCPE208Instrumentation and data acquisi...Hall A
KOE DAVID KURNIAWANCPE208Instrumentation and data acquisi...Hall A
Lo Yondy Sofian LodyonoCPE208Instrumentation and data acquisi...Hall A
Paulina konggidinataCPE208Instrumentation and data acquisi...Hall A
Stefanie Desiana PasaribuCPE208Instrumentation and data acquisi...Hall A
Melita SumitroMP2001Mechanics of materials Hall B
Yudhistira Andi PrasetyoMP2001Mechanics of materials Hall B
Andre WibisonoSC438Robotics Hall A
DewiSC438Robotics Hall A
Martinus Raditya PutraSC438Robotics Hall A
OlyviaSC438Robotics Hall A
Theodora Amanda DeviSC438Robotics Hall A
YessySC438Robotics Hall A
Jumat, 4 May 2007, 14:30
Go Ka DiamBS108Molecular biology Hall B
Maria NovianiBS108Molecular biology Hall B
Timotius Marvin SuhartonoBS108Molecular biology Hall B
Wahyu SuryaBS108Molecular biology Hall B
Jefri Sanusi TeguhCBC214Physical and biophysical chemist...Hall C
ADRIAN ISKANDARCPE105Data structures and object-orien...Hall A
Hezron Freddy ManurungCPE105Data structures and object-orien...Hall A
Sonny Budiman SasakaCSC105Data structures and object-orien...Hall A
Anna Carolina LiongCSC206Database systems Hall C
Chandra LimantaraCSC206Database systems Hall C
Edwin LesmanaCSC206Database systems Hall C
Evan Yonathan Aryohutomo ...CSC206Database systems Hall C
freddy_kusnadi@hotmail.comCSC206Database systems Hall C
hardi nofitraCSC206Database systems Hall C
Maria Myrna HandokoCSC206Database systems Hall C
Sally Alexia Anggoman AngCSC206Database systems Hall C
TheresiaCSC206Database systems Hall C
Tio Favian AntoniusCSC206Database systems Hall C
Arianto AnugerahSC133Principles of law Hall A
Sabtu, 9 Jun 2007, 23:59
Andri SetiawanIAIndustrial attachmentKantor
Edmond GunarsoIAIndustrial attachmentKantor
Imam KartasasmitaIAIndustrial attachmentKantor
Rizky MedzsevaIAIndustrial attachmentKantor
Venny Karlina GunawanIAIndustrial attachmentKantor
VerawatiIAIndustrial attachmentKantor
Vida JunitaIAIndustrial attachmentKantor

Written by: exam_team

Ayo2 semuanya isi daftar doa ujian

Yakumo [sg], 3 Apr 2007, 14:00 reply
Exam8 telah dibuka. Sukses buat semuanya nyo-

!peH [sg], 3 Apr 2007, 18:31 reply
Good spirit, good sleep, good luck, y'all !!

Favian, the KING [sg], 3 Apr 2007, 18:38 reply
Don't forget these two things when preparing your exams: studying hard and praying as hard =)

Kittymew [sg], 3 Apr 2007, 18:56 reply
pengen bikin beginian juga deh bwt anak SMU... Anyway.. Buat anak2 NTU jg slamat ujian deh..

sylv [sg], 3 Apr 2007, 20:13 reply
slamat menempuh ujian

imambenjol [us], 4 Apr 2007, 3:17 reply
wah, ada yg bukan org Indo jg =p
eniwei, gud luck!!!!

hpuoh [sg], 5 Apr 2007, 3:58 reply
Lho kok ada yg 'exam' 9 Juni ? XD wakakaka.. All the bez d buat yg mo exams! Jia you !~~

Edmond [hk], 5 Apr 2007, 6:10 reply
met exam buat yg exam, met bikin report buat yg IA *huhu T.T

panitia taun lalu [sg], 5 Apr 2007, 7:20 reply
all d best ya semua!! ganbattene!!

someone [sg], 7 Apr 2007, 15:49 reply
All the best for exam.
Ada Hiburan lho di blog ku, bisa dibaca utk Refreshing.
Jangan Lupa kasih comment ya :)

Water Heart Earth Dragon [sg], 19 Apr 2007, 6:19 reply