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25 Dec 2008
Christmas SMS
SMS Natal

Christmas brings joy to the world, christmas also bring sms to your cellphone, as you received some SMS, me too, let me show you some interesting sms:

Natal membawa kebahagiaan ke dunia, Natal juga membawa SMS ke ponsel mu, seperti kamu menerima SMS, aku juga, biarkan aku memperlihatkan beberapa SMS yang menarik:

  1. . .,, . . . . .
    l l,," l /\ l /\ l\ l
    l l \ V V/^^\l \l

    mengucapkan:lMERrY x'Mä$ ñ HàPp¥ nÉW y3ÄR! Gbu =)

    -> SMS which contains your name and Christmas + NewYear Greetings.
    -> SMS yang mengandung nama kamu sekaligus ucapan Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru.

  2. GOD has gifts 4 U
    a LIGHT 4 evry shadow
    a PLAN 4 evry newdays
    a KEY 4 evry problem
    a JOY 4 evry sorrow
    May U have GOD's love & blessings.
    Merry X'mas 2009!

  3. I've a special X'mas gift 4 u :
    A glass of CARE,
    A plate of LOVE,
    A spoon of PEACE,
    A fork of TRUST,
    and A bowl of PRAYERS.

  4. "WheN ¥öu Ä$k GOD 4 ä GIfT,

    Be ThäNkFU£ IF HE $eNd$...

    N¤t DIÄm¤Nd$,
    N¤t PeäR£s,
    N¤T RIcHe$,

    BUT tHe ReÄL L¤Ve ìN JESUS!"

    HäVe ä W¤NdeRfùL ChRIStMä$! :)

  5. with TRiΔLS...
     we grow
       in FΔiTH.
    with FΔiTH...
     we move
       to GOD.
    with GOD...
     we cΔn do
      Δll things.
     Merry X.mas 2U

  6. 00:05




    ((((((BOOOM)))))) =

  7. Hatiku tak sebening XL, jg tak secerah MENTARI.
    Banyak salah yang kubuat,
    FREN, kuminta SIMPATImu tuk BEBASkanku dengan maafmu
    agar Tahun Baru kita tidak E'SIA2 & dapat HOKI.

  8. New day new power
    New month new sorrow
    and new year new spirit
    Hpie new year! make all d things better this year and alwayz do the best..!! Gbu..

  9. Hepi niu yr 2009!!!! Hohoho.
    Moga2 taon ini skul ngeslack,
    dompet selalu penuh,
    banyak rejeki nemplok,
    dolar turun,
    badan sehat,
    hati damai dan makin keren.

  10. Haloo!
    Taun 2008 berlalu sudah.
    Ga kerasa da 1 taon lewat.
    Semoga di taun baru makin diberkati dan bisa enjoy!
    1 lg, semoga gakesepian ^^
    Met taon baru!

  11. Saat kita merayakan natal, biarlah kita lebih lagi memberi Hormat & Kemuliaan kepada Allah, di dalam Yesus Kristus yang kelahirannya sudah direncanakan Allah (Kej 3:15) Met Natal. Gbu

This is some good SMS for friendship:
Beberapa SMS tentang persahabatan:

  1. I've told santa what i want 4 Xmas:best friend.So,if a fat red jacket old man comes 'n tries to wrap you up,please cooperate!Merry Christmas^^

  2. I've aLrEady tOld SaNtA WhAt i wAnT 4 Xmas,a gUd FrEn tHaT Will sTaY 4EvA.So iF A Fat mAn cOmE ArOuNd & tRy 2 wRaP U,pLs cOoPeRate. MèrRy XmA$! ho3..GBU..;-)

  3. ,** what date's
    (ö, ) now?..
    ((")(") 25??

    ,** so it's
    ( ö, ) christmas
    (")(") Day!..

    ,** MERr¥
    ( , ö) CHRISTMÄS
    (")(") FRIEÑD!.. GBU always..

Do you have some interesting SMSs?
Kamu punya SMS yang menarik?

If you want, you can share them to us via comment box below^^... otherwise, just send us your comments!
Kalau kamu mau, kamu bisa bagikan lewat kotak komentar^^... kalau ga, ya kirim komentar aja!

- M3rrY CHRi5TMaS -
- 53L4M4T N4t4L -

Written by: adhi

Selamat Natal semuany..

Lena [us], 5 Dec 2009, 3:44 reply
Gee, thanks for those nice collection. Very helpful for those who lack of creativity when texting X-Mas greetings (me for example :p). Very appreciate it ;)
Merry Christmas to you too

Lorem Ipsum [id], 24 Dec 2009, 16:20 reply