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Marilah kita melakukan segala sesuatu untuk kemuliaan Tuhan. Tugas kita adalah melakukan segala sesuatu yang telah ditugaskan kepada kita dengan sebaik-baiknya. Soal hasil dan lainnya, serahkan saja semuanya itu kepada Tuhan.
Masa exam ini bisa menjadi waktu yang tepat untuk menunjukkan kepedulian kita kepada teman-teman kita yang akan atau sedang exam. Caranya?
Mungkin kadang-kadang kita kurang bisa melihat manfaat doa kita terhadap orang yang kita doakan. Selain orangnya tidak dapat sesuatu yang kelihatan dari kita, doa kita juga belum tentu dikabulkan Tuhan. Biarpun begitu doa adalah salah satu wujud perhatian tulus kita kepada orang lain. Saat kita merasa perlu mendoakan orang lain, itu berarti orang itu mendapat tempat di hati kita, sehingga kita ingin membawa orang itu dalam percakapan pribadi kita dengan Tuhan.
Daftar doa exam ini dibuat supaya kita bisa saling mendoakan selama masa exam ini. Silakan isi formulir di bawah ini dengan jadwal exam kamu supaya orang lain bisa tahu apa exam kalian dan kapan kalian exam. Yang sedang IA juga bisa ikut mengisi lho. Daftar ujian bisa dilihat di sini tiap hari atau lewat e-mail harian.
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Rabu, 12 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Andre Sugiarto | AB105 | Organisational behaviour & design | Hall L |
Koe Han Beng | AE2008 | Mechanics of materials | Hall E |
Jefri Sanusi Teguh | CBC428 | Advanced bioorganic chemistry | Hall C |
Sally Alexia Anggoman Ang | CSC421 | Natural language processing | Hall F |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE4105 | Cellular communication system de... | Hall 10 |
Dian Charlo Valentine | FE1006 | Mathematics 1 | Hall B |
Enrico Simanjuntak | FE1006 | Mathematics 1 | Hall B |
Handiyadi Tantiono | FE1006 | Mathematics 1 | Hall B |
RENDI EIN JANVIER YOHANES | FE1006 | Mathematics 1 | Hall... |
Samuel Hanria | FE1006 | Mathematics 1 | Hall B |
Darwin Kusuma | MP2001 | Mechanics of materials | Hall D |
Irving Paul GIrsang | MP2001 | Mechanics of materials | Hall D |
Koh Wee Liang | MP2001 | Mechanics of materials | Hall... |
stifen | MP2001 | Mechanics of materials | Hall... |
Aditya Heru Prathama | MP4011 | Mechanical system design and ana... | Hall F |
Hadi Salim | MP4011 | Mechanical system design and ana... | Hall F |
Valencia Ang | MP4011 | Mechanical system design and ana... | Hall F |
Rabu, 12 Nov 2008, 13:00 |
Jennifer Chandra | AB113 | Information technology | Hall F |
RANDY LASMANA | AB113 | Information technology | Hall F |
Arif Ardhie Sidharta | BF307 | Derivative securities | Hall C |
Garlia Wiwoho Sutinah | BF307 | Derivative securities | Hall C |
Yosua Michael Maranatha | BS101A | Introductory biology | Hall L |
Brian Marshal | CSC204 | Computer graphics and applications | Hall C |
Irana Pantow | CV4202 | Human resources management and e... | Hall E |
Astrid Amelia | EE2001 | Circuit analysis | Hall A |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | EE4285 | Computational Intelligence | Hall B |
Kristo | EE4285 | Computational Intelligence | Hall B |
stifen | HE205 | International trade | Hall D |
Michael Sanjaya Wira | MP3007 | Real-time software for mechatron... | Hall C |
Rabu, 12 Nov 2008, 17:00 |
Adhi Kurnianto | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
Ayrine Natalie Chiu | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
Brian Marshal | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
Dian Charlo Valentine | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall L |
Dina Christiani Joewono | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
Enrico Simanjuntak | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall... |
FELICIA FIBIANI PERMATASARI | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall B |
Handiyadi Tantiono | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall B |
Hendrik Santoso Sugiarto | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall B |
Indra Kurniawan Lim | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
inge wong | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
Meriska Sudarmadji | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
Nikolaus | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju... | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
Raymond Christopher | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall A |
RENDI EIN JANVIER YOHANES | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall... |
Yosua Michael Maranatha | HE191 | Principles of economics | Hall C |
Abednego Trianto Kurniawan | HMF2 | French language level 2 | Hall D |
SEPTIAN BUDI WALUYAN | HS809 | Understanding china today | Hall E |
Hiu Lia Andriyani | IC0101 | Internet fundamentals | Hall 10 |
Joseph Kurniawan | MB106 | Fundamentals of management | Hall F |
Mel | MB106 | Fundamentals of management | Hall F |
Kamis, 13 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Go Ka Diam | BS301 | Neurobiology | Hall F |
Maria Noviani | BS301 | Neurobiology | Hall F |
Timotius Marvin Suhartono | BS301 | Neurobiology | Hall F |
Ayrine Natalie Chiu | CBC213 | Organic and bioorganic chemistry | Hall B |
Mel | CBC934 | Heterocyclic chemistry | Hall A |
Joseph Kurniawan | CH3003 | Chemical thermodynamics | Hall L |
Gabriella Khoesadi | CPE202 | Microprocessor programming | Hall C |
Brian Marshal | CSC201 | Microprocessor programming | Hall C |
Ivan Steven Jayawan | CV2001 | Engineering probability & statis... | Hall D |
Kurniawan Prasetya Pieth | CV2001 | Engineering probability & statis... | Hall D |
Cahyadi | MAS311 | Real analysis I | Hall B |
Christian Budiman | MP4E02 | Human factors In design | Hall D |
Hadi Salim | MP4E02 | Human factors In design | Hall D |
Valencia Ang | MP4E02 | Human factors In design | Hall D |
Nikolaus | MS2003 | Applied chemistry | Hall A |
Stefanus Setiadi | MS2003 | Applied chemistry | Hall A |
Adhi Kurnianto | MS4003 | Nanomaterials & biomaterials | Hall A |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | PAP311 | Quantum mechanics II | Hall F |
SEPTIAN BUDI WALUYAN | PAP311 | Quantum mechanics II | Hall F |
Kamis, 13 Nov 2008, 13:00 |
Steffanie Berlian Simatup... | AC213 | Developing business Information ... | Hall L |
Indra Kurniawan Lim | CH1004 | Materials and energy balances | Hall D |
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju... | CH1004 | Materials and energy balances | Hall D |
Adrian Iskandar | CPE302 | Computer networks | Hall C |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | CPE302 | Computer networks | Hall C |
inge wong | CSC102 | Introduction to programming | Hall E |
Kartini Mulyadi | CSC302 | Net centric computing | Hall B |
Rocky Stephanus | CSC302 | Net centric computing | Hall B |
Arifin Effendi | CV3202 | Steel design | Hall F |
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan Jap | CV3202 | Steel design | Hall F |
Irana Pantow | CV3202 | Steel design | Hall F |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | CV3202 | Steel design | Hall F |
Kristo | EE4041 | Human resource management | Hall A |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE4041 | Human resource management | Hall A |
Yosafat Tri Hanggoro | EE4041 | Human resource management | Hall A |
monica lesmana | HG101 | Fundamentals of linguistics: min... | Hall F |
FELICIA FIBIANI PERMATASARI | MAS181 | Calculus for the sciences I | Hall B |
Hendrik Santoso Sugiarto | MAS181 | Calculus for the sciences I | Hall B |
Marcella Giovanni | MAS181 | Calculus for the sciences I | Hall B |
Sandy Adhitia Ekahana | PAP213 | Thermal physics | Hall F |
Kamis, 13 Nov 2008, 17:00 |
Gabriella Khoesadi | BS801 | Genes r us | Hall... |
Indra Kristanto | BS801 | Genes r us | Hall A |
Marcia Calisa | BS801 | Genes r us | Hall A |
Ng Christine | BS801 | Genes r us | Hall A |
Stephen Nathaniel Gunawan | BS801 | Genes r us | Hall A |
Joseph Kurniawan | CH4106 | Formulation of active pharmaceut... | Hall C |
Brian Marshal | EE8084 | Cyber security | Hall L |
monica lesmana | EE8084 | Cyber security | Hall L |
Samuel Hanria | EE8084 | Cyber security | Hall L |
Steffanie Berlian Simatup... | EE8084 | Cyber security | Hall L |
Darwin Kusuma | HMJ2 | Japanese language level 2 | Hall D |
Kurniawan Prasetya Pieth | HMJ2 | Japanese language level 2 | Hall D |
Shilvia Kasdani | HMJ2 | Japanese language level 2 | Hall D |
stifen | HMJ2 | Japanese language level 2 | Hall D |
Widodo Andreas | HMJ2 | Japanese language level 2 | Hall D |
Sally Alexia Anggoman Ang | HMJ6 | Japanese language level 6 | Hall D |
Adrian Iskandar | MB103 | Principles of marketing | Hall B |
Daniel Perdana Simandjuntak | MB103 | Principles of marketing | Hall B |
daniel senjaya wong | MB103 | Principles of marketing | Hall B |
RENDI EIN JANVIER YOHANES | MB103 | Principles of marketing | Hall B |
clement zichri ang | MP8082 | Systems for everyone | Hall L |
Jumat, 14 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Adela Josephine | AB311 | Strategic management | Hall D |
Arif Ardhie Sidharta | AB311 | Strategic management | Hall D |
Edwin Boaz Soenaryo | CPE409 | Computer architecture | Hall B |
Edwin Lesmana Tjiong | CSC406 | Computer architecture | Hall B |
Tio Favian Antonius | CSC406 | Computer architecture | Hall B |
Edwin Ho | EE3003 | Integrated electronics | Hall A |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | EE3003 | Integrated electronics | Hall A |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | EE3003 | Integrated electronics | Hall A |
Enrico Simanjuntak | FE1001 | Physics I | Hall L |
Dina Christiani Joewono | MP3003 | Heat transfer | Hall F |
Melita Sumitro | MP3003 | Heat transfer | Hall F |
Handiyadi Tantiono | MS1001 | Physics I | Hall E |
Samuel Hanria | MS1001 | Physics I | Hall E |
Jumat, 14 Nov 2008, 14:30 |
Marcia Calisa | BG2031 | Biomaterials | Hall F |
Ng Christine | BG2031 | Biomaterials | Hall F |
Stephen Nathaniel Gunawan | BG2031 | Biomaterials | Hall F |
Theresia Indahayu Kurniawan | BG2031 | Biomaterials | Hall F |
Yolanda Aphrilia Setiagani | BS205 | Biostatistics | Hall D |
Henni Djunaidi | BS405 | Current topics In muscle biology... | Hall D |
Ayrine Natalie Chiu | CBC932 | Polymer chemistry | Hall C |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | CBC932 | Polymer chemistry | Hall C |
Widodo Andreas | CBC932 | Polymer chemistry | Hall C |
Adrian Iskandar | CPE301 | Digital communications | Hall A |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | CPE301 | Digital communications | Hall A |
inge wong | CSC103 | Foundation mathematics | Hall A |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE4152 | Digital communications | Hall B |
Arif Ardhie Sidharta | HE204A | Introductory econometrics | Hall E |
Darwin Kusuma | MP2007 | Mathematics 4 | Hall F |
Irving Paul GIrsang | MP2007 | Mathematics 4 | Hall F |
Koh Wee Liang | MP2007 | Mathematics 4 | Hall F |
Gunadi Wihardjo | MP4F02 | Manufacturing systems and automa... | Hall F |
Marvin Sugi Hartono | MP4F02 | Manufacturing systems and automa... | Hall F |
Rivan Rivaldy | MP4F02 | Manufacturing systems and automa... | Hall F |
Yannata Kurniawan | MP4F02 | Manufacturing systems and automa... | Hall F |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | MP4F02 | Manufacturing systems and automa... | Hall F |
Senin, 17 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Jennifer Chandra | AA101 | Accounting I | Hall B |
RANDY LASMANA | AA101 | Accounting I | Hall B |
Jefri Sanusi Teguh | CBC423 | Asymmetric synthesis | Hall E |
Arifin Effendi | CV3201 | Reinforced concrete design | Hall F |
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan Jap | CV3201 | Reinforced concrete design | Hall F |
Irana Pantow | CV3201 | Reinforced concrete design | Hall F |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | CV3201 | Reinforced concrete design | Hall F |
Edwin Ho | EE3002 | Microprocessors | Hall D |
Dian Charlo Valentine | FE1008 | Computing | Hall C |
RENDI EIN JANVIER YOHANES | FE1008 | Computing | Hall... |
Yosua Michael Maranatha | FE1008 | Computing | Hall C |
Adela Josephine | HP204 | Personality and Individual diffe... | Hall F |
Garlia Wiwoho Sutinah | HP204 | Personality and Individual diffe... | Hall F |
Darwin Kusuma | MP2004 | Manufacturing technology and mat... | Hall A |
Irving Paul GIrsang | MP2004 | Manufacturing technology and mat... | Hall A |
stifen | MP2004 | Manufacturing technology and mat... | Hall A |
Senin, 17 Nov 2008, 13:00 |
Meriska Sudarmadji | BG1006 | Mathematics for engineers a | Hall L |
daniel senjaya wong | BS103 | Organic chemistry | Hall B |
Go Ka Diam | BS302 | Research seminars | Hall B |
Maria Noviani | BS302 | Research seminars | Hall B |
Timotius Marvin Suhartono | BS302 | Research seminars | Hall B |
Indra Kurniawan Lim | CH1006 | Mathematics for engineers a | Hall L |
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju... | CH1006 | Mathematics for engineers a | Hall L |
Adrian Iskandar | CPE303 | Database systems | Hall F |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | CPE303 | Database systems | Hall F |
Koe Han Beng | MAS213 | Linear algebra II | Hall E |
Raymond Christopher | MATH1C | Linear algebra and differential ... | Hall E |
Dina Christiani Joewono | MP3001 | Dynamics & control | Hall A |
Senin, 17 Nov 2008, 17:00 |
Jasmine Widodo | BG4225 | Physiological engineering and ar... | Hall E |
Ratna Ekawati Dharmawan | BG4225 | Physiological engineering and ar... | Hall E |
Shilvia Kasdani | COM402 | Media law,ethics and policy | Hall C |
Tio Favian Antonius | CSC183 | Engineers and society | Hall F |
Go Ka Diam | HP802 | Working In the 21st century | Hall L |
Joseph Kurniawan | HP802 | Working In the 21st century | Hall L |
Maria Noviani | HP802 | Working In the 21st century | Hall L |
Rocky Stephanus | HP802 | Working In the 21st century | Hall L |
Theresia Indahayu Kurniawan | HP802 | Working In the 21st century | Hall L |
Hiu Lia Andriyani | IC0103 | E-commerce technology | Hall D |
Dian Charlo Valentine | MAS801 | It's discreetly discrete wld:mat... | Hall A |
Yosafat Tri Hanggoro | MAS801 | It's discreetly discrete wld:mat... | Hall A |
Ayrine Natalie Chiu | MB101 | Accounting | Hall B |
Handiyadi Tantiono | MB101 | Accounting | Hall B |
Henni Djunaidi | MB101 | Accounting | Hall B |
Ivan Steven Jayawan | MB101 | Accounting | Hall B |
Nikolaus | MB101 | Accounting | Hall B |
Samuel Hanria | MB101 | Accounting | Hall B |
Selasa, 18 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Marcia Calisa | BG2004 | Electronics for biomedical engin... | Hall C |
Ng Christine | BG2004 | Electronics for biomedical engin... | Hall C |
Stephen Nathaniel Gunawan | BG2004 | Electronics for biomedical engin... | Hall C |
Theresia Indahayu Kurniawan | BG2004 | Electronics for biomedical engin... | Hall C |
Mel | CBC311 | Chemical spectroscopy and applic... | Hall F |
Widodo Andreas | CBC311 | Chemical spectroscopy and applic... | Hall F |
Gabriella Khoesadi | CPE203 | Software systems and models | Hall B |
Ivan Steven Jayawan | CV2101 | Mechanics of materials | Hall E |
Kurniawan Prasetya Pieth | CV2101 | Mechanics of materials | Hall E |
Astrid Amelia | EE2004 | Digital electronics | Hall A |
Kristo | EE4268 | Robotics & automation | Hall K |
Yosafat Tri Hanggoro | EE4305 | Digital design with hdl | Hall K |
clement zichri ang | HE321 | Intermediate econometrics | Hall D |
Aditya Heru Prathama | MP4D01 | Air conditioning - an energy app... | Hall D |
Adhi Kurnianto | MS3007 | Analysis of materials | Hall F |
Cinthya Lie | MS3007 | Analysis of materials | Hall F |
Isabella Mantini Halim | MS3007 | Analysis of materials | Hall F |
Marlene Agus | MS3007 | Analysis of materials | Hall F |
Selasa, 18 Nov 2008, 13:00 |
Indra Kristanto | BG3002 | Control In biosystems | Hall C |
Maya Vania | BG3002 | Control In biosystems | Hall C |
Yolanda Aphrilia Setiagani | BS201 | Physiology | Hall A |
Henni Djunaidi | BS408 | Current topics In Immunology | Hall C |
FELICIA FIBIANI PERMATASARI | CBC111 | Principles of modern chemistry w... | Hall D |
Hendrik Santoso Sugiarto | CBC111 | Principles of modern chemistry w... | Hall D |
Marcella Giovanni | CBC111 | Principles of modern chemistry w... | Hall D |
Adrian Iskandar | CPE184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall E |
Gabriella Khoesadi | CPE184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall E |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | CPE184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall E |
Kartini Mulyadi | CSC184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall E |
Rocky Stephanus | CSC184 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall E |
Edwin Ho | EE3012 | Communication principles | Hall L |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | EE3012 | Communication principles | Hall L |
Enrico Simanjuntak | FE1005 | Materials science | Hall B |
Handiyadi Tantiono | FE1005 | Materials science | Hall B |
Samuel Hanria | FE1005 | Materials science | Hall B |
Hadi Salim | MP4E01 | Industrial design | Hall D |
Valencia Ang | MP4E01 | Industrial design | Hall D |
Selasa, 18 Nov 2008, 17:00 |
Raymond Christopher | CM102 | How computers work | Hall B |
inge wong | HMC1 | Chinese language level 1 | Hall D |
SEPTIAN BUDI WALUYAN | HMC1 | Chinese language level 1 | Hall D |
clement zichri ang | HMC2 | Chinese language level 2 | Hall D |
Ivan Steven Jayawan | HP803 | Are you okay? mental health In s... | Hall F |
Kurniawan Prasetya Pieth | HP803 | Are you okay? mental health In s... | Hall F |
Michael Sanjaya Wira | HP803 | Are you okay? mental health In s... | Hall F |
Stefanus Setiadi | HP803 | Are you okay? mental health In s... | Hall F |
Aditya Heru Prathama | MB219 | Principles of risk and Insurance | Hall D |
Cahyadi | MB219 | Principles of risk and Insurance | Hall D |
Christian Budiman | MB219 | Principles of risk and Insurance | Hall D |
Rabu, 19 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Goliath Beniah | CH4001 | Chemical, biological and plant s... | Hall B |
Gabriella Khoesadi | CPE201 | Digital circuits & systems | Hall A |
Kartini Mulyadi | CSC304 | Ai and Intelligent systems | Hall E |
Rocky Stephanus | CSC304 | Ai and Intelligent systems | Hall E |
Astrid Amelia | EE2003 | Semiconductor fundamentals | Hall A |
Dian Charlo Valentine | FE1002 | Physics II | Hall D |
RENDI EIN JANVIER YOHANES | FE1002 | Physics II | Hall... |
monica lesmana | HG102 | Fundamentals of linguistics(b): ... | Hall B |
Dina Christiani Joewono | MP3002 | Mechanics of deformable solids | Hall C |
Melita Sumitro | MP3002 | Mechanics of deformable solids | Hall C |
Michael Sanjaya Wira | MP3002 | Mechanics of deformable solids | Hall C |
Nikolaus | MS2006 | Thermodynamics & kinetics of mat... | Hall A |
Stefanus Setiadi | MS2006 | Thermodynamics & kinetics of mat... | Hall A |
Rabu, 19 Nov 2008, 13:00 |
Andre Sugiarto | AB112 | Marketing | Hall A |
Steffanie Berlian Simatup... | AB112 | Marketing | Hall A |
Go Ka Diam | BS305 | Plant biology | Hall C |
Maria Noviani | BS305 | Plant biology | Hall C |
Timotius Marvin Suhartono | BS305 | Plant biology | Hall C |
Ayrine Natalie Chiu | CBC212 | Inorganic and bioinorganic chemi... | Hall D |
Brian Marshal | CSC105 | Data structures and object-orien... | Hall E |
Arifin Effendi | CV3101 | Structures II | Hall F |
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan Jap | CV3101 | Structures II | Hall F |
Irana Pantow | CV3101 | Structures II | Hall F |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | CV3101 | Structures II | Hall F |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | EE3013 | Semiconductor devices & processing | Hall L |
FELICIA FIBIANI PERMATASARI | MAS110 | Introduction to scientific progr... | Hall L |
Hendrik Santoso Sugiarto | MAS110 | Introduction to scientific progr... | Hall L |
Raymond Christopher | MAS110 | Introduction to scientific progr... | Hall L |
Irving Paul GIrsang | MP2006 | Mathematics 3 | Hall B |
Koh Wee Liang | MP2006 | Mathematics 3 | Hall B |
Rabu, 19 Nov 2008, 17:00 |
Ivan Steven Jayawan | CV2601 | Fluid mechanics | Hall E |
FELICIA FIBIANI PERMATASARI | EE8091 | Sound In our daily life | Hall B |
Hendrik Santoso Sugiarto | EE8091 | Sound In our daily life | Hall B |
Astrid Amelia | GV17 | Magic of voice In the world of a... | Hall B |
Abednego Trianto Kurniawan | HS816 | Understanding singapore society | Hall C |
clement zichri ang | MB107 | Fundamentals of business law | Hall D |
Kamis, 20 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Marcia Calisa | BG2012 | Biofluid systems | Hall D |
Ng Christine | BG2012 | Biofluid systems | Hall D |
Stephen Nathaniel Gunawan | BG2012 | Biofluid systems | Hall D |
Theresia Indahayu Kurniawan | BG2012 | Biofluid systems | Hall D |
Yolanda Aphrilia Setiagani | BS203 | Advanced cell biology | Hall L |
Henni Djunaidi | BS406 | Current topics In cell biology | Hall F |
Joseph Kurniawan | CH2003 | Fluid systems | Hall D |
Gabriella Khoesadi | CPE204 | Discrete mathematics and algorit... | Hall B |
Daniel Perdana Simandjuntak | HE401 | Advanced microeconomics | Hall F |
Cahyadi | MAS316 | Regression analysis | Hall B |
Aditya Heru Prathama | MP4005 | Fluid dynamics | Hall F |
Hadi Salim | MP4005 | Fluid dynamics | Hall F |
Valencia Ang | MP4005 | Fluid dynamics | Hall F |
Cinthya Lie | MS3003 | Materials failure | Hall C |
Isabella Mantini Halim | MS3003 | Materials failure | Hall C |
Marlene Agus | MS3003 | Materials failure | Hall C |
SEPTIAN BUDI WALUYAN | PAP361 | Semiconductor processing | Hall L |
Kamis, 20 Nov 2008, 13:00 |
Steffanie Berlian Simatup... | AA201 | Accounting measurement and discl... | Hall L |
Indra Kristanto | BG3003 | Signal processing In biosystems | Hall A |
Maya Vania | BG3003 | Signal processing In biosystems | Hall A |
Enrico Simanjuntak | BS1004 | Life sciences | Hall A |
Handiyadi Tantiono | BS1004 | Life sciences | Hall A |
Samuel Hanria | BS1004 | Life sciences | Hall A |
Marcella Giovanni | CBC121 | Biological chemistry 1 | Hall B |
Yosafat Tri Hanggoro | EE4341 | Advanced analog circuits | Hall C |
Daniel Perdana Simandjuntak | HE306 | Urban and transport economics | Hall F |
monica lesmana | HG210 | Bilingualism and multilingualism | Hall D |
Koe Han Beng | MAS211 | Calculus IIi | Hall B |
Yosua Michael Maranatha | MATH1A | Calculus of one variable | Hall C |
Christian Budiman | MP4006 | Robotics | Hall F |
Gunadi Wihardjo | MP4006 | Robotics | Hall F |
Marvin Sugi Hartono | MP4006 | Robotics | Hall F |
marwin | MP4006 | Robotics | Hall F |
Rivan Rivaldy | MP4006 | Robotics | Hall F |
Yannata Kurniawan | MP4006 | Robotics | Hall F |
Sandy Adhitia Ekahana | PAP211 | Quantum mechanics 1 | Hall F |
Raymond Christopher | PHYS1C | Waves and quantum mechanics | Hall F |
Kamis, 20 Nov 2008, 17:00 |
Hana Boenjamin | ADM240 | Survey of modern art,1900-1945 | Hall A |
Mel | CBC922 | Medicinal chemistry | Hall B |
Ayrine Natalie Chiu | CBC931 | Industrial chemistry | Hall B |
Widodo Andreas | CBC931 | Industrial chemistry | Hall B |
Goliath Beniah | CH4243 | Advanced reaction engineering | Hall D |
Arifin Effendi | EM104 | Air quality management | Hall D |
Go Ka Diam | EM104 | Air quality management | Hall D |
Hiu Lia Andriyani | HH101 | What Is history? concepts, pract... | Hall D |
Melita Sumitro | HMS2 | Spanish language level 2 | Hall B |
Kartini Mulyadi | HP806 | Psychology of crisis stress mana... | Hall C |
Koe Han Beng | HS815 | Why we work? social understandin... | Hall C |
Abednego Trianto Kurniawan | MB102 | Business finance | Hall A |
Astrid Amelia | MB102 | Business finance | Hall A |
Stefanus Setiadi | MB102 | Business finance | Hall A |
Yannata Kurniawan | MB102 | Business finance | Hall A |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | MP2014 | Engineering management analysis | Hall D |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | MP2014 | Engineering management analysis | Hall D |
Jumat, 21 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Steffanie Berlian Simatup... | AA202 | Accounting for decision making &... | Hall C |
Freddy Kusnadi Tan | CSC422 | Neural networks | Hall L |
Tio Favian Antonius | CSC422 | Neural networks | Hall L |
Arifin Effendi | CV3401 | Transportation engineering | Hall B |
Edwin Ho | EE3001 | Engineering electromagnetics | Hall A |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | EE3001 | Engineering electromagnetics | Hall A |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | EE3001 | Engineering electromagnetics | Hall A |
Dian Charlo Valentine | FE1003 | Chemistry | Hall D |
Enrico Simanjuntak | FE1003 | Chemistry | Hall E |
RENDI EIN JANVIER YOHANES | FE1003 | Chemistry | Hall... |
Daniel Perdana Simandjuntak | HE210 | Development economics | Hall E |
Garlia Wiwoho Sutinah | HP320 | Learning and behavioral analysis | Hall B |
Jasmine Widodo | HP320 | Learning and behavioral analysis | Hall B |
Darwin Kusuma | MP2010 | Thermodynamics and heat transfer | Hall B |
Irving Paul GIrsang | MP2010 | Thermodynamics and heat transfer | Hall B |
Koh Wee Liang | MP2010 | Thermodynamics and heat transfer | Hall B |
Jumat, 21 Nov 2008, 14:30 |
Go Ka Diam | BS306 | Developmental biology | Hall C |
Maria Noviani | BS306 | Developmental biology | Hall C |
Timotius Marvin Suhartono | BS306 | Developmental biology | Hall C |
Henni Djunaidi | BS411 | Current topics In virology/micro... | Hall C |
Kartini Mulyadi | CSC303 | Software engineering II | Hall E |
Rocky Stephanus | CSC303 | Software engineering II | Hall E |
Irana Pantow | CV2301 | Soil mechanics | Hall F |
Kurniawan Prasetya Pieth | CV2301 | Soil mechanics | Hall F |
Kristo | EE4207 | Control engineering design | Hall A |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | EE4340 | Vlsi systems | Hall A |
Arif Ardhie Sidharta | HE202 | Intermediate macroeconomics | Hall L |
Michael Sanjaya Wira | MP4C01 | Biomechanics | Hall D |
Rivan Rivaldy | MP4C01 | Biomechanics | Hall D |
Nikolaus | MS2030 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall A |
Stefanus Setiadi | MS2030 | Human resource management & entr... | Hall A |
Senin, 24 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Jennifer Chandra | AB102 | Financial management | Hall D |
RANDY LASMANA | AB102 | Financial management | Hall D |
Ayrine Natalie Chiu | CBC961 | Food chemistry and analysis | Hall F |
Jefri Sanusi Teguh | CBC961 | Food chemistry and analysis | Hall F |
Widodo Andreas | CBC961 | Food chemistry and analysis | Hall F |
Edwin Boaz Soenaryo | CPE413 | Cryptography and network security | Hall L |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | CPE413 | Cryptography and network security | Hall L |
Edwin Lesmana Tjiong | CSC409 | Cryptography and network security | Hall L |
Freddy Kusnadi Tan | CSC409 | Cryptography and network security | Hall L |
Edwin Ho | EE4001 | Software engineering | Hall F |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE4001 | Software engineering | Hall F |
clement zichri ang | HE312 | Political economy of east asia | Hall C |
Daniel Perdana Simandjuntak | HE312 | Political economy of east asia | Hall C |
Darwin Kusuma | MP2008 | Electrical and electronics: circ... | Hall B |
Irving Paul GIrsang | MP2008 | Electrical and electronics: circ... | Hall B |
stifen | MP2008 | Electrical and electronics: circ... | Hall B |
Melita Sumitro | MP4A05 | Mechanics of aerospace materials | Hall C |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | MP4A05 | Mechanics of aerospace materials | Hall C |
Senin, 24 Nov 2008, 13:00 |
Jennifer Chandra | AB107 | Business law | Hall A |
RANDY LASMANA | AB107 | Business law | Hall A |
Meriska Sudarmadji | BG1003 | Chemistry for engineers | Hall L |
Indra Kristanto | BG3004 | Biomedical Imaging | Hall B |
Maya Vania | BG3004 | Biomedical Imaging | Hall B |
Indra Kurniawan Lim | CH1005 | Materials science | Hall E |
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju... | CH1005 | Materials science | Hall E |
Shilvia Kasdani | COM460 | Persuasion and social Influence | Hall F |
Brian Marshal | CSC101 | Introduction to computer systems | Hall F |
inge wong | CSC101 | Introduction to computer systems | Hall F |
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan Jap | CV3501 | Environmental engineering | Hall L |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | CV3501 | Environmental engineering | Hall L |
Raymond Christopher | MAS215 | Probability & statistics I | Hall D |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | MAS215 | Probability & statistics I | Hall D |
Nikolaus | MS2004 | Materials structure & mechanical... | Hall F |
Stefanus Setiadi | MS2004 | Materials structure & mechanical... | Hall F |
FELICIA FIBIANI PERMATASARI | PAP111 | Mechanics & relativity | Hall L |
Hendrik Santoso Sugiarto | PAP111 | Mechanics & relativity | Hall L |
Marcella Giovanni | PAP181 | Foundations of physics I | Hall C |
Sandy Adhitia Ekahana | PAP232 | Introduction to solids | Hall C |
Yosua Michael Maranatha | PHYS1A | Mechanics | Hall L |
Senin, 24 Nov 2008, 17:00 |
Adhi Kurnianto | MB363 | Management decision tools | Hall D |
Stefanus Tedjaseputro | MB363 | Management decision tools | Hall D |
Selasa, 25 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Marcia Calisa | BG2005 | Biomolecular engineering II | Hall L |
Ng Christine | BG2005 | Biomolecular engineering II | Hall L |
Stephen Nathaniel Gunawan | BG2005 | Biomolecular engineering II | Hall L |
Theresia Indahayu Kurniawan | BG2005 | Biomolecular engineering II | Hall L |
Jasmine Widodo | BG4234 | Stem cell fundamentals | Hall A |
Ratna Ekawati Dharmawan | BG4234 | Stem cell fundamentals | Hall A |
Yolanda Aphrilia Setiagani | BS202 | Microbiology | Hall C |
Mel | CBC314 | Physical and biophysical chemist... | Hall F |
Widodo Andreas | CBC314 | Physical and biophysical chemist... | Hall F |
Joseph Kurniawan | CH2005 | Biomolecular engineering II | Hall L |
Kartini Mulyadi | CSC301 | Programming languages | Hall E |
Rocky Stephanus | CSC301 | Programming languages | Hall E |
Astrid Amelia | EE2006 | Engineering mathematics I | Hall A |
Yosafat Tri Hanggoro | EE4344 | Analysis & design of Integrated ... | Hall F |
Ivan Steven Jayawan | EN2501 | Environmental chemistry | Hall K |
Arif Ardhie Sidharta | HE320 | Applied econometrics | Hall C |
clement zichri ang | HE320 | Applied econometrics | Hall C |
Cahyadi | MAS321 | Ordinary differential equations | Hall E |
Raymond Christopher | MAS321 | Ordinary differential equations | Hall E |
Koh Wee Liang | MP2002 | Kinematics and dynamics of machi... | Hall B |
Aditya Heru Prathama | MP4008 | Human resource management | Hall D |
Christian Budiman | MP4008 | Human resource management | Hall D |
Gunadi Wihardjo | MP4008 | Human resource management | Hall D |
Hadi Salim | MP4008 | Human resource management | Hall D |
Marvin Sugi Hartono | MP4008 | Human resource management | Hall D |
marwin | MP4008 | Human resource management | Hall D |
Rivan Rivaldy | MP4008 | Human resource management | Hall D |
Yannata Kurniawan | MP4008 | Human resource management | Hall D |
Adhi Kurnianto | MS3001 | Metallic & ceramic materials | Hall D |
Cinthya Lie | MS3001 | Metallic & ceramic materials | Hall D |
Isabella Mantini Halim | MS3001 | Metallic & ceramic materials | Hall D |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | PAP362 | Photonics | Hall L |
Selasa, 25 Nov 2008, 13:00 |
Koe Han Beng | AE2005 | Aerospace dynamics | Hall A |
daniel senjaya wong | BS102 | Biophysical chemistry | Hall B |
Go Ka Diam | BS308 | Cancer biology | Hall A |
Maria Noviani | BS308 | Cancer biology | Hall A |
Timotius Marvin Suhartono | BS308 | Cancer biology | Hall A |
Goliath Beniah | CH4002 | Chemical & biomedical engineerin... | Hall B |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | EE3011 | Modelling and control | Hall F |
Ricksen Surya Winardhi | MAS111 | Foundations of mathematics | Hall D |
Dina Christiani Joewono | MP3011 | Engineering design | Hall C |
Melita Sumitro | MP3011 | Engineering design | Hall C |
Michael Sanjaya Wira | MP3011 | Engineering design | Hall C |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | MP3011 | Engineering design | Hall C |
Selasa, 25 Nov 2008, 17:00 |
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan Jap | CBC811 | Forensic science | Hall A |
Garlia Wiwoho Sutinah | CBC811 | Forensic science | Hall A |
Hana Boenjamin | CBC811 | Forensic science | Hall A |
Marcella Giovanni | CBC811 | Forensic science | Hall B |
Sandy Adhitia Ekahana | CBC811 | Forensic science | Hall C |
Yolanda Aphrilia Setiagani | CBC811 | Forensic science | Hall C |
Hezron Freddy Manurung | MB218 | International financial management | Hall D |
Marlene Agus | MB218 | International financial management | Hall D |
Maya Vania | MB218 | International financial management | Hall D |
Shilvia Kasdani | MB218 | International financial management | Hall D |
Rabu, 26 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Edwin Boaz Soenaryo | CPE423 | Parallel processing | Hall A |
Edwin Lesmana Tjiong | CSC423 | Parallel processing | Hall A |
Freddy Kusnadi Tan | CSC423 | Parallel processing | Hall A |
Sally Alexia Anggoman Ang | CSC423 | Parallel processing | Hall A |
Arifin Effendi | CV3301 | Foundation engineering | Hall E |
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan Jap | CV3301 | Foundation engineering | Hall E |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | CV3301 | Foundation engineering | Hall E |
Irana Pantow | CV4553 | Solid waste management | Hall F |
Edwin Ho | EE3017 | Computer communications | Hall A |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE4188 | Wireless communications | Hall A |
Kristo | EE4265 | Process control systems | Hall B |
Cahyadi | MAS328 | Stochastic processes | Hall B |
Nikolaus | MS2001 | Mathematics II | Hall B |
Stefanus Setiadi | MS2001 | Mathematics II | Hall B |
Rabu, 26 Nov 2008, 13:00 |
Andre Sugiarto | AB103 | Statistical & quantitative methods | Hall A |
Meriska Sudarmadji | BG1002 | Bioengineering physics | Hall B |
Indra Kristanto | BG3005 | Biomedical Instrumentation | Hall B |
Maya Vania | BG3005 | Biomedical Instrumentation | Hall B |
Indra Kurniawan Lim | CH1020 | Physical chemistry | Hall B |
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju... | CH1020 | Physical chemistry | Hall B |
Kurniawan Prasetya Pieth | CV2602 | Water resources engineering | Hall B |
Sandy Adhitia Ekahana | MAS281 | Complex methods for the sciences | Hall C |
Kamis, 27 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Andre Sugiarto | AB106 | Principles of economics | Hall C |
Marcia Calisa | BG2041 | Mechanics of materials | Hall A |
Ng Christine | BG2041 | Mechanics of materials | Hall A |
Stephen Nathaniel Gunawan | BG2041 | Mechanics of materials | Hall A |
Theresia Indahayu Kurniawan | BG2041 | Mechanics of materials | Hall A |
Jasmine Widodo | BG4902 | Human resource management | Hall F |
Maya Vania | BG4902 | Human resource management | Hall F |
Ratna Ekawati Dharmawan | BG4902 | Human resource management | Hall F |
Yolanda Aphrilia Setiagani | BS204 | Experimental molecular and cell ... | Hall E |
Mel | CBC316 | Chemistry and biological chemist... | Hall D |
Widodo Andreas | CBC316 | Chemistry and biological chemist... | Hall D |
Joseph Kurniawan | CH2007 | Computational methods In chemica... | Hall A |
Edwin Lesmana Tjiong | CSC401 | Advanced algorithms | Hall D |
Freddy Kusnadi Tan | CSC401 | Advanced algorithms | Hall D |
Sally Alexia Anggoman Ang | CSC401 | Advanced algorithms | Hall D |
Tio Favian Antonius | CSC401 | Advanced algorithms | Hall D |
Arifin Effendi | CV4000 | Engineer & society | Hall B |
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan Jap | CV4000 | Engineer & society | Hall B |
Irana Pantow | CV4000 | Engineer & society | Hall B |
Trieska Yokhebed Wahyudi | CV4000 | Engineer & society | Hall B |
Hadi Widjaya Tjioe | EE3014 | Digital signal processing | Hall D |
Christian Budiman | MP4007 | Engineers and society | Hall B |
Dina Christiani Joewono | MP4007 | Engineers and society | Hall B |
Gunadi Wihardjo | MP4007 | Engineers and society | Hall B |
Marvin Sugi Hartono | MP4007 | Engineers and society | Hall B |
marwin | MP4007 | Engineers and society | Hall B |
Melita Sumitro | MP4007 | Engineers and society | Hall B |
Michael Sanjaya Wira | MP4007 | Engineers and society | Hall B |
Rivan Rivaldy | MP4007 | Engineers and society | Hall B |
Yannata Kurniawan | MP4007 | Engineers and society | Hall B |
Yudhistira Andi Prasetyo | MP4007 | Engineers and society | Hall B |
Adhi Kurnianto | MS3002 | Advanced materials processing | Hall F |
Cinthya Lie | MS3002 | Advanced materials processing | Hall F |
Isabella Mantini Halim | MS3002 | Advanced materials processing | Hall F |
Marlene Agus | MS3002 | Advanced materials processing | Hall F |
Kamis, 27 Nov 2008, 13:00 |
Koe Han Beng | AE2001 | Fluid mechanics | Hall B |
daniel senjaya wong | BS104 | Biochemistry I - biomolecules | Hall D |
Go Ka Diam | BS309 | Human genetics | Hall B |
Maria Noviani | BS309 | Human genetics | Hall B |
Timotius Marvin Suhartono | BS309 | Human genetics | Hall B |
Marcella Giovanni | CBC113 | Basic organic chemistry with lab... | Hall A |
Kristo | EE4273 | Digital control systems | Hall A |
stifen | MP2005 | Fluid mechanics | Hall B |
Jumat, 28 Nov 2008, 9:00 |
Yonathan Widya Adipradana | EE4153 | Telecommunication systems | Hall A |
Hiu Lia Andriyani | MAS446 | Probabilistic methods In or | Hall A |
Michael Sanjaya Wira | MP3006 | Microprocessor systems | Hall B |
Gunadi Wihardjo | MP4F03 | Quality assurance and management | Hall B |
Adhi Kurnianto | MS4030 | Engineers and society | Hall A |
Cinthya Lie | MS4030 | Engineers and society | Hall A |
Isabella Mantini Halim | MS4030 | Engineers and society | Hall A |
Marlene Agus | MS4030 | Engineers and society | Hall A |
Jumat, 28 Nov 2008, 14:30 |
Koe Han Beng | AE2004 | Circuits & electronics | Hall C |
Meriska Sudarmadji | BG1031 | Biomolecular engineering I | Hall A |
Indra Kristanto | BG3006 | Advanced biocomputational methods | Hall A |
Maya Vania | BG3006 | Advanced biocomputational methods | Hall A |
Indra Kurniawan Lim | CH1031 | Biomolecular engineering I | Hall A |
Nina Kurniasih Pratomo Ju... | CH1031 | Biomolecular engineering I | Hall A |
Goliath Beniah | CH4223 | Petroleum refining | Hall A |
Aditya Heru Prathama | MP4D05 | Noise and vibration control | Hall B |
Sandy Adhitia Ekahana | PAP221 | Classical mechanics | Hall B |
Sabtu, 6 Dec 2008, 23:59 |
Anthony Wisata | IA | Industrial attachment | Kant... |
Maria Regina Hartono | IA | Industrial attachment | Kant... |
Melissa Prawirasatya | IA | Industrial attachment | Kant... |
Monica Suryana Tjin | IA | Industrial attachment | Kant... |
Olivia Wijaya | IA | Industrial attachment | Kant... |
Ridwan Kurniawan | IA | Industrial attachment | Kant... |
Sonny Budiman Sasaka | IA | Industrial attachment | Kant... |
Tampilkan smua |