20 Aug 2005 Striking a text in order to make it unreadable83691 Mencoret tulisan sehingga tak terbaca lagi Pada suatu saat, waktu kuliah, ga boleh ngobrol, jadi di catatan kuliah kutulis "ada singa cewe yang kenal?" lalu kuperlihatkan pada teman sebelahku. Someday, while I have lectures, it was not allowed to chat. So on the lecture notes I wrote "is there any female lion* you know?" then it was shown to my friend next to me. Temanku itu menggeleng. Karena kutulis di catatan kuliah, nantinya kalo keliatan teman lain, kan nanti mungkin ada orang yang menganggap aku suka cewe, ato aku suka singa, ato aku suka kenal, ato aku suka "?" (tanda tanya). Jadi beginilah tulisannya: My friend shook her head. Because it was written on a lecture notes, later if some of my friends see it, maybe there would be someone who consider that I like females, or I like lions*, or I like knowing, or I like the "?" (question mark). So the writing was like this: Gada tipex dan penghapus, jadi tentu saja dicoret lah. Yang paling gampang dan cepet dan umum ya segaris aja, tapi ya jelas ini ga ada gunanya, tetep jelas keliatan. There was no tip-ex nor eraser, so of course it was striked out. The easiest and fastest method is striking it with one line, but of course this has no purpose, the text is still clearly visible.
Cara lain untuk yang masih rada rajin, tapi males untuk nyembunyiin bener, ya gini lah.. kira2.. entah kenapa ada yang mau nyoret begini.. (masi bisa keliatan kan? Yang ga bisa ayo angkat tangan...) Another way for those that is still a bit dilligent, but lazy to hide the text properly, should be like this.. approximately, don't know why there are some who wants to do it like this.. (you can still see it, right? if cannot, raise your hand...) Untuk yang lebih maksa... dan ngabisin tinta bolpen... ada cara bagus, beginilah cara sembunyiin tulisannya. Tapi, benarkah tulisan aslinya tersembunyi? For those who still resists, and wants to discard ballpoint ink... there is a good way, this is how they hide the text. But, is the original text really hidden?
Ternyata ga. Tekanan bolpen yang muncul ketika tulis tulisan beneran dan ketika nyoret asal2an berbeda. Waktu tulis beneran, pasti tekanan bolpennya lebih besar, jadi kalau diperhatikan baik2, kita bisa liat tulisan sebenarnya. Liat: Actually not. Ballpoint pressure that is applied while we wrote the original text and that while freely scribing to cover the text, are different. While writing the original text, the pressure is indeed larger, so if you pay much attention to it, you can see the original text. See:
(Diperbesar) Ada tulisan "cewe" kan? Tul ga? Harus tul ah. (Zoomed in) There is a text that reads "cewe", right? Right? Must be right! Setelah berbagai cara, cara terbagus itu sebetulnya dengan menimpanya lagi dengan tulisan2 asal, yaitu bukan garis, coretan, dsb tapi huruf2 beneran! Tulis huruf apa aja 2 ato 3 kali di atas tulisan asli, supaya tulisan aslinya ga keliatan. Contohnya, tulis "dcwogiuqpghwojoasaoskq" atau apapun. After so many methods, the best method is actually by overwriting it with arbitrary text, that is not a line, scribing, etc, but a real letters! Write any letters 2 or three times on top of the original text, in order to make the original text not visible. For example, write "dcwogiuqpghwojoasaoskq" or somthing else.
Gimana? Sip kan? Jadi ga keliatan tulisan aslinya.... benar2 jadi kaya tulisan aneh..... Versi diperbesar (Taro tikus di atas gambar biar gambarnya gede): How is it? Great isn't it? The original text become invisible.... it's really like a strange writing..... Zoomed in version (Place your mouse over the picture to make it large):
Written by: yuku |